the reperations act

Det är därför det är viktigt med skadestånd. Att ge tillbaka till svarta människor vad de blivit bestulna på. Det är också ett av de områden där vita män vacklar. De tycker att för att de säger förlåt ska de få förlåtelse. Detta är dock otillräckligt och bör inte förväxlas med faktisk försoning. Ersättning ges till alla under solen, dock med Black Kings and Queens, och för BBC som du älskar så mycket räcker det bara med en "förlåt"? Nej, du måste lämna dina pengar för Black New World Order. Säg förlåt med dina jävla fickor vita boi. Till exempel lät jag en vit slav göra sin del och hylla mig dagligen i över 100 dagar.
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What about the people who's ancestors never owned slaves, the people who had ancestors who fought in the Civil War for the North to free the slaves. How do you deal with them? Or people who's ancestors came to this country in the late 1800's or after.
This reperations act ******* is getting old. I, like others, are tired of this crap. Blacks have the same rights, if not more than the white people, they just break the law more trying to get a free handout. Dont want to work and instead sit at home and work the welfare and food stamp programs. Dont want to go to school, apply yourself to get a real job, thats on you. Hell, blacks have their own colleges in the south called the HBCU colleges. Whites are not allowed at these schools. Why not ? Thats segregation if you ask me. Blacks have the same laws, voting rights, and rights to go to schools, even black only schools as stated above, so whats the problem ? Its called laziness and thugs who think what happened 400 years ago affects their life now. Hows that work ? Nobody today picked cotton, lived in slave shacks, or got whipped by their master, so go get a fucking education and a good job. The Minnesota ******* was a joke. You know why he was even being arrested ? He was trying to pass counter fit $20 bills. Nobody singled him out, he was breaking the law and resisting arrest. Sound like a upright, law abiding citizen to you ? I think not. Yet we have all these protest and some, not all, used it has a way to tear ******* up and loot and steal, IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES !! WHAT !!! That makes no sense. Taking black owned business down and taking jobs away from the good people who worked them and tried to better themselves. Dont do a crime and you wont have to do the time, or be "harassed" even though you and your boyfriend / girlfriend are selling ******* out of your apartment or sitting in a stolen car, run from the cops, then wonder why they get shot. I agree there is a lot of white trash in this country too, so im not trying to blame all the countries problems on the black person so dont get it twisted. Blacks in this country have it made. Go to any other country and see how you are treated. You will be begging to come back. The white man has it worse than anybody if they are trying to get a job. This is how the pecking order goes on who gets a job if they all have the same qualifications. Black female, Black male, White female, then the White male. Its bullshit. So keep your sad, sob stories on how the black person has it so bad. If you ask me, they have more rights than the white person.
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This is not the place to even have such a discussion. this is literally a site rooted in racialized fetishes that dates back to slavery. what the fuck you think a bull was? you have open access to the same white folks that ate off that market (yes, your ancestors immigrated to America, you ate off it too) and you think you're gonna convinced them of the black plight? it ain't even up for discussion with them so why bother? especially here where being black is fetishized for white pleasure.
This is why reparations are important. To give back to Black people what they have been robbed of. It is also one of the areas in which white men falter. They think that because they say sorry, they should be forgiven. However, this is insufficient and should not be confused with actual atonement. Reparations are given to everyone under the sun, however with Black Kings and Queens, and for the BBC that you love so much, just a ‘sorry’ is enough? No, you must part with your funds for the Black New World Order. Say sorry with your fucking pockets white boi. For example, I had a white slave do his part and tribute to me daily for over 100 days.
Reparations aren't required. You can't blame modern whites for what white people of the past did to black people in the past. Let's not forget that African tribal black people in the past enslaved other tribal black people long before white people ever did. Are black people going to pay reparations to them? I'll answer for you, of course you're not, and why should you? You're not to blame, just as modern whites aren't to blame. You need perspective, but that might mean you missing out on handouts, and changing your toxic and racist ideology.

