How should interracial be promoted more in society?

I can say I’m a perfect example of this lol. I used to be a bit of a racist alt right boy. Thank god over time I realised where my anger as coming from. It was from a sense of sexual inadequacy. All my masculinity and bigotry was a facade to try and get over it. A slow intimidation with interracial porn and finally learning about what social justice really is has helped me change. Losing my masculinity was the best thing ever :)
I wasn't a racist, but one day I realized black men are the real men. I couldn't compete and was not even going to try it.
Interracial relationships promote themselves. More and more happy couples to be seen around.
I think the bullshit way it is presented in the porn industry, whilst clearly arousing to some women must be equally off-putting to others.
I don’t think every woman appreciates being classified a “white slut / bbc whore / snow ho” - delete as applicable.
You dont need to promote it more its growing gradually ir porn is really popular which means more girls see it which makes more girls want to try it more girls try a lot not all will love it so it becomes more common i know ir porn gave me the push so it just a waiting game look at attitudes now to 20 to 30 years ago it will keep getting more common
I have heard this conversation a lot among white men. Actually, Jewish guys of my aquaintance complain about it a lot. Especially in mainstream TV commercials, but also sitcoms, they show a lot of couples where the man is black and the woman is white.

I think that can only be good, as it normalises the idea of white girls going with black men. Frankly, some of the white guys that complain feel threatened and are a little racist imo.

Interracial couples on TV have been around since the 70s. "The Jeffersons" featured an interracial woman with a white husband. George Jefferson used many of the "popular" comments in describing the couple. Such language today commenting in a negative manner about such a relationship of either composition would probably spark outrage due to political correctness. No one seems to be able to laugh at themselves any longer.
Along with so many commercials and main-stream movies that are featuring IR couples, there’s something else that I’ve found that is happening more and more also and that’s what some refer to as “water cooler chat” or just white girls/women talking about sex with black men. I say that because with me personally, and I know it is most likely because most people know I have a black fiancé, but it seems to me that every time it’s just us girls alone, the conversation becomes sexual and almost always about who has or who hasn’t had sex with black men. This is also happening to me when I’m alone with another woman, especially one you would never think they would have any interest in black men and all of a sudden she’s surprisingly and freely telling me about her long-time fantasy of having sex with a black guy..?? Anyway, interracial sex between white women and black men is a hot conversation these days, something that was never talked about years ago and I love it..
Mr. Miracle, I completely agree and thank god it's happening. I love seeing white men portrayed as wimps limp dicks because they are when compared to any Black man period.
Bella and the Bulldogs is a show on Nic at night that shows a beautiful junior high school girl falling for a black stud. It also shows the true nature of white bios and their love of being cucked by a superior Black male, Of course they ridicule the producer of this show who is a beautiful Black man that dared show the beautiful truth.
If I'm not mistaken the producer also created a very soft porn called CUCKOLD.
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Mr. Miracle, I completely agree and thank god it's happening. I love seeing white men portrayed as wimps limp dicks because they are when compared to any Black man period.
Bella and the Bulldogs is a show on Nic at night that shows a beautiful junior high school girl falling for a black stud. It also shows the true nature of white bios and their love of being chucked. Of course they ridicule the beautiful Black man that dared show the beautiful truth.

Bella and the Bulldogs is the first step to mainstream interracial cuckolding.
Droit du seigneur, (French: “right of the lord”), a feudal right said to have existed in medieval Europe giving the lord to whom it belonged the right to sleep the first night with the bride of any one of his vassals. The custom is paralleled in various primitive societies...

Certainly in Zimbabwe there some who felt that the *******. who held the purse strings. had the right to any girlfriend of his sons, probably more so if she was white and therefore. probably. not a serious love of the *******, just an 'opportunity'. Wit my ex it was the other way round with her being given by a ******* to his sons.
It varies for all sorts of normal reasons. In many UK big cities it is normal to see white mothers with coloured babies. That in itself sends a clear message. It also common to see white female teenagers knecking with African men on the tube. In some areas of London I is highly mixd, while in others it is not so. However even in the areas predominantly white it was still possible to find pubs where white women went into expecting to find black men. It goes back a few years, but the Swiss Chalet in Muswell Hill was like that. Bars in Bayswater were often predominantly Muslim and white women went expecting some 'fun', while I recall a bar in Knightsbirdge that was predominantly 'upper crust' white females and rich Arab or African men.

However in areas in the countryside, or predominantly white (98% white) the curiosity factor is also a drive, and in East Angla black American servicemen were often the centre of attention.

In Africa all white females were the centre of attention whether in a park, shopping mall, restaurant, clubs or bars, and what is normal is them appreciating being the centre of attention and eventually reciprocating.
It varies for all sorts of normal reasons. In many UK big cities it is normal to see white mothers with coloured babies. That in itself sends a clear message. It also common to see white female teenagers knecking with African men on the tube. In some areas of London I is highly mixd, while in others it is not so. However even in the areas predominantly white it was still possible to find pubs where white women went into expecting to find black men. It goes back a few years, but the Swiss Chalet in Muswell Hill was like that. Bars in Bayswater were often predominantly Muslim and white women went expecting some 'fun', while I recall a bar in Knightsbirdge that was predominantly 'upper crust' white females and rich Arab or African men.

However in areas in the countryside, or predominantly white (98% white) the curiosity factor is also a drive, and in East Angla black American servicemen were often the centre of attention.

In Africa all white females were the centre of attention whether in a park, shopping mall, restaurant, clubs or bars, and what is normal is them appreciating being the centre of attention and eventually reciprocating.
When we first arrived in Zimbabwe my wife was shocked and alarmed at the sexual aggression, friendly humorous but determined and assertive, of the African men.
After a few months she took it for granted, was wondering if something was wrong if there was something wrong.
In the last 3 months, she checked if the man accosting her was already which case he may have just 'got lucky'