Black men, why don't you marry a white woman?

Why black men don’t marry white women

  • Cultural differences

    Votes: 71 24.6%
  • Lack of kinship/bond/lack of affinity

    Votes: 29 10.0%
  • Wanting full black ******* as opposed to mixed race *******

    Votes: 39 13.5%
  • Peer pressure from family/society to stick to black women

    Votes: 35 12.1%
  • Lack of access to the type of white women you want

    Votes: 54 18.7%
  • I never thought about marrying a white woman

    Votes: 26 9.0%
  • We are marrying white women!

    Votes: 82 28.4%
  • I’m just more attracted to my own race

    Votes: 32 11.1%
  • I don’t care about race, I care about love.

    Votes: 71 24.6%
  • The belief that white women only want black men for money

    Votes: 15 5.2%

  • Total voters
Did it occur to you that it was set up that way?
I have been in the field with women in the military and on weeks long excursions trekking through the wilderness with women in the group and trust me it's not a set up! I assume you are one of those women who believe that men and women are equal in all things?

Ok then tell me one civilization or society that women alone have built in this world without men?

Tell me why the Marine Corp had to suspend it's unisex fitness standards because the women who are fitter than average were still miserably failing keep up with the standards? Was that a set up as well?🤔

If every man just got up and left the country you really think that women would keep the power plants running, maintain the roads and infrastructure, maintain law and order, efficiently produce food, pick up the waste, defend the country against invaders?

Trust me feminism may have helped white women but it definitely hurt black women. Now that was a set up!
I have been in the field with women in the military and on weeks long excursions trekking through the wilderness with women in the group and trust me it's not a set up! I assume you are one of those women who believe that men and women are equal in all things?

Ok then tell me one civilization or society that women alone have built in this world without men?

Tell me why the Marine Corp had to suspend it's unisex fitness standards because the women who are fitter than average were still miserably failing keep up with the standards? Was that a set up as well?🤔

If every man just got up and left the country you really think that women would keep the power plants running, maintain the roads and infrastructure, maintain law and order, efficiently produce food, pick up the waste, defend the country against invaders?

Trust me feminism may have helped white women but it definitely hurt black women. Now that was a set up!
As a matter of fact I can. Ancient Greece was strictly dominated by the female presence and during World War 2 women performed all of those duties you mention. Its not worth continuing the conversation on the topic because you are simply a neanderthal mentality man obviously. Your survival rate is strictly limited to someone who will reproduce with you.
This is a spin off thread based on the other thread about why white women don’t marry black men. It seems like most of you don’t understand this basic fact- men are the gatekeepers of marriage not women. Men decide who they want to marry, men decide who they want to propose to.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex. But marriage? The power is in the men’s hands. If you feel like BM and WW aren’t getting married, you should be asking the men why.

So to the black men here, you enjoy fucking white women. But why aren’t you marrying them?
Why do you think black men aren't marrying white women? I think maybe you should speak to some black women and racist white men who seem to think there are to many interracial marriages going on now between black men and white women. The question should be why are there so many white women secretly having sex with black men? Why are these white women so ashamed of bringing their black boyfriends home? Not trying to cause a controversy here but how many, mature married white women and young white women with their husbands in tow secretly fucking black men? Honestly i think there would be a lot more interracial marriages if society hadn't stigmatized and stereotyped black men as worthless criminals. Just my thoughts on the subject my ex wife was white, we married young my family was cool with it but her family disowned her, which in the end caused our marriage to fail.
As a matter of fact I can. Ancient Greece was strictly dominated by the female presence and during World War 2 women performed all of those duties you mention. Its not worth continuing the conversation on the topic because you are simply a neanderthal mentality man obviously. Your survival rate is strictly limited to someone who will reproduce with you.
Actually ancient Greece was a patriarchy, women had very little rights.
Far too often, Black Men lack the Work Performance Values to stand toe to toe with White Men when it comes to Wealth and Prestige. Swag, Game, and Laying Pipe don’t mean ******* when it comes to solidifying one’s Legacy. This is the Culture of Manhood that White Women come from. Are you as a Black Man ready to meet her ******* and tell him what you do for a living? Are you prepared to get her *******’s seal of approval when it comes to the preparedness of being a Man?

Black Men can’t just fuck their way into Power. This is why a blog like this exists. This is why many White Women marry White but fuck Black.
You again, why do you have such a low opinion of yourself, dont put your failures on all black men. Maybe it is you who lacks the values you soeak of. Every black man i know, including myself have a tremendous work value and donit every day in a world where the dominant ethnic group in society thinks we are all up to no good. Please don't place your short comings on all of us.
You prove my points. Too many Black Men are programmed to perform at such a low level that when they hear something better from another Black Man that they think he’s white. Lmaoooo

I’ll tell you a secret: all I’m doing is rekindling that fire that we had post civil war. We didn’t act like ninjas from the end of the civil war up until the creation of the welfare state. We carried ourselves with prestige. We worked to achieve status here in America. We didn’t beg for jobs back then. We CREATED them. We got our hands dirty and went to work. I’m a staunch advocate of the Booker T Washington Mentality.
You are full of *******.
This is a spin off thread based on the other thread about why white women don’t marry black men. It seems like most of you don’t understand this basic fact- men are the gatekeepers of marriage not women. Men decide who they want to marry, men decide who they want to propose to.

