I had a weird real life experience with someone from this site

We always have a set of rules in mind when attempting to meet someone, if they no show once we cut off communication and she usually blocks them.

It's a sign of lack of trust. If they can't communicate they had xyz going on instead, an emergency came up, feeling tired, etc within due time what else isn't being communicated? When we setup a day/time we've taken steps to ensure that's going to work for us.

I believe everyone needs this approach. Makes life simpler, no one wants the drama. If your SO isn't ready or is second guessing communicate that with the other party prior, if that person is respectful they have no issues giving space until things are ready. This is a kink that requires everyone be honest and upfront with things.

I guess it helps we prefer to build a decent relationship with the other party, so it's not just some strangers we don't know🤷‍♂️
More cents.... Lol

I've learned over the years - there's a correlation of HOTNESS in relation to the DRAMA 🎭 and a girl has to be pretty damn hot to put up with the amount of drama she brings.

... That being said, I'm at the point now that 'hotness' is so arbitrary, so subjective... I prefer Peace of Mind more than a 'piece of ass' 🤣 #TrueStory

I'm sure @superdick33 would agree with me on that. For every sexy girl I had that didn't work out, you best believe there was another one waiting within a week or two! I don't miss any 'missed opportunity' 🚫
ty for the comment.

Im so glad you made a comment and shared your wisdom. I think for the real men on this site - like me, you, and @superdick33 and others that I know and have met - everything you say is true.

Drama is not worth it.

When I was younger - I agree with you - Hotness was worth the drama. But as I get older - there are so many couples and women out there that are nicer, more respectful and less drama.

This couple - And if anyone is in Arizona -please reach out and ill share privately the profile with you - so you dont deal with their nonsense as well. they made a lot of "big promises" and obviously none of them came to fruition.

Its been a couple weeks and Ive already met 2 single girls and one couple. I also might be training one male cuckold. Possibly two, we shall see with the second one - he's younger and none of these young guys know how to follow through. Unfortunate, but true :(

Thanks Mike for adding to the conversation - as always - have fun my brother!!
Exactly that these dudes let pretty girls run them they are SIMPS. These dudes weak as all get out just for some PUM PUM. Edit: Women today are just as bad if not WORSE. Most women today don’t even know how to flirt like the females from the 90’s, They may say dumb ******* like: They like the strong silent type but it’s all 🧢. Men and Women today don’t even get along or vibe or barely even communicate (Western Culture) America 🇺🇸 so it’s Both Sexes especially the younger generation. Their level of understanding and communication is downright atrocious to be exact. As far as @hungteacher you say you met so many people but if you did you would understand most women today say ******* they don’t even mean so check their ACTIONS!💯
thanks for the comment :)

you speak truth. I cannot disagree at all.

I wrote the post "in the moment" you know?
so Im over it, moved on - and not a big deal.

Here's my perspective - and I recognize its to my own detriment, which im working on.

Everything you say is 100% true. Like every word. The younger generation, 20s - is ridiculously immature and cannot even communicate their wants or desires. If I talk to a girl its "I don't know." Thats what teenagers say. Thats how teenagers act. That's not how a 25 year old woman is supposed to behave. So what the heck is going on?

But here's my perspective - and again - you are right and the way I handle these things is wrong. I know that. Im working on it.
I expect people aren't going to be walking zombies. I know, im dumb for that simple expectation, but for some reason, I believe that people are going to be more mature and more polite and more intelligent than they are.

And I am always disappointed.

I should take a more "expect nothing and be pleasantly surprised" approach.

But I just believe too much in people.

It's a weakness, I recognize that. And I hear every word you wrote. I do.
(sigh) Something im working on man.

But I appreciate you brother - stay safe and have fun!!
We always have a set of rules in mind when attempting to meet someone, if they no show once we cut off communication and she usually blocks them.

It's a sign of lack of trust. If they can't communicate they had xyz going on instead, an emergency came up, feeling tired, etc within due time what else isn't being communicated? When we setup a day/time we've taken steps to ensure that's going to work for us.

I believe everyone needs this approach. Makes life simpler, no one wants the drama. If your SO isn't ready or is second guessing communicate that with the other party prior, if that person is respectful they have no issues giving space until things are ready. This is a kink that requires everyone be honest and upfront with things.

I guess it helps we prefer to build a decent relationship with the other party, so it's not just some strangers we don't know🤷‍♂️
Those are all great suggestions for people.

The problem I have is that I'm too nice.

No other way to say it, I just give people the benefit of the doubt and I really shouldnt

Its sad to say that people dont deserve that - but its the truth. Most people do not deserve any respect whatsoever.

Its just hard for me to live that way day to day. I come from a mindset that all people deserve respect and if they do something to warrant me cutting them off - then I will do that. but I start with respect.

The shame is that most people in our society are such low lives.

I guess we can blame the school system for that. Right?