Why do white women enjoy being pimped out to big dick black men?

Went to Target today, no bra !

Excellent Em! We knew you could do it! 🌹
Tell us...how did it make you feel, being so secretly naughty? 🔥👏

Now, next step Em...when do your panties come off? And you’ve got to be wearing a dress.
Imagine yourself walking in public, no panties, nude under your dress from your waist down.
Em, you’ll be dizzy from the erotic thoughts in your head 😘

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I've had multiple women who were mothers and happily married eventually give in to my cock but they didnt stop there. Many of them also asked and requested that I pimp them out to multiple black men. What is the root of that desire?
Once taken by a black man the question always seems to come up? Three of my black lovers have ask if they could pimp me. It turns me on they feel I am that good and I love doing it.
Excellent Em! We knew you could do it! 🌹
Tell us...how did it make you feel, being so secretly naughty? 🔥👏

Now, next step Em...when do your panties come off? And you’ve got to be wearing a dress.
Imagine yourself walking in public, no panties, nude under your dress from your waist down.
Em, you’ll be dizzy from the erotic thoughts in your head 😘

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i know noone could tell because i had a coat on but i still couldnt help but feel like somehow someone would know.
i dont know if im ready to go without underwear yet. besides is been too cold for a dress lately.
I've had multiple women who were mothers and happily married eventually give in to my cock but they didnt stop there. Many of them also asked and requested that I pimp them out to multiple black men. What is the root of that desire?
In the case of my Wife, She's a mom, and i think She's also happily married, because She enjoys so much having a cuckold. She has been pimped off a lot off times, including not BBC Men, including very old Men or very young Men, including gangs. i think, by now, most of the times She is fucked are by been pimped off. She often talk to me about that. Of course it makes my so jelous. But She explained me that She feels proud of serving Her BBC Masters. She explained me that in those moments She thinks in Her Master and give the best of Her skills, without limits, degrading Herself if that must to be, because She knows that in this way Her Master fulfills the expectations about what He offered and They get what They paid off.
I don’t know what “pimped out” means. My first bbc did ask after our fifth or sixth encounter if he could start bringing a friend. After deliberation, hubby and I said ok. So it turned into me and three. I can only speak for myself and say that it’s good to expand your horizons 🤷🏻‍♀️ And the reason my bull keeps asking to bring friends is because he likes to show off his toy. Lol
These are just my thoughts and opinions.

I don't know if women really wan to be "pimped out" so to speak. However, I know there are women who have high sex drives and enjoy being very sexual just like many men. Throughout our lifestyle "journey," we have taken many turns, detours and have changed our preferences, likes and fantasies many times. I think women wanting to be the "center of attention" with a group of sexy men is really not much different than a man wanting to be the "center of attention" with many women. Given the opportunity to speak freely without societal repercussion, I think most everyone would find that situation to be erotic and sexually charged.

Another thing we have discovered through our journey is that each and every person has their own "thing." We don't personally understand everyone else's kinks, but we've come to the point where we respect everyone's sexual flavors unless it is illegal or deadly. lol. Plus we recognize those things change often. So one day I might be all about wanting to be a dirty nasty ole lady (that one seems to happen a lot, lol)...but there may be another day that I just want to be caressed and kissed and "admired."

To each their own is what we always say! :) Again, just my $0.02.
i know noone could tell because i had a coat on but i still couldnt help but feel like somehow someone would know.
i dont know if im ready to go without underwear yet. besides is been too cold for a dress lately.

Em, you must be out in the midwest with their arctic air. I feel for you if that’s true.

Bravo again for taking that first no-bra step; we applaud you Em.

When the weather warms, can we count on you for appearing in a pretty dress without bra and panties?
Think how sexy you’ll feel, nude under your dress. Men checking you out not knowing how easy they could
to see everything. That Black guy checking you out...does he know? does he suspect what you’ve done?
What would he do to you...if he knew.

Until then, stay warm Em!