Why do many girls say "size doesn't matter", while the opposite is mostly true?

Of course size matters. But not as much as his skills. If a Black man has a huge dick AND mad skills? Nirvana. But skills the most important thing. A black man who knows how to turn a girl. Priceless.
😭, Please no...yes we're scared that they're actually that big....but there's no proof, I need proof that bbc is way bigger than whiteboys on average. There's no way you guys are that much superior and built that much better than us.
joe budden vh1 GIF
I have another question, how does one cope with having a tiny dick if he's not into cuckolding though?
Like in this lifestyle I know it's fetish and pleasure to humiliate hubby/bf's little dick and compare it to something superior. But outside of SPH and cuckolding I don't really see other options where a tiny dick adds much value to bedroom actions.

It's good to see genuine feedbacks from the ladies here but it just assured me further that if my partner is the kind of women who is experienced in sex then our sex life might turn out to be sour.
In my experience, they usually resort to violence.
We lie to shut you up and spare ourselves the pitiful fucking whining.
And men lie about the importance of women not necessarily having tight pussies and the best bodies in the city or state, just to shut you up and spare ourselves of the pitiful fucking whining and bitching and crying you do. Because the truth is, it matters more for us men that you have the best hottest bodies and tight pussies and be younger, just like it is more important for you having huge dicks fuck you. What goes around, comes around!!! Most of us Men treat you with the same lack of empathy after you first treat Men with that lack of empathy .

So, think about those sentiments more ,before you keep going and saying that Big Size Dick does matter more/most.

Now, if most of you women start showing more Empathy towards Men and saying that size doesn't matter and you actually mean it, then us Men will start treating you with more Empathy in return the respect and start saying that you being young,having the hottest bodies and tight tight pussies doesn't matter the most.

You see how this works??
And men lie about the importance of women not necessarily having tight pussies and the best bodies in the city or state, just to shut you up and spare ourselves of the pitiful fucking whining and bitching and crying you do. Because the truth is, it matters more for us men that you have the best hottest bodies and tight pussies and be younger, just like it is more important for you having huge dicks fuck you. What goes around, comes around!!! Most of us Men treat you with the same lack of empathy after you first treat Men with that lack of empathy .

So, think about those sentiments more ,before you keep going and saying that Big Size Dick does matter more/most.

Now, if most of you women start showing more Empathy towards Men and saying that size doesn't matter and you actually mean it, then us Men will start treating you with more Empathy in return the respect and start saying that you being young,having the hottest bodies and tight tight pussies doesn't matter the most.

You see how this works??

To be candid, I am not interested in men who need empathy. If I was, I would have stayed monogamous in my marriage.
To be candid, I am not interested in men who need empathy. If I was, I would have stayed monogamous in my marriage.
That is the problem, you simply don't understand. 94- 95% of you bitches aren't bringing anything more valuable to the table than Men with 4 inch dicks!!! Because 95% of you don't have bodies like Yarishna, and 94% of you don't have tight pussies like Vina Sky ,especially if you not younger women, which is what matters more for your boyfriends,husbands and Big Cock Bulls. And because of that, 94-95% of you bitches matter less to us Men than compared to how little you think that Men with 4 inch dicks matter to you.

Has nothing to do with Empathy, and has everything to do with a Good solid base of principles and foundation and you bitches having a sense of Humanity, which most you bitches have none of that in the 21st century , because Size matters more to you than the Man himself!!!
That is the problem, you simply don't understand. 94- 95% of you bitches aren't bringing anything more valuable to the table than Men with 4 inch dicks!!! Because 95% of you don't have bodies like Yarishna, and 94% of you don't have tight pussies like Vina Sky ,especially if you not younger women, which is what matters more for your boyfriends,husbands and Big Cock Bulls. And because of that, 94-95% of you bitches matter less to us Men than compared to how little you think that Men with 4 inch dicks matter to you.

Has nothing to do with Empathy, and has everything to do with a Good solid base of principles and foundation and you bitches having a sense of Humanity, which most you bitches have none of that in the 21st century , because Size matters more to you than the Man himself!!!

I have a husband who I've been married to for over 15 years. He makes very good money. He knows everything about my sex life. He supports our five children, including the three that aren't even his. And, when it comes to sex, sexuality and his shortcomings, he has NEVER, EVER gotten any empathy from me. In fact, I don't know of anyone else that gives him any empathy. His issues are his responsibility. In fact, the lack of empathy is a big part of why he has stuck around all these years and pushed his own boundaries farther than he ever thought he would. Just to stay married to me.

I'm no expert. But, if you need empathy, this may not be the best venue to find it . . . .
I have a husband who I've been married to for over 15 years. He makes very good money. He knows everything about my sex life. He supports our five children, including the three that aren't even his. And, when it comes to sex, sexuality and his shortcomings, he has NEVER, EVER gotten any empathy from me. In fact, I don't know of anyone else that gives him any empathy. His issues are his responsibility. In fact, the lack of empathy is a big part of why he has stuck around all these years and pushed his own boundaries farther than he ever thought he would. Just to stay married to me.

