Its never going to happen! It's just a fantasy, for white women, and for the Black men. If Black men think that all white women will want only black men, then they are dreaming. A Lot of white women don't like black men, they smell funny, the ones that do have bigger cocks are few and far between. There are a lot of white men with just as big as cocks as Black men. Also a lot of women don't like cocks that are to big, because it hurts them when penetrated to deep. A lot of white women don't like the way black men treat them. I don't truly believe the white men will just give up their women and life as they know it without some type of fight. We the blacks can only keep tiring to push this down societies throats and in their minds. If it does ever happen to the magnitude blacks would like it to be, it will be many generations down the road before it may if ever become a reality. I have been on many white forums, to hear what some white people are saying about the future generations, and the majority I have read and listened to, so nothing about a new modern marriage. Our black culture has a lot to learn when it comes to other races, and how they will not tolerate the way that a lot of black people act, and treat others, and always want society to feel sorry for them, because their forefathers from how many generations ago were slaves. So what white people were slaves before the black people ever were, and you don't hear white people complaining and making excuses for ******* that they have suffered through. I am just staying neutral for I can see both sides, but I really have trouble believing that the new modern marriage will ever be to the degree that us blacks would like it to be, Not trying to be negative, just looking honestly at some challenges that will be faced.
Do we really believe, that the white men are dumb, naïve, and will be distracted to the point that they will just overlook what black men are trying to do. If We the Black people think that this is just going to transition , without a hard fight then, you better think again. You think white men want to give up all their fucking, and get no more pussy. They will not let this happen without a long hard fight ! Just speaking the truth of what I believe ! The way most of you sound, it's like this is just going to be a piece of cake and everybody will want it to be the new modern marriage !
If you're catching your wife and her black boyfriend like this when you get home after a mundane work day, congratulations. You are living the dream of countless married men.

Your marriage is in the best possible condition

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Not sure what countless married men you know. But if my husband came home and caught me doing this, without a pre-arraingment or agreement, I would be divorced and he would have every right to. 🤷‍♂️