The best reparations that could be given is an end to racism from all ethnicities. Slavery is still practiced and expected in Saudi Arabia and other parts of the Middle East. It's a cultural thing there don't you know.
This is not the place to even have such a discussion. this is literally a site rooted in racialized fetishes that dates back to slavery. what the fuck you think a bull was? you have open access to the same white folks that ate off that market (yes, your ancestors immigrated to America, you ate off it too) and you think you're gonna convinced them of the black plight? it ain't even up for discussion with them so why bother? especially here where being black is fetishized for white pleasure.
Aye. You'd think white folks are still exploiting them.
Reparationer krävs inte. Du kan inte skylla på moderna vita för vad vita människor från det förflutna gjorde med svarta människor förr. Låt oss inte glömma att afrikanska stamsvarta människor i det förflutna förslavade andra stamsvarta människor långt innan vita människor någonsin gjorde det. Kommer svarta människor att betala skadestånd till dem? Jag ska svara åt dig, självklart är du inte det, och varför skulle du det? Du är inte skyldig, precis som moderna vita inte är skyldiga. Du behöver perspektiv, men det kan innebära att du går miste om utdelningar och ändrar din giftiga och rasistiska ideologi.

Det bästa skadeståndet som kan ges är ett slut på rasism från alla etniciteter. Slaveri utövas och förväntas fortfarande i Saudiarabien och andra delar av Mellanöstern. Det är en kulturell sak där vet du inte.
jag understand and agree. I support and promotr this future. 🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤
This is why reparations are important. To give back to Black people what they have been robbed of. It is also one of the areas in which white men falter. They think that because they say sorry, they should be forgiven. However, this is insufficient and should not be confused with actual atonement. Reparations are given to everyone under the sun, however with Black Kings and Queens, and for the BBC that you love so much, just a ‘sorry’ is enough? No, you must part with your funds for the Black New World Order. Say sorry with your fucking pockets white boi. For example, I had a white slave do his part and tribute to me daily for over 100 days.
This could be valid for countries that had colonies, slaves from Africa and such (USA, U.K., France, Spain, Portugal...)
However, we from Balkan had nothing to do with that 🤷
Even more, from middle ages to early eighteenth century we were continuously attacked by ottomans, and our people taken to be their soldiers (jannisaries i.e.) or slaves.
So please, when you talk about that repartaions stuff, be precise and dont generalise 😉
HBCUs admit white students. Not many enroll, but they don't and cannot purposely exclude them under the law. Fuck American Conservatives. 40 years of "but I don't wanna pay ANYTHING for a country I give lip service to loving" ever since that fuck wit Reagan. Starting the war on the middle class and poor called " the war on *******" so Nixon could jail his political opposition for it is their worst crime. Followed by continual action to disenfranchise non-white votes everywhere they can. The furtherance of lies about welfare being luxurious or a burden on the us budget. Welfare doesn't even pay a sustainable living. You want to stop deficit spending? Easy. tax the rich. Stop spending 10 times what the next 10 biggest military budgets in the world do. Book those assholes selling the proverbial $400 hammer to the army for fraud. Don't act like you have principles if you're a conservative in America; you seem poised to nominate that treasonous con man trump again, despite him being the DEFINITION of "enemy of the Constitution (domestic)". You give two shits about your fellow Americans. You've historically sold out the fiscal security of the poor and middle class to cut taxes to line your own pockets. You don't have a REAL objection to welfare- you'd have to have experience of it to have that. You just can't stand the thought of government spending going to "gasp" BLACK PEOPLE! OR equal treatment under the law to anyone but a white male. Your values are cynical, reductive, selfish, unpatriotic, racist, zenophobic and homo and transphobic. The last of which I think is just hysterical. All the hypothetical fears you have about trans people in the restrooms- you're looking forward the WRONG suspect! All the things you accuse trans people of? WHITE "straight" MEN. The idea of moral equivalency between the GOP and the DNC? Laughable. You've got to give the GOP an opponent whose values they're on par with!? Try the National Socialist Movement in Germany circa 1933.
If we can give Billions of Dollars to Ukraine we can give black Americans reparations! America gave away 60 billion dollars in foreign aid in 2022 using tax payer dollars and not all tax payers agree with giving a penny to other countries but does the government care how millions of tax payers feel? Nope! So then why shouldn't the government have the same feelings towards the tax payers that don't want black Americans to get reparations? The fact of the matter is that it's absolutely not about the money because we give away billions of dollars of tax payer money to counties that don't exactly like us!

