Guys who ask for location....

When you ask for the location of someone who has it clearly written in their posts and on their shows little effort and kinda acts as a strike against you. Just sayin......
I agree with you, yes. However, half the time I'll check the location and when the person/couple says they are interested I'll say but I'm in NJ and you're in NC for example, I get something like uhhh yeah my profile says that but I'm right near you, lol. Bullshitters.
That's also happened to me and not just you, bbc for . . . By the way, anytime someone who hits you up should be taken as a compliment. On a scale of 1 to 10 how big a deal is it? Would rather not get any private messages or one that could lead to something good. Just asking . . .
Both of you make good points. I ask the question at times to zero in on location. For example if someone says htey are from Texas or California, those are massive states, I need to know how close you are even though we are in the same state.