What It's Like To Be A Beautiful Woman


I'm very interested in what women think of this article.
  • a woman in her late 50s tells Alexa us how being beautiful affected her life
  • I never interviewed for a job I didn’t get. I had a good degree from a good college, sure, but I think all things being equal I’d get the job above other candidates because of the way I look.
  • One of the worst things about being beautiful is that other women absolutely despise you.
    • Women don’t trust me
  • That resistance other woman have towards being my friend is definitely one of the pitfalls of being attractive.
    • These days, since I have aged I pass as normal. As far as men, and anyone under 40 is concerned, I am invisible. They do not see me. I could walk across the street naked — it’s that bad.
      • Here’s the really sad part. It doesn’t matter how beautiful you were in your youth; when you age you become invisible.
  • https://www.thecut.com/2018/04/what-its-like-to-be-a-really-beautiful-woman.html
That's why I do squats. I may get older but Im gonna make this booty last forever.
But we already know this, beautiful people, physically got people are inherently treated nicer. I was a HIDEOUS teen, acne, greasy goth as hell and not the cool kind now a days. After I finished high-school I stepped into my own and Holy ******* people are just so much more polite, patient with me.
That's why I do squats. I may get older but Im gonna make this booty last forever.
But we already know this, beautiful people, physically got people are inherently treated nicer. I was a HIDEOUS teen, acne, greasy goth as hell and not the cool kind now a days. After I finished high-school I stepped into my own and Holy ******* people are just so much more polite, patient with me.
That's why I do squats. I may get older but Im gonna make this booty last forever.
But we already know this, beautiful people, physically got people are inherently treated nicer. I was a HIDEOUS teen, acne, greasy goth as hell and not the cool kind now a days. After I finished high-school I stepped into my own and Holy ******* people are just so much more polite, patient with me.
Your hips and ass do not lie... thick and strong. I'm a fan...
Yes, physically "beautiful" people are treated nicer. But according to her, it's also made life more difficult. I guess we can't escape the paradox of life... "Good vs. Bad".
I also found that societies standards of physical beauty has become more subjective today compared to years ago.
After reading the details of her perspective I was surprised at the conflicts. Sounds like she has a lot of good problems to have... lol.... but her struggle is real none the less.
I can only comment on what was said in the article. While I have no proof since I obviously don’t know this woman I believe she’s at least partly to blame for her issues. Everyone believes that they are nice people but the reality is many people treat others like crap. While I don’t doubt that some women may have been intimidated by her looks most people will treat you the way you treat them.

My life has been the exact opposite of hers. Like many redheads I was a very late bloomer. My hair was more orange than red, I was covered in freckles and my body started developing later than many of the girls in school. I was teased unmercifully. I had to work hard to make friends. Boys had no interest in me. But once I matured- for me it was my first year in college- my hair transformed to its current deep red, my freckles faded and my body finished developing- I became what many people consider “beautiful.”

I used to think life was so unfair- why couldn’t I be like the pretty girls. But looking back I wouldn’t change a thing. It made me the person I am today.

A “beautiful” woman with people who care for her.
I really think it is going to be on a person by person basis as we all have different likes and dislikes. I think though you would have a better shot being beautiful whether being a man or a woman depending on who was interviewing you or selecting you. The downside would be if you let that coast you through life. I feel if you get to 40 and all of the sudden have nothing then chances are you didn't put in the work and just relied upon being beautiful. Let it be a tool but don't let it be the only tool you have and use because beauty is fading and aging is going to happen.