Quick translations for a lotta BS we all come across

"Open minded" means gay

"Thicc" "curvy" "plus size" means fat

"11-12 inches" means 7-8 inches

"I want to surprise to my wife" "I'm convincing my wife" "my wife wont be involved until..." means a gay guy just wants to fantasize

"I'm your slut and yours alone but I'm only available once a month" means everybody is hittin her

"You okay with us recording, its just for personal use" means you'll be on pornhub soon

"cum inside me, I'm on the pill. If you say you're std free that's good enough for me" means dont fuck her raw

"my sister/cousin/******* loves bbc, what do you think of that" means you're about to entertain some gay guy's fantasies

"this site/app is 18+ and I dunno why my age says I'm 22 I'm only 19 😊" means she's been on the site/app since she was *******

"Sub to my OF and follow my insta" means drop her or you'll be payin to fuck

"i want a blue collar man/country boy for my bull" means she wants a white guy, dont waste your time

"My camera isnt working" 😑

"We probably won't be meeting for a while we've been arguing a lot lately" means find a new couple

"Republican" "Patriotic" "American values" means racist 😂
You are correct and i'm glad a black man can see that. Try checking out black conservatives persective on youtube he's awesome.
His simplistic answer was not correct. We have a bad habit of assigning “racism” as only the overt stuff we see from polarizing groups like the “KKK.” America’s racial issue knows no political party… because it is based on the mythical notion of White Supremacy… not blue donkeys and red elephants.

…and dude’s answer pretended as if the Southern Strategy, Ronald Reagan, and Lee Atwater never happened.
His simplistic answer was not correct. We have a bad habit of assigning “racism” as only the overt stuff we see from polarizing groups like the “KKK.” America’s racial issue knows no political party… because it is based on the mythical notion of White Supremacy… not blue donkeys and red elephants.

…and dude’s answer pretended as if the Southern Strategy, Ronald Reagan, and Lee Atwater never happened.
Facts racists practice racism everywhere everyday voting be dammed