I think women are the key to a better future. They give birth to our species, and a happy woman brings about good changes. Women should be empowered. I was about to break up with my girl, and we had a long conversation about things. I am in love with her. She is a very independent and sexual woman, and I guess I do not want to give her up... so I told her I won't try to know what she is doing anymore, and that we would work out our new arrangement. It feels wierd writing this but we agreed to a new type of relationship, a female led relationship. She likes having sex with me, she loves my attention but she also likes lots of sex. I am now trying full devotion to her for the next 6 months to see how it will work out. I have given her my word that I would hold my end of the contract until June. I am basically to treat her as a goddess. I kind of always have.... buut now she wants little Dom Sub things like how I greet her, that I make her bed and wash her bedding everyweek, that I give her lots of foot rubs and kisses.... normal women things that make her feel special. What is in it for me? She indulges me in sex with her. I cannot get enough of her. I love her smell, and it is one of our rituals for me to smell her.... so she will tell me to come smell her and it turns us both on. Women are the new gods..... and their sexual desires are the universe telling them what is good for them. She hangs out with women that live the same lifestyle, and some of them like black men, some prefer others. My girl prefers black men, or so it seems.
You can be sure that you agree on a great relationship model. Freeing your girlfriend completely sexually will be great for both of you. You'll soon see that black bulls are great at making him happy.
It's normal, once social norms and anxieties are relieved, for white wives to submit sexually to their desires for Black cock and to be BBC owned.

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I think you got this all wrong!
She isn’t there to satisfy him and be his fuck toy. It’s the other way around. He is there for her pleasure and the moment he no longer satisfies her, he’s gone. She is not the fuck toy, he is!
Someone (perhaps a sociologist) sometime back coined the expression "three-person marriage", with the concept being that a black bull would make each white marriage complete, providing sex for the wife and discipline for the couple. We are seeing that concept becoming reality more and more.
There is no such thing as a three person marriage. The marriage is between you and your wife. If your marriage wasn’t complete before you brought someone else in, its not going to be complete afterwards either.

The other person does not complete your marriage, he enhances what your marriage already has. If you have a strong marriage he will enhance it. If you marriage is in shambles, he will make it worse.

The other person should not be part of nor made to feel like they are part of your marriage. They are a temporary guest that you can cut off when they no longer suit your needs.