I'm no expert. But, if you need empathy, this may not be the best venue to find it . . . .
Sorry Bold And Beautiful GIF by CBS
Sure size matters and girth is king. However, being able to get and stay hard is crucial and a real mood killer when it doesn't. Take your pills boys.
That’s been more of a challenge for us that we never would have even thought of. Does she like long, yes! Thick, yes! But if its not hard then forget about it! She’ll stick to her white boy with average but hard dick
The reasoning you do is really interesting and yes, what you say makes a lot of sense. I think about that a lot too. In our case, it is a simple fantasy that has brought us to this website, although it is inevitable to ask ourselves, at this point, how true it is that simply black men have bigger penises than white men. If it is a myth or if it is true. All we can tell you is that perhaps it is that question that has made us come to this site, in addition to curiosity, by the way, of many other aspects. Black guys just look sexy to my wife today but we are aware that a lot of that reasoning has to do with our attraction to this topic. it's just an opinion
What a sensible observation! Our experience is a bit limited, but I was in the U.S. Army (open showers) and can tell you, unequivocally, that not all black men have big penises. My wife's first sex with a black man happened a few years after our last baby was born. It started with pillow talk and grew from there. (NO pun!) He never knew that I was aware and I never saw them have sex, but the size subject never came up. (Again, NO pun!) To date she has had vaginal sex with seven different black men and has masturbated a couple. She has given blow jobs to several more. Only two of those men had a LARGE penis, the rest being of a satisfying size. As an aside, when she is sucking a man she is so aroused that she will often orgasm when he ejaculates!
I have a husband who I've been married to for over 15 years. He makes very good money. He knows everything about my sex life. He supports our five children, including the three that aren't even his. And, when it comes to sex, sexuality and his shortcomings, he has NEVER, EVER gotten any empathy from me. In fact, I don't know of anyone else that gives him any empathy. His issues are his responsibility. In fact, the lack of empathy is a big part of why he has stuck around all these years and pushed his own boundaries farther than he ever thought he would. Just to stay married to me.

I'm no expert. But, if you need empathy, this may not be the best venue to find it . . . .
Again,you just can't read!!! I said it is not really about empathy or lack of empathy. It's about the fact that overwhelming majority of you bitches in the 21st century give and show almost zero humanity and zero sense of Humanity to almost all men!!! Especially men with 3 inch dicks!! And even more so on the issue of money, thank you for bringing that up. Over 90-95% of you bitches in the 21st century give and show almost no humanity and no sense of Humanity to men who are on the lowest tax bracket group throughout most of their adult lives after age 25. If your husband were one of these Men, you wouldn't have allowed him to live with you, be married to you, be involved with you for more than a couple hours a year after the second year of marriage. And you would be going after the men for support and financial support who put three babies in you that are not your husbands.

Literally , less than 4% of you bitches in the 21st century will give any very minimal amount of opportunity of dating, sex, love, passion, intimacy, relationships to men over age of 25 whom which throughout many years after their 25 birthday's if most of those years are of them at the lowest tax bracket level. And even those less than 4% of women give less of those possible opportunities to men in that financial circumstances if they have average to small size dicks, don't have nice bodies, are short, don't have cars or don't have nice cars, are bald, are close to ugly or ugly, have almost no social lives whatsoever. And the other 96% of you bitches won't even look at those men for more than a minute and refuse to give them any of the opportunities I mentioned.

And that's because as far as the money factor game goes, at least 90% of you bitches in 21st century care more about money and social status than you care about Men. At least 90% of you bitches believe that money and social status gives more value and benefits to your lives than Men do,especially when referring to Men at the lowest tax bracket level for most of their lives after age 25.

96% of you bitches in the 21st century believe that those men are at the bottom of the barrel and should stay there because you believe they give no benefit to your lives when it comes to issues of dating,sex,love,passion,intimacy and relationships and that's why 96% of you pass them by everytime.

Because you can't get money out of Men like those!!! That's why you don't bother getting involved with them, that's why literally almost all of those kind of Men in those circumstances (especially White) will reach the age of 50 and experience over 11,500 lonely nights ,no pussy, no blowjobs,no relationship,no intimacy,no love,no companionship since they were 18 years old (unless if they pay over $300 upfront for sex each time with a stripper if they can find one, call girls, prostitutes, which most men in those circumstances can only afford doing that maybe 6 times a year and get one hour each time for that paid sex with condoms, that is about all they can afford out of their little savings they can build up) , ALL BECAUSE THEY RECEIVE ALMOST ZERO HUMANITY AND ZERO RESPECT FROM OVER 95% OF YOU BITCHES IN THE LATE 20TH CENTURY AND 21ST CENTURY!!!! I've heard these same stories happening to many,many millions of Men in just the U.S. in the past 30 years,especially past 15 years.

This proves that overwhelming majority of you bitches in 21st century literally give and show almost zero humanity for those Men, and thus in turn you are really giving and showing almost no humanity /no respect and no sense of Humanity to Men in "GENERAL".

Again, not really anything about or to do with your zero empathy.

Hmmm, did I leave something out? I think I am forgetting a few key important supportive factual truths, evidence and details in all that, perhaps I'll add them into this debate after your assumed rebuttal and pathetic attempt of counterargument.

I'm no expert, but if you need to find humanity and\or sense of Humanity and a good solid base of principles,structure and strong foundation, I think this venue is not a good place for you to seek and find it, and same previously stated goes for over 90% of you bitches in the 21st century. Perhaps the 90% of you need to find "Savior" in your lives, I believe that once, he was walking around Earth about 2000 years ago.

You never know, he could be literally and physically walking around the Earth among all of you again this year ,for a second time after 2000 years, and could have been walking around all of you for the past 30+ years , and almost all of you didn't care to notice !! At least up to this month didn't care to notice.

But hey, anyways, size is more important to you !!! The size of dick and the size of bank account, and Black, all that matters more to you than the existence of those which are less or opposite shade contrary.

Hippo- cracy !!!
My wife said this for years but she had only fucked me and a few other white guys all hung like me. When she got that first really good, long, intense, high stamina fuck from a cock that filled her deep and stretched her wide, her point of view took a complete turn.