Taken by ******* ?

So do the ones that KNOW they don't understand women. It doesn't matter. All of us are left in a fog by women. lol
So do the ones that KNOW they don't understand women. It doesn't matter. All of us are left in a fog by women. lol
First of all I don't believe women want to be understood, I have had more than one woman over the years that has confessed she didn't understand herself. I think the thing most women want is to be appreciated. I do invite women to weigh in here.
i TOTALLY appreciate women and all they bring to the table, but you are right. It is women and crazies like flsub) who keep shrinks in business. lol. With guys it's "Rub a little dirt in it! You'll be fine!!!". lol
Well, I don't need to understand women; I wear the pants in MY HOUSE ... and I'M THE BOSS ('cause my wife says I can be!) :)

My Wife doesn't care about who wears the pant as it's who wears the panty that has the power! ;):bounce:
First of all I don't believe women want to be understood, I have had more than one woman over the years that has confessed she didn't understand herself. I think the thing most women want is to be appreciated. I do invite women to weigh in here.
Whenever my hubby doesn't understand something about me, I simply say "it must be a woman thing", and he simply nods knowingly, agrees, and goes about his business. If I can't explain it other than in those terms, I don't expect him to be able to understand it. What I want from him is for him to love me (which he does), make me laugh/smile (which he does), stick up for me (which he does) and hold me when life goes horribly wrong (which he does). All the other stuff is gravy. :)
My wife enjoys when i take her by "*******" . Although its not truely ******. We have this ongoing game where i will sometimes awaken her in the middle of the night and "*******" her, she loves it.
Making comments like that I hope your wife has a good sense of humor or you might be sleeping under the dog house.:bounce:

Oh boy, here we go ... flsubboy4u just called me a racist & bigot in one of the other threads, now I'm going to be called a sexist as well. I'm starting to feel like a Republican ... piss everyone off. That "two pair of lips" is just a tad of humor, ladies, I swear to god ... as are many of my posts. My wife often says "if it has tires or testicles, you know its going to give you trouble" ... now, isn't that comment on the same line? Lots of "thin skin" folks these days. :frantic:
not *******, no ... but with the black guy you're with it can be exciting to be taken hard & by ******* all the time. He is the Man and He is Black, so that makes him the Boss. My bf may be a coupla years younger than me but he's certainly still the boss. If he decides that he wants me and I'm not in the mood (or getting ready for work or whatever) then I might verbally try to protest, but that makes him even more aggressive n insistent. Lotsa Black guys are like that. I've accepted it. :oops: xoxx, Dana