do your friends or family know about your lifestyle

I know what happens behind closed doors is your business but do your friends and/or family members know about your interracial lifestyle? How did they find out? What was their reaction?
Newsflash. Many wives will not stay cheating or being wwstched by husbabd hidden. We want the modern white marriage which is variables of
IR cuckokd LS I some form. Trust me. Modern women wnat it all. Not sting all. But more and more are. And when the wife had the conversation. Telling him she wants to cuckokd him and. Only QoS. And threaten divorce. ( knowing he will agree so she doesn’t leave). But if he still not wanting what wife wants. Ur above question we use to threaten him Yhst she will let all his secrets fetishes addiction. Etc. Anything that he doenst wnat public. And also u will tell his family. That he watches a black bull to fuck his wife ands does things that u will send pics that u took. Etc. Must say this doesn’t have to get to this. Normally ther is agreement. And then u must switch uo abd convince him to just accept and he will love it
A very few select girlfriends know
U can’t resist it can you in fact it’s Maun ytiouc. And I like other wives about this new life. On the Cheatimg thing don’t think peope know how much it’s going down. It’s perfect hook up. There is this energy Anyway. But there is this look BMWW give. And nothing need to be said. No strings. So easy to not get found out
Family does not know. (One creepy uncle found my IG and 🌶️ Ofans link) but nothing Can of it yet.

Friends suspect I’m a bit on the wild side and joked about upside down pineapple stuff but have no idea about my QoS lifestyle even though I freely advertise it when an QOS anklet.
Our youngest (17) at the time caught me sleeping on the couch one night while my wife's long time lover was "visiting". He started acting up a little. I asked him if he was upset about our friend (which he had known most of his life)? He said yes, so I explained to him that everything was fine, and that our friend, his mom and I were all very good friends and everything was fine and there were no problems between his mom and me. He calmed down after that. It was very ackward.

I'm sure he remembers my wife having "friends" come for "visits" and disappear into the bedroom for a while, and then go, since they were little. And then as they got older, a few times a year, my wife would be out of town for weekends, or even a couple days at a time during the week because I would take her to the airport to fly out to visit "friends".

Many years later he did a DNA test and acted excited about his heritage. Then he sent me a DNA test. When I got the results, he was very insistent that I send them to him, which proved I was his *******. I believe he knew his mom was a slut, which she was for most of our marriage, and suspected our friend was his *******, or at least that I wasn't his *******.

I don't know how much my youngest one knows, but I do know that when my wife and I separated, I asked my youngest (18 by then) if her mom was seeing anyone, and she described our friend perfectly to me, so I knew he was still fucking my wife, and my youngest knew then also.

What neither of the ******* know is that my youngest is from my wife's first affair about 3 years after we were married.

Neighbors knew about my wife's affairs, and some of my wife's friends (also neighbors) knew only because they'd heard rumors and seen guys visiting, but neither my wife nor I told anyone. My wife told me one friend of hers (next door) even confessed to cheating on her husband with a Black Guy, and tried to get my wife to confess, but she wouldn't. She just didn't feel it was any ones business, no matter with they saw.
In the beginning, when the children are small, it's easy to hide.
But as they get a little older (even grade school age) they recognize
the scent of marijuana coming from the bedroom whenever mom's friend comes over.

Then they become aware of the naughty odors of sex, i.e. pussy, cum, ass.
Even with the volume turned up on their cartoons, they can hear the bull
grunt, groan and holler.

Christine also has a bad habit of leaving her dirty toys on the nightstand
which some of our s@n's friends noticed.