That is not how my wife sees the modern marriage. For her new sexual freedom is not a surrender but a new opportunity. She gave me this example: as a young girl she never ate bananas. But then she tried it once and like it supremely. Since then she has bananas all the time, sometimes one, sometimes two at a time. But this does not mean that she wants to eat nothing but.... She does not want to change her marital status, she loves me. She loves me even more for allowing her to indulge from time to time. No carnage, please.

The golden mean is the foundation of perfect life leadership. Your wife sees the situation very well, because sexual openness is really an option, not a mandatory thing, where the husband must be humble and humiliated!!
It can be observed that the desire for total humility is more characteristic of masturbating white men chasing phantasmagoria than of black bulls, although there is some degree of overlap!!
More and more white people are joining this site alone each week, let alone other platforms and this is great to see.
The lifestyle is definitely growing, but it still has a long way to go before it becomes main stream.
I joined this site originally without my wife's knowledge, I was so happy to discover that I wasn't the only white guy with this fantasy.
The majority of people that I have spoken with here are great and they really helped me find the courage to confront my wife about my fantasy.
Yes she was very reluctant at 1st but again with the help of a couple of bull's on here , without mentioning names, I eventually got my to agree to give the lifestyle ago.
Over 3 years later we are both addicted to lifestyle and my wife has a long-term bull.
I would recommend this lifestyle to any white couple and it would be great to see it go mainstream.
More and more white people are joining this site alone each week, let alone other platforms and this is great to see.
The lifestyle is definitely growing, but it still has a long way to go before it becomes main stream.
I joined this site originally without my wife's knowledge, I was so happy to discover that I wasn't the only white guy with this fantasy.
The majority of people that I have spoken with here are great and they really helped me find the courage to confront my wife about my fantasy.
Yes she was very reluctant at 1st but again with the help of a couple of bull's on here , without mentioning names, I eventually got my to agree to give the lifestyle ago.
Over 3 years later we are both addicted to lifestyle and my wife has a long-term bull.
I would recommend this lifestyle to any white couple and it would be great to see it go mainstream.


The media already portrays some form of sex between black men and white women as mainstream (no need to think about cuckold sex), and there are as many possibilities as can be created based on existing phenotypes!

The of both black woman and white man amateur and professional videos is beginning to multiply in the repertoire, followed by asian woman black / white man relationship, but the number of videos of sex with Asian (including American natives and some mestics) male black and white women is almost zero.

Mediums can strongly influence people’s way of thinking because it’s like *******: when someone wants to be controlled for some reason, hypnotherapy will be effective! The situation is so simple psychologically!
The new modern marriage is now a reality of the free world. Black bulls are now an indispensable figure for married white couples. What makes us happiest is that most married white men want this lifestyle. Too many married white men are now grateful to black bulls who have the potential to fuck their wives. They are now determined to leave the issue of meeting their wives' sexual needs entirely up to the black bulls.
This new modern marriage is now a global culture. Too many married white men now accept and appreciate the position of black bulls in their marriage. What about married white women? They are very happy to live under the rule of their black bulls and receive all the support from their husbands.

I wonder what married white men and women here think about the new marriage culture. State your ideas View attachment 4626976
Just like the picture shows I love stroking my average dick while talking or fantasize about my wife get what she need from another who can give it and enjoy the sexual feeling she give him. So whe talked a lot about it and at this moment it doesn't feel strange anymore for both of us. I would love to have a marriage / sexlife like this. Just the tree of us living in harmony and every single one have his need fulfilled !