For interracial sex, which part or partner combinations has the strongest taboo that gets you off?

Taboo (n): a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.

Tell someone not to do something, and you're almost guaranteed that their curiosity will get the better of them and they'll want to try it.

I suppose, it is hard-wired into humans to crave what they can't have or are not supposed to have.

Ok, I get that maybe in the 60s or even 70's, those thoughts about sexual relations or partners with Blacks might have lingered. But still in 2019, well into the digital age?

Let's put it into a little historical perspective: Why are American blacks, consistently singled out by whites for this idea of taboo?
Take people from countries which have been open hostile to America and have even murdered, kidnapped, tortured americans. Think back to Sep 11, hundreds of marines slaughtered in 1983 barracks bombing in Lebanon. Even going back to WW2, Germans and Japanese slaughtering Americans by the thousands. These were people who wanted to destroy this country and everything it stood for.

However no one thinks its taboo to date germans or Japanese or middle-easterners or americans with origins in those countries.

Ironically, black americans who have fought and defended America in the war of independence and every war America has fought since, are still considered to be taboo? Yet people from other countries and regions who considered America an enemy are not? Puzzling.

It's obvious that this idea of 'taboo' is not projected onto other racial combinations. I read a while ago of a white woman saying in a forum that she has taken her arab boyfriend to many places in the US, including in the deep south and has never had any problems. Another guy, a Japanese American stated that this issue of hostility to IR relationships honestly speaking, applies more to certain combinations than others (he was obviously being diplomatic and didn't want to specify), as he saidhe has never encountered any hostility with his white partner wherever they have travelled to.

Is hardly surprising however, when whites single out blacks people to consistently portray as "different" from everyone else, you take pleasure in ridiculing and belittling and marginalizing them, you actively encourage people of other races and from other countries in private conversations to view them the same way you do, How wouldn't they be thought of as taboo when you almost take pleasure in portraying them in that light?

You've got to give it to the whites, though: They create this mind-set of relations and sex with black americans being taboo and put it out there to take root, then these very same whites turn around and come to hide on places like this to exploit this whole idea of taboo for their sexual benefit. That's cynical and smart. Create an effect, let it multiply and then turn around and exploit and benefit from what you have created. Smart.

As a white woman said in a forum here recently: "Of course sex with them [American blacks] is still taboo; that is what makes the sex soooo good"

So next time you hear whites (and yes, a few dumb blacks) say they enjoy "the taboo" of sex with black americans, think about what they mean, as in what they are really thinking, but would never dare to say out loud.

So, this idea of a taboo. Something to be enjoyed by certain types or an outdated offensive idea which should be buried with haste and forgotten?
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Maybe some of them delight in the mental masturbation of their wife or girlfriend engaging in taboo sex, probably imagining what their friends, family, work colleagues, boss, acquaintances etc would say if they could witness what he is seeing.
"We should never have let them off the plantations."

"If I'd known this was going to happen, I would have picked my own cotton."

"If we could swap them all for you more of you, I'd do it in a heartbeat."

These are the kinds of things that whites tell americans of other ethnicities and people from other countries, as they put down American blacks often during 'private, strictly for your ears only' conversations'

Small wonder, that these same types flock to places like this to get off on people they hate and despise banging their wives and girlfriends.
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Another factor to consider is why you don't have sites where the whites go looking for for big latin cock, or big Asian cock or big Polynesian cock or big arab cock etc.

That is because when they want to hook up with people from those backgrounds, they go with them openly and do not come to places like this to hide as they would be ashamed and embarrassed to be seen associating with American blacks on a personal level.

