87% of white women want black men according to study

20minutenews.com is a fake news site.

So many inaccuracies in this supposed news story. There is no New Rochelle in New Jersey. New Rochelle is in New York. Rutgers University is located in New Brunswick. No genuine research organization would publish results like this if they only had 800 respondents.

Anyone paying attention to what's going on in society can see that there is an increase in interracial relationships. It no longer is considered as taboo as it once was in the past. Not to say that there aren't places where there is still discouraged. But it's becoming more common everyday.

However, even though it will someday be considered "normal" it will never approach 87%. Women look at many different things besides cock size when deciding on a mate. There will never come a day when white males or Asian males will no longer be desirable to females in their geographic region.
rochelle park maybe
None other then people get those two confused all the time
I understand that. But either way- Rutgers University is not in New Rochelle or Rochelle Park. It's in New Brunswick. If this was a real study reported by a legitimate news organization they'd get that right.

You can argue all you want about whether the numbers cited in this "study" are accurate or not. But the story itself was fake.
I understand that. But either way- Rutgers University is not in New Rochelle or Rochelle Park. It's in New Brunswick. If this was a real study reported by a legitimate news organization they'd get that right.

You can argue all you want about whether the numbers cited in this "study" are accurate or not. But the story itself was fake.
lmao u got real jersey on me, do I need to cool you down ;)...:..........Well the number is wrong, its prob higher :bounce:
I love how you call bs whenever you see it. Folks here take this fetish or fantasy to any length......

20minutenews.com is a fake news site.

So many inaccuracies in this supposed news story. There is no New Rochelle in New Jersey. New Rochelle is in New York. Rutgers University is located in New Brunswick. No genuine research organization would publish results like this if they only had 800 respondents.

Anyone paying attention to what's going on in society can see that there is an increase in interracial relationships. It no longer is considered as taboo as it once was in the past. Not to say that there aren't places where there is still discouraged. But it's becoming more common everyday.

However, even though it will someday be considered "normal" it will never approach 87%. Women look at many different things besides cock size when deciding on a mate. There will never come a day when white males or Asian males will no longer be desirable to females in their geographic region.
lana do you really think many black woman are going to share there partner with a white woman....only unless there bi....

I dated quite a few black women and the majority left relationships with black guys because of cheating. Black women don't like to share any more than white women.

We have turned away a few black guys who were on the down low/cheating on their wife or girlfriend. We don't need the drama.
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