Born Racist??? Does that include Interracial fetishing? ???

We are all born with a genetic imprint that says if they look different they are different its not something that will change but we can learn that its not a bad thing to see difference as what they are which is nature trying to improve. Personally black are the improvement over whites.
Personally black are the improvement over whites.

And that's not a racist statement 🙄?
When man Sinned that is when racism started. Cain killed Able. Racism is a learning behavior, it's not in your DNA

Pure racism may not be, but I think “tribalism” and the drive to “dominate” . . . born from the basic need to survive and thrive are . . . and when your tribe doesn’t look and think and act like my tribe, and resources are deemed to be limited well . . . .

I am writing very deep and meaningful. Take your time to read with zero judgements.

See it's all inside brain or mind speculations nothing much difference in real. Human beings have habbit to seek pleasures, enjoyments through different concepts. Inside a male/ female there is a precious vital fluid known as sperm or an egg formed by very long process of 60 plus days (healthy sperm or healthy egg).

Untill the sperm or an egg is inside the body it makes males females so much excited about sex and sexual stimulations. Now kinks, fetish, fancy all comes from outside NOT already present inside mind or brain. It all comes from diferent resources like culture, practices, influence and majorly PORN, we grasp things and start assuming, imagination, stimulation.

There is not much difference between black, white or any other race. Creature have effects so effects create variations of difference in people too. BLACK or WHITE or BROWN the basic foundation of body structure is same inside every human being. Just because human beings have learnt to differentiate so does they do in color, size or shapes.

It's us who creates parameters for our own sake, selfish, enjoyments or pleasure. In generic any race people have differences. Some black men are short height and even with less than 6 -7 inches penis size or average built and some are well built, good penis size arround 7 to 8 or more. Same in white race or brown race that people are well built , tall, big penis or small penis sizes arround 6 to 8 inches or less.

We create influence, we create parameters, difference. The most trending PORN on internet is INTERRACIAL because people gets influenced because of differences they show. When there will be two different colour or race people the difference naturally comes.

Today is once you go black you never come back or blacked. It's all CULTURE, PORN influence that people are getting more attracted to it and stimulating it as fun factor or Enjoyments as it goes in mind and create a passionate lust or desire for it.

We are forgetting that porn stars do their work for earning money. PORN MAKERS makes contents that influence or looks more engaging.

May be after some time there could be reverse influence of once you go white you never turn right Or being whitened. There is no limit in the assumptions that we can create for our own Enjoyments.

Outside we all mostly know that racism is not good or its not the thing to promote or encourage. But inside we find it kinky or exciting to feel for terrible lusty concepts like:- (white race rejection, serve black refugees sexually, make white men sissy Bois, say no to white boy, breed white fertile wombs with black seed, make white boys watch and make them feel jealous and pathatic) .... Many more we can't even have a limit of our mind dictionary. IF THE FEMALES WILL START THINKING LIKE DO THIS GLOBALLY IN REAL THEN A DAY COULD COME WHEN NO WHITE SPECIES WILL LEFT TO ENJOY BLACK OR WHITE GAME.

At first level it's looks exciting.

At second level we start stimulating it to our own self.

At third level we give it a try and enjoy it.

At last level some of us forget that it was all just fun or enjoyment lust that started virtually from outside influence. It's makes impression on our mind and slowly gets mixed in feelings, emotions as a slow poision that results: Racism, Real hate, Real discrimination, addiction, Surender to lust or desire but in old age it destroys our inner peace or centiments due to wrong actions or decisions.

We learn sexual things quickly but we not balance or control them properly.

If my words hurt someone then my apology in advance. Stay safe mentally and you will be safe physically.
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I am writing very deep and meaningful. Take your time to read with zero judgements.

See it's all inside brain or mind speculations nothing much difference in real. Human beings have habbit to seek pleasures, enjoyments through different concepts. Inside a male/ female there is a precious vital fluid known as sperm or an egg formed by very long process of 60 plus days (healthy sperm or healthy egg).

Untill the sperm or an egg is inside the body it makes males females so much excited about sex and sexual stimulations. Now kinks, fetish, fancy all comes from outside NOT already present inside mind or brain. It all comes from diferent resources like culture, practices, influence and majorly PORN, we grasp things and start assuming, imagination, stimulation.

There is not much difference between black, white or any other race. Creature have effects so effects create variations of difference in people too. BLACK or WHITE or BROWN the basic foundation of body structure is same inside every human being. Just because human beings have learnt to differentiate so does they do in color, size or shapes.

It's us who creates parameters for our own sake, selfish, enjoyments or pleasure. In generic any race people have differences. Some black men are short height and even with less than 6 -7 inches penis size or average built and some are well built, good penis size arround 7 to 8 or more. Same in white race or brown race that people are well built , tall, big penis or small penis sizes arround 6 to 8 inches or less.

We create influence, we create parameters, difference. The most trending PORN on internet is INTERRACIAL because people gets influenced because of differences they show. When there will be two different colour or race people the difference naturally comes.

Today is once you go black you never come back or blacked. It's all CULTURE, PORN influence that people are getting more attracted to it and stimulating it as fun factor or Enjoyments as it goes in mind and create a passionate lust or desire for it.

