How to deal with people noticing QoS tattoo / HW jewelry.

You're stating your OPINION and trying to pass it off as fact when every study has shown that women with tattoo's are less attractive to the MAJORITY of men, fat women are NOT attractive to the MAJORITY of men, and women past their prime are NOT attractive to the MAJORITY of men, single mothers are NOT attractive to the MAJORITY of men, and those are the actual facts no matter how much "experience" you claim to have.

Men lying to get into some broads pants does not change this, men who "deal with it" does not change this, and if you were not so desperate to change reality then you would be capable of admitting it, but we both know you're not because you are more concerned with saving face than accepting reality.

That's not my problem slick, it's yours.

Why are you here? Your opinion is not fact. It is your opinion. People who get tattoos get them because they want to not because someone asks them to do it. They often have a special meaning or reference. If you don't like it move along. Stop tossing your personal opinion out like its some rule to live by. You come into a thread and just peed in the pool.
Why are you here? Your opinion is not fact. It is your opinion. People who get tattoos get them because they want to not because someone asks them to do it. They often have a special meaning or reference. If you don't like it move along. Stop tossing your personal opinion out like its some rule to live by. You come into a thread and just peed in the pool.

Go get those tattoo's then, get them all over if you want, tie all the special meaning to them you can think of.

Then shut your mouth when no man is interested, because I warned you that the MAJORITY OF MEN don't think they look good on women.

Be stupid. It doesn't affect me one bit.
You're stating your OPINION and trying to pass it off as fact when every study has shown that women with tattoo's are less attractive to the MAJORITY of men, fat women are NOT attractive to the MAJORITY of men, and women past their prime are NOT attractive to the MAJORITY of men, single mothers are NOT attractive to the MAJORITY of men, and those are the actual facts no matter how much "experience" you claim to have.

Men lying to get into some broads pants does not change this, men who "deal with it" does not change this, and if you were not so desperate to change reality then you would be capable of admitting it, but we both know you're not because you are more concerned with saving face than accepting reality.

That's not my problem slick, it's yours.
Wow, you are so smart! Still having trouble with the verification process though, huh?
You didn’t hurt my feelings, I actually agree with your opinion about women with way too many tattoos. I just don’t get why you’re such a d-bag about it. But looking at your older posts, it seems that’s just your personality. Not really looking for a back and forth with you though, so.....bye.

The difference is simple, I'm not gonna bullshit people or blow smoke up their ass so they will like me like everyone else does. So when you start by mouthing off, and posting delusions it sorta pisses me off so yeah I'm a prick to those people without an ounce of remorse.
Go get those tattoo's then, get them all over if you want, tie all the special meaning to them you can think of.

Then shut your mouth when no man is interested, because I warned you that the MAJORITY OF MEN don't think they look good on women.

Be stupid. It doesn't affect me one bit.
And fortunately your deep intellectual delving is proven wrong. I feel sorry for you. Majority as if you speak for them - that’s funny. You speak for yourself and yourself only. Your an angry man it seems with some very high opinions of himself.
I could care less about being "verified" and even less about your hurt feelings. Women with tattoo's and a face full of metal turn men off, we don't find it attractive or sexy in any way, that's reality.

Your acceptance and approval isn't required.

We.... no be accurate. You don’t find it attractive. And that’s fair. But stop trying to speak for people you don’t have the right to speak for. Change your verbiage to reflect your opinion and not the presumption on your part that you speak for others.
Go get those tattoo's then, get them all over if you want, tie all the special meaning to them you can think of.

Then shut your mouth when no man is interested, because I warned you that the MAJORITY OF MEN don't think they look good on women.

Be stupid. It doesn't affect me one bit.

"Majority" huh? Care to share your research statistics?
"Majority" huh? Care to share your research statistics?

All of you idiots really SHOULD learn to read, if you had that skill, along with the ability to use the technology in your hand, you might be able to look up things on your own and FIND OUT what the difference is between your delusions and reality.

I realize that's far to much to ever expect from any of you, because it does require actually effort, something that you are obviously not capable of.
All of you idiots really SHOULD learn to read, if you had that skill, along with the ability to use the technology in your hand, you might be able to look up things on your own and FIND OUT what the difference is between your delusions and reality.

I realize that's far to much to ever expect from any of you, because it does require actually effort, something that you are obviously not capable of.

Triggered much? I see you don't have any data, only an opinion, which is fine, just don't suggest its otherwise. Lol You crack me up.
Not trying to incite any additional rhetoric however, my personal thought, feeling, and OPINION is to say, that as a discriminated black man, what would give me the right to discriminate?
There are plenty of smart, professional women with tats. I work in a hospital with nurses, doctors, and counselors with them. It doesn’t mean they are any different and based on some of the comments here, I take that to mean they were accepted in society regardless of their body art.
Personally I have 8 tats and they have been more conversation starters than a hinderance.
Again just my personal thoughts and not meant to invite rude comments. Perhaps it’s a situation where it’s best to agree to disagree and get back on topic?
I see you can't disprove it, and are doing a whole lot of crying and whining about something YOU CLAIM is incorrect. Feel free to prove me wrong or stop crying like a baby about it.

See above dummy, Feel free to prove me wrong or stop crying like a baby about it.
LOL....huh? You still didn't prove anything. And notice...I didn't call you a name and/or insult you. your mouth.
Gentlemen, please refrain from your argument. Neither of you will convince the other and the rest of us are more interested in the original topic thread.

If you notice. My response is civil and non-confrontational, UNTIL he continued to insult me.