Not so with other races and other nationalities. Besides they see individuals from these other races and nationalities for who they are ie personalities, merits and qualities, not just collectively as big dumb walking cocks to be used as sexual playthings and then cast aside and maintained at arm's length once they have served their primitive sexual purpose.
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A quick lesson in history. When slaves were brought to america of any other area they were considered chattel just like any horse, cattle and at one time your wife. Since the owners of the slaves thought of them as animals when a census for deciding representation was debated the South wanted to count slaves as one person. The north said if they did that then cattle should also be counted. Finally a agreement was reached the a Black person would be counted as 3/5 of a person for representation. Now if you look at a person as an ******* what man or woman in there right mind would want to have sex with them and therefore they became taboo. I imagine some preachers would bring up a passage about not sleeping with the beast. After a while slave owner families began to see that they were human, had children, loved, mourned, ******* just like white folks and began seeing them as human beings. At some point slave owners,sons,etc saw the beauty of the women and would partake of them. Sometimes ******* other times natural attraction. Some were wet nursed by a black woman because God forbid the lady of the house could not produce milk or did not want to be bothered with feeding the children. The male owners were not getting sex from the wives or in the same way they wanted so the black woman slave became the target, being a ******* it was ok no feeling etc. Some not all white slave owners wives would see the magnificent black man in trousers with out shirt working in the field and husband bedding the slave girls she would be horny. So one thing led to another and she would stray and find out wow he is really good, big dick, stay stiff longer, and but most of all it was taboo to do this. If the off spring of these union weren't aborted through potions and it was delivered most likely it would be considered still born and hurried to the slaves quarters. Mistress could not have this going on. Back then fathers were not allowed in where the baby was delivered so he did not know if born dead or alive. Mid wife was usually black so the cover up continued. Then the KKK and white power groups got involved and began to terrorize whites associating with blacks and it really got bad and more taboo. Once fast forward to when school became mixed and ******* found out that blacks were human and a man or woman things got better and dating one, having sex, loving one was less a taboo. Now it's based on some clear racism by parents or who the girl hangs with or people just see it and accept it for what it is. If people would see this as a mixing of culture there would be less racism in the world. I feel now days people throw that word around too often. I will probably be labeled as one since in some way I might offend some one with this, or it goes against their beliefs but hey I will protect anyone from harm done by the so called white power people. Having served in the military and been to war I know we all ******* red *******.
A quick lesson in history. When slaves were brought to america of any other area they were considered chattel just like any horse, cattle and at one time your wife. Since the owners of the slaves thought of them as animals when a census for deciding representation was debated the South wanted to count slaves as one person. The north said if they did that then cattle should also be counted. Finally a agreement was reached the a Black person would be counted as 3/5 of a person for representation. Now if you look at a person as an ******* what man or woman in there right mind would want to have sex with them and therefore they became taboo. I imagine some preachers would bring up a passage about not sleeping with the beast. After a while slave owner families began to see that they were human, had children, loved, mourned, ******* just like white folks and began seeing them as human beings. At some point slave owners,sons,etc saw the beauty of the women and would partake of them. Sometimes ******* other times natural attraction. Some were wet nursed by a black woman because God forbid the lady of the house could not produce milk or did not want to be bothered with feeding the children. The male owners were not getting sex from the wives or in the same way they wanted so the black woman slave became the target, being a ******* it was ok no feeling etc. Some not all white slave owners wives would see the magnificent black man in trousers with out shirt working in the field and husband bedding the slave girls she would be horny. So one thing led to another and she would stray and find out wow he is really good, big dick, stay stiff longer, and but most of all it was taboo to do this. If the off spring of these union weren't aborted through potions and it was delivered most likely it would be considered still born and hurried to the slaves quarters. Mistress could not have this going on. Back then fathers were not allowed in where the baby was delivered so he did not know if born dead or alive. Mid wife was usually black so the cover up continued. Then the KKK and white power groups got involved and began to terrorize whites associating with blacks and it really got bad and more taboo. Once fast forward to when school became mixed and ******* found out that blacks were human and a man or woman things got better and dating one, having sex, loving one was less a taboo. Now it's based on some clear racism by parents or who the girl hangs with or people just see it and accept it for what it is. If people would see this as a mixing of culture there would be less racism in the world. I feel now days people throw that word around too often. I will probably be labeled as one since in some way I might offend some one with this, or it goes against their beliefs but hey I will protect anyone from harm done by the so called white power people. Having served in the military and been to war I know we all ******* red *******.

Nothing racist about it. Is a candid and informed piece of writing on the reality of those times.
the older (50s) black man with a younger (late teens or early 20s) white girl ( or boy)

My 1st SD would make me come in the hotel with him when he was checking in. Me in a very short skirt and top with no bra, standing next to a very mature black gentleman - no doubt what was going to happen
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the older (50s) black man with a younger (late teens or early 20s) white girl ( or boy)

My 1st SD would make me come in the hotel with him when he was checking in. Me is a very short skirt and top with no bra, standing next to a very mature black gentleman - no doubt what was going to happen

In english, please.
the older (50s) black man with a younger (late teens or early 20s) white girl ( or boy)

My 1st SD would make me come in the hotel with him when he was checking in. Me in a very short skirt and top with no bra, standing next to a very mature black gentleman - no doubt what was going to happen

You can ask me questions don't need to send questions to my profile, Not a big deal. Just saying.
Taboo (n): a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.

Tell someone not to do something, and you're almost guaranteed that their curiosity will get the better of them and they'll want to try it.

I suppose, it is hard-wired into humans to crave what they can't have or are not supposed to have.

Ok, I get that maybe in the 60s or even 70's, those thoughts about sexual relations or partners with Blacks might have lingered. But still in 2019, well into the digital age?

Let's put it into a little historical perspective: Why are American blacks, consistently singled out by whites for this idea of taboo?
Take people from countries which have been open hostile to America and have even murdered, kidnapped, tortured americans. Think back to Sep 11, hundreds of marines slaughtered in 1983 barracks bombing in Lebanon. Even going back to WW2, Germans and Japanese slaughtering Americans by the thousands. These were people who wanted to destroy this country and everything it stood for.

However no one thinks its taboo to date germans or Japanese or middle-easterners or americans with origins in those countries.

Ironically, black americans who have fought and defended America in the war of independence and every war America has fought since, are still considered to be taboo? Yet people from other countries and regions who considered America an enemy are not? Puzzling.