Women are the gatekeepers of sex. But marriage? The power is in the men’s hands. If you feel like BM and WW aren’t getting married, you should be asking the men why.

So to the black men here, you enjoy fucking white women. But why aren’t you marrying them?
Let's be honest....many black men aren't marriage material. Too many of them are cheaters and aren't man enough to to hold a family together. I say this as black man who has struggled with commitment. I'm single, black, 37 years old, great career and have never been married and its my fault that I'm not married. I won't blame women because I've had plenty of opportunities, I was just too weak.
Try again? Ketanji Brown Jackson has a far more impressive, extensive judicial record than Amy Coney Barrett, who was easily voted to the Supreme Court. Compare both of their careers. But of course, she’s a black woman, so she didn’t “earn” her position

I love it! Keep finding more ways to discredit us. While we will continue shitting on you

Dude is one of two things a white man or a black man wanting to be white, in other words a coon.
You prove my points. Too many Black Men are programmed to perform at such a low level that when they hear something better from another Black Man that they think he’s white. Lmaoooo

I’ll tell you a secret: all I’m doing is rekindling that fire that we had post civil war. We didn’t act like ninjas from the end of the civil war up until the creation of the welfare state. We carried ourselves with prestige. We worked to achieve status here in America. We didn’t beg for jobs back then. We CREATED them. We got our hands dirty and went to work. I’m a staunch advocate of the Booker T Washington Mentality.
Let's be honest....many black men aren't marriage material. Too many of them are cheaters and aren't man enough to to hold a family together. I said this as black man who has struggled with commitment. I'm single, black, 37 years old, great career and have never been married and its my fault that I'm not married. I won't blame women because I've had plenty of opportunities, I was just too weak.
Oh so like many white men, in the past, present and future. Why as a black man, you are assigning all the characteristics of all men to just black men. Marriage is not the end all of a happy family. Take my mom's marriages, she married my dad after high school he went to Vietnam did three tours there and was killed there on his third tour. She married my step farther had my twin brothers. He was another marine and a abussive one verbally and physically she stayed 5 years longer that she should have. All total 15 years and i can only remember 5 of those years without him abusing her. Why did she stay because she didn't want people like you stereotyping black communities.
This is an incredible array of supinations and assumptions. You just threw out everything you could to justify your point including things you I think you don’t have knowledge of.
Thank you. I so hate when so called black men start throwing out assumptions. I have dated all ethnic groups and i cam say this without a doubt. If something like Ukraine happened here, you can bet my thoughts and actions will be dictated by the mere fact that black women are the most disrespected women in the world. So knowing this, i am gonna fight tooth and nail for them. My mom is black, my sister is black my aunts and nieces are black and my cousins are black. And you cant also bet your last dollar 99% of African American men will fight to death for black women. Just because i may and have dated other ethnicities i know just because i stick my dick in them, i will still be black when its done.
I tell you what since fucking black cocks makes you an expert on black culture, history, dating, and marriage statistics in America and all of it's data please share your expertise with us black folks who lack this knowledge! 🤔

Please explain to the gallery what the true answer is to the question posed?
Well i am a black man and i am calling your comment bullshit. What now?
You again, why do you have such a low opinion of yourself, dont put your failures on all black men. Maybe it is you who lacks the values you soeak of. Every black man i know, including myself have a tremendous work value and donit every day in a world where the dominant ethnic group in society thinks we are all up to no good. Please don't place your short comings on all of us.
Nah, that’s all you. If what I’m saying doesn’t apply to you then don’t worry about it. That’s how I know you’re not doing the work and are still soft. If you were on my level you’d see the bullshit that we as Black Men need to work on. Do us all a favor, start Mentoring young brothers, lace them up with knowledge and put them on the battlefield. That is, IF you live by what you just typed.
Let's be honest....many black men aren't marriage material. Too many of them are cheaters and aren't man enough to to hold a family together. I say this as black man who has struggled with commitment. I'm single, black, 37 years old, great career and have never been married and its my fault that I'm not married. I won't blame women because I've had plenty of opportunities, I was just too weak.
RIGHT HERE!!!! This is Strength!!!!! This is a High Caliber Black Man!!!
Nah, that’s all you. If what I’m saying doesn’t apply to you then don’t worry about it. That’s how I know you’re not doing the work and are still soft. If you were on my level you’d see the bullshit that we as Black Men need to work on. Do us all a favor, start Mentoring young brothers, lace them up with knowledge and put them on the battlefield. That is, IF you live by what you just typed.
You know what fuck you, fake ass black man. If it applies to me what type of bullshit is that, i am black, and you didn't provide any caveats, so you must mean all black man. You are what Malcom X called the self hating black man, if you are indeed black. My humble opinion is this you are not.
As a matter of fact I can. Ancient Greece was strictly dominated by the female presence and during World War 2 women performed all of those duties you mention. Its not worth continuing the conversation on the topic because you are simply a neanderthal mentality man obviously. Your survival rate is strictly limited to someone who will reproduce with you.
"Dominated" does not mean built, nor defended, or even ruled by! In world war 2 the women were nurses, and made weapons in factories! They were not in combat until the 1980 a female officer led troops in combat! Typical out of pocket busy body Karen who doesn't know what she's talking about!

When we want to know how a black cock tastes then we will ask you Karen!