The issue is that America still has a problem with race and actually taking accountability for screwing over a people and generations of their children and that's why they want to erase the parts of history that has to do with black people!
This is why reparations are important. To give back to Black people what they have been robbed of. It is also one of the areas in which white men falter. They think that because they say sorry, they should be forgiven. However, this is insufficient and should not be confused with actual atonement. Reparations are given to everyone under the sun, however with Black Kings and Queens, and for the BBC that you love so much, just a ‘sorry’ is enough? No, you must part with your funds for the Black New World Order. Say sorry with your fucking pockets white boi. For example, I had a white slave do his part and tribute to me daily for over 100 days.
Work for it you lazy fuckers!! None of us owned any damn slaves and not one of you useless fuckers ever picked any cotton!! You are a piece of dogshit with your hand out!! No one owes you a fuckin thing!! You are responsible for you!!
America violated the Emancipation Proclamation and black men didn't receive what was promised to them and their families! That's the problem too many folks are ignorant and uneducated and have no idea how black people were held back as a people. Do you know how many massacres happened against black people in America just wanting fair wages for doing more work than their white counterparts? Do you know how many successful and thriving black communities were deliberately destroyed and people killed simply over jealousy? Do you have any idea about all the government endorsed laws and policies just to disadvantage and keep black people from progressing and being successful and despite all of that the majority of black men are in the middle class anyway! Did you know that white people used to cannibalize and eat black men? Did you know that they use to ******* the men as well as the women? Of course you didn't.

So there isn't a whole lot of laziness going on if according to the data most black men are single and childless and in the middle class and I am one of them.

Let me put it to you like this I don't agree with America paying out billions of Dollars in both foreign aid or military assistance. I don't agree with billions of dollars going towards welfare and black people are not the highest popular on welfare in America. I don't agree with the government using tax payer dollars to pay for abortions, substance abuse program, or gender nonsense. The fact of the matter there is billions of tax payer dollars going towards stuff that many tax payers don't agree with and there is nothing wrong with reparations being added to that list!
This is why reparations are important. To give back to Black people what they have been robbed of. It is also one of the areas in which white men falter. They think that because they say sorry, they should be forgiven. However, this is insufficient and should not be confused with actual atonement. Reparations are given to everyone under the sun, however with Black Kings and Queens, and for the BBC that you love so much, just a ‘sorry’ is enough? No, you must part with your funds for the Black New World Order. Say sorry with your fucking pockets white boi. For example, I had a white slave do his part and tribute to me daily for over 100 days.
Go rob some Target, Home Depot stores, etc.
This is why reparations are important. To give back to Black people what they have been robbed of. It is also one of the areas in which white men falter. They think that because they say sorry, they should be forgiven. However, this is insufficient and should not be confused with actual atonement. Reparations are given to everyone under the sun, however with Black Kings and Queens, and for the BBC that you love so much, just a ‘sorry’ is enough? No, you must part with your funds for the Black New World Order. Say sorry with your fucking pockets white boi. For example, I had a white slave do his part and tribute to me daily for over 100 days.
You made two mistakes:
You brought a serious subject, reparations, into a stupid ass BNWO fantasy and expect real answers?
You're way too ill informed and inarticulate on the subject to be demanding anything.

You'll just become a poster c/hild for reasons NOT to take the subject seriously. You'll bring out the racists and even more ignorant than yourself. They will take shots at the entire race, then we will retort in-kind. Go to Quora and post this. Stop thinking that because people may want to fuck you, the understand or empathize with you. They do not.