Black men, why don't you marry a white woman?

Why black men don’t marry white women

  • Cultural differences

    Votes: 71 24.6%
  • Lack of kinship/bond/lack of affinity

    Votes: 29 10.0%
  • Wanting full black ******* as opposed to mixed race *******

    Votes: 39 13.5%
  • Peer pressure from family/society to stick to black women

    Votes: 35 12.1%
  • Lack of access to the type of white women you want

    Votes: 54 18.7%
  • I never thought about marrying a white woman

    Votes: 26 9.0%
  • We are marrying white women!

    Votes: 82 28.4%
  • I’m just more attracted to my own race

    Votes: 32 11.1%
  • I don’t care about race, I care about love.

    Votes: 71 24.6%
  • The belief that white women only want black men for money

    Votes: 15 5.2%

  • Total voters
Let's be honest....many black men aren't marriage material. Too many of them are cheaters and aren't man enough to to hold a family together. I say this as black man who has struggled with commitment. I'm single, black, 37 years old, great career and have never been married and its my fault that I'm not married. I won't blame women because I've had plenty of opportunities, I was just too weak.
I’m in love.
In Love Hearts GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
I usually date white women and good looking ones as I am good looking. However the race thing is not really important ...what is important "After Looks" is Culture, Class,Education and Intelligence. I am an Indo-Canadian male. Terrific Topic BTW...
Thanks. What is an Indo Canadian?
Lack of access and cultural differences, not sure where to even start in Houston. My youngest brother married 2 of them and my oldest brother mostly dates Hispanic. That's in small country towns in Texas tho. I'd like to switch up my dating pool for a change. Last July I had a fling with a Hispanic woman. This summer, it might be time to have a white woman in my luxury apartment. My neighbors are used to seeing Black women coming and going. It'd be a nice shock to the Mormon ******* next to me. They're cool lol.
Lack of access and cultural differences, not sure where to even start in Houston. My youngest brother married 2 of them and my oldest brother mostly dates Hispanic. That's in small country towns in Texas tho. I'd like to switch up my dating pool for a change. Last July I had a fling with a Hispanic woman. This summer, it might be time to have a white woman in my luxury apartment. My neighbors are used to seeing Black women coming and going. It'd be a nice shock to the Mormon ******* next to me. They're cool lol.
When you do, film it.
This is a spin off thread based on the other thread about why white women don’t marry black men. It seems like most of you don’t understand this basic fact- men are the gatekeepers of marriage not women. Men decide who they want to marry, men decide who they want to propose to.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex. But marriage? The power is in the men’s hands. If you feel like BM and WW aren’t getting married, you should be asking the men why.

So to the black men here, you enjoy fucking white women. But why aren’t you marrying them?
Because this is a form bout sex not really a dating site ..alot of the women here are already married.most ppl here I think is mostly to live out fantasy and friendships most of the kink world is like that. And that's not just a racial thing is mostly everyone in this culture .
Because this is a form bout sex not really a dating site ..alot of the women here are already married.most ppl here I think is mostly to live out fantasy and friendships most of the kink world is like that. And that's not just a racial thing is mostly everyone in this culture .
Did you not read the very first sentence lmao. I said this is a spin off thread based on a thread that was made here too.
The only problem with marriage in general is lack of communication. In the end I always have known my wife would be white since I was a kid. I knew my ******* were doing to be biracial since the time I was 13 years old. I have no problem with it and I always knew I would. They just have to be honest loyal and up for my extreme sexual appetite if I even hint that I find her attractive. I'm 1000% pure ******* black american male that just happens to love white women. Especially dominating them and their sweet smelling soft body's.
I'm addicted to this lifestyle and i don't see myself getting married or getting into a relationship. I won't marry a women period because for one i don't need or want the state of Texas involved in my marriage. Seeing as 70% of women file for divorce first no thank you.