It's obvious that this idea of 'taboo' is not projected onto other racial combinations. I read a while ago of a white woman saying in a forum that she has taken her arab boyfriend to many places in the US, including in the deep south and has never had any problems. Another guy, a Japanese American stated that this issue of hostility to IR relationships honestly speaking, applies more to certain combinations than others (he was obviously being diplomatic and didn't want to specify), as he saidhe has never encountered any hostility with his white partner wherever they have travelled to.

Is hardly surprising however, when whites single out blacks people to consistently portray as "different" from everyone else, you take pleasure in ridiculing and belittling and marginalizing them, you actively encourage people of other races and from other countries in private conversations to view them the same way you do, How wouldn't they be thought of as taboo when you almost take pleasure in portraying them in that light?

You've got to give it to the whites, though: They create this mind-set of relations and sex with black americans being taboo and put it out there to take root, then these very same whites turn around and come to hide on places like this to exploit this whole idea of taboo for their sexual benefit. That's cynical and smart. Create an effect, let it multiply and then turn around and exploit and benefit from what you have created. Smart.

As a white woman said in a forum here recently: "Of course sex with them [American blacks] is still taboo; that is what makes the sex soooo good"

So next time you hear whites (and yes, a few dumb blacks) say they enjoy "the taboo" of sex with black americans, think about what they mean, as in what they are really thinking, but would never dare to say out loud.

So, this idea of a taboo. Something to be enjoyed by certain types or an outdated offensive idea which should be buried with haste and forgotten?

After centuries of white supremacy, you can't just simply change the paradigm by declaring all historical standards and value systems irrelevant. We all internalize these values on some level. I think white people who have this sort of fetish are masochists who simply want to be punished, degraded and torn down from their position of privilege. Trying to interpret this as white people scheming to turn around the system we have created so as to enjoy the masochistic fruits afforded by such a power reversal is a rather odd way to think of it, in all honesty.....
After centuries of white supremacy, you can't just simply change the paradigm by declaring all historical standards and value systems irrelevant. We all internalize these values on some level. I think white people who have this sort of fetish are masochists who simply want to be punished, degraded and torn down from their position of privilege. Trying to interpret this as white people scheming to turn around the system we have created so as to enjoy the masochistic fruits afforded by such a power reversal is a rather odd way to think of it, in all honesty.....

Didn't say we should declare historical values irrelevant or abrogate them. Just asked why people still persist in retaining aspects of those mindsets in the21st century, the age of robotics and automation.
A quick lesson in history. When slaves were brought to america of any other area they were considered chattel just like any horse, cattle and at one time your wife. Since the owners of the slaves thought of them as animals when a census for deciding representation was debated the South wanted to count slaves as one person. The north said if they did that then cattle should also be counted. Finally a agreement was reached the a Black person would be counted as 3/5 of a person for representation. Now if you look at a person as an ******* what man or woman in there right mind would want to have sex with them and therefore they became taboo. I imagine some preachers would bring up a passage about not sleeping with the beast. After a while slave owner families began to see that they were human, had children, loved, mourned, ******* just like white folks and began seeing them as human beings. At some point slave owners,sons,etc saw the beauty of the women and would partake of them. Sometimes ******* other times natural attraction. Some were wet nursed by a black woman because God forbid the lady of the house could not produce milk or did not want to be bothered with feeding the children. The male owners were not getting sex from the wives or in the same way they wanted so the black woman slave became the target, being a ******* it was ok no feeling etc. Some not all white slave owners wives would see the magnificent black man in trousers with out shirt working in the field and husband bedding the slave girls she would be horny. So one thing led to another and she would stray and find out wow he is really good, big dick, stay stiff longer, and but most of all it was taboo to do this. If the off spring of these union weren't aborted through potions and it was delivered most likely it would be considered still born and hurried to the slaves quarters. Mistress could not have this going on. Back then fathers were not allowed in where the baby was delivered so he did not know if born dead or alive. Mid wife was usually black so the cover up continued. Then the KKK and white power groups got involved and began to terrorize whites associating with blacks and it really got bad and more taboo. Once fast forward to when school became mixed and ******* found out that blacks were human and a man or woman things got better and dating one, having sex, loving one was less a taboo. Now it's based on some clear racism by parents or who the girl hangs with or people just see it and accept it for what it is. If people would see this as a mixing of culture there would be less racism in the world. I feel now days people throw that word around too often. I will probably be labeled as one since in some way I might offend some one with this, or it goes against their beliefs but hey I will protect anyone from harm done by the so called white power people. Having served in the military and been to war I know we all ******* red *******.
More like white men fell for black women and white women stood by the door while they fucked.

White women were the first cucks decided by racial characteristics.

Most of this lifestyle is jealous white women and black men trying to get even.
For me, it's white women with black men. For centuries, white women were told to stay away from black men (and black people in general). They used every trick and fear tactic available to keep the races seperate, ranging from segregation to saying using marajuna use and that "satanic" jazz music made white women want to have sex with black men.

Even the "one drop rule" couldn't stop black men and white women from getting together.

So for me, it's that taboo aspect that makes it so hot. They tried SO HARD, but it didn't work.

I wonder if they knew all along what would happen, and tried in vain to stop attraction?