We are forgetting that porn stars do their work for earning money. PORN MAKERS makes contents that influence or looks more engaging.

May be after some time there could be reverse influence of once you go white you never turn right Or being whitened. There is no limit in the assumptions that we can create for our own Enjoyments.

Outside we all mostly know that racism is not good or its not the thing to promote or encourage. But inside we find it kinky or exciting to feel for terrible lusty concepts like:- (white race rejection, serve black refugees sexually, make white men sissy Bois, say no to white boy, breed white fertile wombs with black seed, make white boys watch and make them feel jealous and pathatic) .... Many more we can't even have a limit of our mind dictionary.

At first level it's looks exciting.

At second level we start stimulating it to our own self.

At third level we give it a try and enjoy it.

At last level some of us forget that it was all just fun or enjoyment lust that started virtually from outside influence. It's makes impression on our mind and slowly gets mixed in feelings, emotions as a slow poision that results: Racism, Real hate, Real discrimination, addiction, Surender to lust or desire but in old age it destroys our inner peace or centiments due to wrong actions or decisions.

We learn sexual things quickly but we not balance or control them properly.

If my words hurt someone then my apology in advance. Stay safe mentally and you will be safe physically.
A very well thought out response, thank you for your words. Some good points made there.
Interesting question! Here's my 2 cents:

The radical left has gone too far! In the guise of compassion and acceptance they are pushing things in corporate and public policy. It's became a power game for them.
I'm not a white dude and politically I consider myself to be on the left for most issues, but I feel bad for my white friends (especially the ones on the right) coz the narrative seems to be like "only white people can be racist". I do understand that some white people feel the guilt for the history but history in my opinion should not be more than a cautionary tale or a lesson. However, using it punitively is not going to do any group good.

Fighting racism is important but no minority(whether racial or sexual) can legislate themselves into acceptance. It needs to come from the heart of the people. The more you push things in other people's face, you create more hypocrisy and division.

I don't think whatever dimension you consider blacks are superior to whites and similarly whites are not superior to blacks. It' simply coz every group has people of all types. There are whites with big bodies and dicks and there are blacks with lil ones.

Sexually speaking, people have different preferences, kinks, fetishes and they need to be treated only as such, nothing more coz the source of what ticks you is a very complex thing and is almost something that you don't choose. So, in this case throwing the r-word will do nothing but ******* the fun for everyone involved.
This must be one of the best things I have ever read on the subject. 👍
I've been told that I am racist because I am white and accepting of an American culture that was created to favor white people. I do not consider myself to be racist since I consider no one race or culture to be superior to the other. I've also been told that I am helping to fix the problem considering I let black men into my bed. I've also been told I am part of the problem letting black men into my bed but by being married to a white man.

So from what I have seen there seems to be no one solution answer to the issue of race and who is racist or not. Some people are clearly racist while others are clearly not. Some people judge while others seem to be accepting. I just try and treat everyone well and the same with no biased towards colors, race, sexual orientation or whatever. Maybe I am not doing enough and could be doing more. Like I said I just try and be a good person and help where I can.
I've been told that I am racist because I am white and accepting of an American culture that was created to favor white people. I do not consider myself to be racist since I consider no one race or culture to be superior to the other. I've also been told that I am helping to fix the problem considering I let black men into my bed. I've also been told I am part of the problem letting black men into my bed but by being married to a white man.

So from what I have seen there seems to be no one solution answer to the issue of race and who is racist or not. Some people are clearly racist while others are clearly not. Some people judge while others seem to be accepting. I just try and treat everyone well and the same with no biased towards colors, race, sexual orientation or whatever. Maybe I am not doing enough and could be doing more. Like I said I just try and be a good person and help where I can.


Well, I think that the fact that you are willing to acknowledge that in the United States things were stacked up in a way to favor white people and give them advantage says an awful lot. At least it does to me. Many, many, many white people refuse to accept this as true. It’s as true as the day is long. Not going to take a deep dive, but at the same time they were saying “all men are created equal” . . . they were holding slaves . . . in a nutshell that’s where we started as a country, and we’ve been dealing with it ever since.

Well, I think that the fact that you are willing to acknowledge that in the United States things were stacked up in a way to favor white people and give them advantage says an awful lot. At least it does to me. Many, many, many white people refuse to accept this as true. It’s as true as the day is long. Not going to take a deep dive, but at the same time they were saying “all men are created equal” . . . they were holding slaves . . . in a nutshell that’s where we started as a country, and we’ve been dealing with it ever since.
Not being able to admit that our country was built by slave owners in a time where being non-white was almost considered a crime in itself would be a huge example of ignorance. And in this country we are shown everyday that we have issues with old ******* not being willing to move aside for change or be accepting of change.
Not being able to admit that our country was built by slave owners in a time where being non-white was almost considered a crime in itself would be a huge example of ignorance. And in this country we are shown everyday that we have issues with old ******* not being willing to move aside for change or be accepting of change.

Well, it certainly makes it difficult to achieve racial conciliation when both sides start out not agreeing on the basic facts. I guess we both do our little part by engaging in interracial sex 😎 And that’s a fact Jack 😝
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