If i ever did get married I'd go to Budapest or Warsaw and find a wife.
I'm addicted to this lifestyle and i don't see myself getting married or getting into a relationship. I won't marry a women period because for one i don't need or want the state of Texas involved in my marriage. Seeing as 70% of women file for divorce first no thank you.

If i ever did get married I'd go to Budapest or Warsaw and find a wife.
Do you think polish women are good wife material?😊
Do you think polish women are good wife material?😊
Having friends moving to Columbia, Budapest, Thailand because they met their wife. It seems like out of the country to find a wife might be a good idea. I don't know if they are or not but going to Poland for 2 weeks to find out if i like it
Let's be honest....many black men aren't marriage material. Too many of them are cheaters and aren't man enough to to hold a family together. I say this as black man who has struggled with commitment. I'm single, black, 37 years old, great career and have never been married and its my fault that I'm not married. I won't blame women because I've had plenty of opportunities, I was just too weak.
Mmmh.... Yes and no. I thought exactly the same way when I was younger. Yes, at home I didn't see too much of the idyllic American family life. That left an impression in my upbringing and the way I built my relationships. For me, it's the women's task to keep a family together. And I still think so. No brotha's / peer pressure or anything else. I wasn't weak. I simply did as I pleased. I made a career mostly amongst white people. And I fucked around a lot. One *******. Her mom keeps me posted about. I'm proud of her. She married and has a 3yo boy. One more kid of mine I lost track of. Do I regret it? Of course. All of it. It was a life without seeing my children grow. Are we Black folks natural born cheaters? Hell, no. Maybe marriage is the wrong institution for any human being. But should I have done it differently? In hindsight yes. We ALL believe we could have done it better. Not long ago, I met this young white student, got her pregnant, married her, sold my business, and we all 5 now moved to Europe where she comes from. Still living at a lakeside doing what I love with my boats. She knows I need more pussy, and she's fine with it. We won't break up just because we know our nature. But I'm not stupid. I know I won't see my 3 ******* progress in life. You 37? Smh. I wouldn't swap my life with yours. But you can do almost twice better than me. ;)
The only time i would marry a white woman or any woman for that matter if im non western feminist countries. So Brazil or any countries non-western for that matter or the carribean because those are my main roots. But i would suggest no blackman get married to any female in america due to laws against men.
First off, thanks for making an insightful post with well thought out survey options.
I cited cultural differences, peer pressure from family/society to stick to black women, and I don’t care about race, I care about love.
My ex was a white woman and we dated for over 4yrs back in my early 20s. It was my first real relationship and we got along really well! Lots of sex, adventures, and so on.
Here’s where things were fucked up, to say the least. Her *******-in-law was a racist. I’m not one to just throw out that type of judgement of character either. My ex knew it too. She despised him for it, but you’re kinda stuck with family. My ex and I were serious and I considered even marrying her (in my mind) but I couldn’t imagine her *******-in-law being there, without the consequences of an ass whooping and/or being denounced by my whole family. I lump his inability to be civil under cultural differences. I knew it grind his gears knowing I was fucking his *******-in-law, sometimes even in his house🤣
Also, my family would constantly make comments about me dating a white woman. Often, it was in jest, but it had the same effect. I’d feel I was somehow in the wrong. You factor in history of enslavement and other Deep South atrocities, and that ******* kinda weighs on your mental. Hell, even after I began to introduce my current gf (who is black) to family, they’d make comments like, “She’s not white?!” Mind you, she’s only the second person I’ve ever dated!
With all that being said, my dick and heart don’t discriminate. When I find someone who can leave both feeling fulfilled, I go for it, regardless of race.
I've been close to marrying a few white girls but ,it's really hard on them to get over family and friends I'm not looking for a race , it's about her and her mentality and is she ready to be beside a bbc king 👑 and wear her crown 👑
So that's a no?
He/she can’t even prove he/she is real on this site lol plus, how did he/she even get on this rant with the question at hand? Some people are weird and legit assholes for looking down on others, like they’re someone’s Savior. But, I digress.