Serious question

Yes it is wrong if it is used malicious intent behind it. Let's not just try to get rid of the word,because we could never erase history.
....NO, we could never erase history, but we sure don't have to be reminded or repeat history. The word is condescending, regardless of who uses it or why they use it. Or who is ok with it and who is not? The word, and a few more like it, need to be eradicated from the English language. WHO is to say when that word is meant with malicious intent or not? Its malicious whenever it is spoken because of its meaning, and that doesn't change simply by who or why it is being used. It makes many people uncomfortable. Its not a word you can declare racist "when you want to". This is one of those issues that "if you aren't part of the solution, you're part of the problem".
....What about confederate monuments. No ill intent to recognizing those who gave their lives defending their states from northern aggression ... at least THAT'S the way MOST of them saw it and were told. Hardly no one who fought for the south had slaves or disliked black people.
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My opinion: if your bull wants you to use it, go for it! However, never take it upon yourself and decide to use that term. It’s a his discretion, not yours or your spouse. Also, never say it in public or in a demeaning way or to a person that you do not know on a personal level. Some black people don’t mind, but most do! As a society, we can’t and won’t ever remove the pain and malicious intent from that word even though we try to do so. But I also may add that the “N word applies to all races as well, but somehow us blacks seem to cling to it and claim it more so than others. Which is our fault. A wise person always told me, “ it isn’t what they call you, it’s what you answer too “ but yeah, for short check win the bull first, & don’t take it upon yourself to call anyone anything other than their name.
If we are to get rid of a racist word, then we need to get rid of every racist word. Or we leave them all to stay. Doesn't matter though, they were created and I don't see how you could get rid of them.

True! They will never die out. They only way is to get rid of Ignorant people but some would consider that as genocide, lol. This world is fucked to no return!
My opinion: if your bull wants you to use it, go for it! However, never take it upon yourself and decide to use that term. It’s a his discretion, not yours or your spouse. Also, never say it in public or in a demeaning way or to a person that you do not know on a personal level. Some black people don’t mind, but most do! As a society, we can’t and won’t ever remove the pain and malicious intent from that word even though we try to do so. But I also may add that the “N word applies to all races as well, but somehow us blacks seem to cling to it and claim it more so than others. Which is our fault. A wise person always told me, “ it isn’t what they call you, it’s what you answer too “ but yeah, for short check win the bull first, & don’t take it upon yourself to call anyone anything other than their name.

Simply using the “N word” isn’t racist at all. Let’s say your in your car and a song comes on that uses the word and u sing along. That’s not racist to me. However, if you seek out an individual to discriminate against along with calling him/her this or that, it is considered racist in my book. White people shouldnt just use the term period, simply because someone will always take offense to it which leaves you looking as if your prejudice & in the wrong. It’s a catch 22 either way for y’all.
I have had black guys love it when I have said it in the moment, and other black guys who didn't like it so much. I try to take my lead from them, if they want me to say it they will usually lead me into saying it so I know they are fine with it. I don't just say it whenever I want, only when my black lovers tell me I can.
To be honest I felt more guilty about associating it with chocolate. I didn't use any of those words in sex, but keep reading it and it sounds so guilty, but I wouldn't want to help racists.
The question was is it wrong to use the word, coming from a white woman. Yes it is wrong if it is used malicious intent behind it. Let's not just try to get rid of the word,because we could never erase history. For example homosexual, is it gay now replacing it
No, it's just wrong PERIOD
I'm gonna dead all this 'Bull'******* (see what I did there?) And say emphatically to all you clueless white people AND ignorant Black people....if you think sexual context excuses the use of such blatant racism you really need to check your soul.
And need to check your family history.
AND you need to turn in your balls and man-card.
It's all fun and games until someone uses it as a weapon; then everyone wants to get all 'hash-tag'.
But historically, black people have always had Uncle Toms and Stephens(Django Unchained) who just love ANYTHING that white people do.

N***er in ANY form is a symptom of PTSD (post traumatic slave disorder), and excusing it just for the sake of pussy just shows how mentally and spiritually WEAK some people are.

Have some fucking self respect, smdh...
if you feel that way then Start a new thread and address that. We here are only replying to the original question.
So leave off anything you dont agree with? Trust me racism is awful and shouldnt never exist but if a guy wants me to use it because it gets him going in the privacy of our own bedroom and he is sticking his dick in me for fucks sakes then what individual people want is up to them doesnt mean you have to use it out in public to be degrading
So leave off anything you dont agree with? Trust me racism is awful and shouldnt never exist but if a guy wants me to use it because it gets him going in the privacy of our own bedroom and he is sticking his dick in me for fucks sakes then what individual people want is up to them doesnt mean you have to use it out in public to be degrading
Only replying to the original question. The OP asked our opinion.
Listen girl i did too at first but after like the 5th time of him cumming harder than he does if it isnt racially motivated made me realize im not doing it out of hate and he wants me to do it and we both get great sex out of it dont feel bad. If ypu both get off and enjoy it or can learn to then go for it if its in the privacy of your own bedroom
I don't know quite how to say this, but what is the opinion on certain language and terms?
I'm going to just come out and say it but I was looking at a box on the table of very chocolatey biscuits, and my mind thought of you know what but then I thought it was a bit racist :(
Also the n word. I'd never dare say it, but if I was being gangbanged (never have) in my fantasy I hear it. I'm not racist, but want to know what is absolutely wrong.
I think with all terms it depends on you and the other people involved. I've never been comfortable with the N word but at the same time I've never referred to a lover as a bull either because I just don't care for the term. Every person has words they like and dislike and in one situation one guy may tell you to shout it out where in another a different guy can be very offended by it.