Born Racist??? Does that include Interracial fetishing? ???

No one is born racist, that's a silly notion.

People become discriminating due to experiences. For example, a baby soon learns that touching a hot stove is painful and leads to burns. People are not born with an aversion to stoves.
Opinions are like assholes, I usually try and keep mine covered. But every now and then I let it slip out!

Being a white middle aged, what I consider average type guy in my area. I have black friends as well as other races. Grew up to work in a factory with ethnic groups of most types.
We all worked our shifts and provided for our families best we could with what we had.
It didn't matter what "race" we were. We all had to do our jobs.
It didn't matter what "race" we were when the share holders wanted to pay less and sell for more.
It didn't matter what "race" we were, when we all lost our jobs.
I worked with hard workers. I worked with slackers. No matter what "race" we were, if u didn't come to work you didn't get paid.
When someone who made more than all of us put together decide we can get the work done else why for less. We all, no matter what "race" we were lost our jobs.

Good people of all "RACES" are equal, as long as we will except it in our minds.
These good people don't care if u drive a Tesla or a Ugo. If they see u need help they will try and help no matter what "race" you are or they are.
It's greed and contempt from people, not "race" that is holding everything back.

So maybe I was born a racist. Maybe I am hipocritical racist for liking to see my wife with black men. But she likes all cock and I like her happy!

You can lead a horse to water. But no matter how hard u suck his cock, he won't ******* if he doesn't want.

I can't change what people in the past have done. I can't change what people in the future will do. And I sure the hell am not suck sucking the horses cock to make him *******!
But I will treat anyone who treats me as an equal as my equal. No matter what "RACE" you are
I have just finished a training course with my company and one of the modules was on Diversity and Inclusion which my company is trying hard to make advances in.

However, the company’s position (which rather shocked me) is because I was born white, I was automatically born a racist, to racist parents and into racist system and I have inbuilt internal prejudices which I need to work hard to overcome. In short I’m a very bad person!

I have to tell you now, I have never knowingly or unknowingly discriminated against anyone because of the colour of their skin, and have always treated peopke as individuals, based on their character and behaviour and I hope I will always do so.

I am on record here (and on other sites) clearly stating that I consider Black people genetically superior to white people, stronger and bigger 😝 but it does raise the question of interracial fetishing?

We all love black dominant males and dominant goddesses, thats why we are here...but does this very fact play into the racism claims made against me?

Does the basis of interracial fetishes still lie with the outdated taboos and attitudes of much less enlightened era? Are we wrong to expect POC (however willing), to just perform a role in our own sexual gratification, a role that is explicitly based on the colour of their skin?

I suppose my question is two fold..are all whites naturally racist and are born so, and is our sexual predilections racist in itself.

I look forward to hearing the views of other site users.

Have fun and stay safe everyone.

Shame on your company for this discrimination and bigotry. This is the biggest form of hypocrisy. Disgusting.
Racism like all behavior and belief is learned not something in your DNA
I believe that because of my own experiences. If it were genetic why am i not a racist. I'm white Born in the deep south in a community where the N word was as common as good day. Everyone over eight could more than not name the KKK members in the county or at least their town. Fortunate enough to be the baby of a ******* and grandfather who pointed out the racist behavior as well as explaining why it was wrong. How could i doubt my beliefs were learned, not genetic or predetermined by my skin color.
Between my sophomore and junior year of college i did a summer session at a school for the deaf & Blind. The very young blind students nearly all exhibited no discriminatory behavior towards any of their classmates. Color after all appeared to have no effect on the interaction during daily classes. The deaf ones were not on the same page after all they could observe the reactions of everyone who they ever had contact with. Sometimes after only one meeting with family members you knew where that prejudice originated. It may not be a spoken word but merely a reaction observed by the baby. They are like little sponges soaking up everything within sound or sight.
I have just finished a training course with my company and one of the modules was on Diversity and Inclusion which my company is trying hard to make advances in.

However, the company’s position (which rather shocked me) is because I was born white, I was automatically born a racist, to racist parents and into racist system and I have inbuilt internal prejudices which I need to work hard to overcome. In short I’m a very bad person!

I have to tell you now, I have never knowingly or unknowingly discriminated against anyone because of the colour of their skin, and have always treated peopke as individuals, based on their character and behaviour and I hope I will always do so.

I am on record here (and on other sites) clearly stating that I consider Black people genetically superior to white people, stronger and bigger 😝 but it does raise the question of interracial fetishing?

We all love black dominant males and dominant goddesses, thats why we are here...but does this very fact play into the racism claims made against me?

Does the basis of interracial fetishes still lie with the outdated taboos and attitudes of much less enlightened era? Are we wrong to expect POC (however willing), to just perform a role in our own sexual gratification, a role that is explicitly based on the colour of their skin?

I suppose my question is two fold..are all whites naturally racist and are born so, and is our sexual predilections racist in itself.

I look forward to hearing the views of other site users.

Have fun and stay safe everyone.
No one is born racist. We are born into sinful world. Hatred is taught. You were born into privilege. The sexual predilections from a white male perspective is racist without getting deep into that subject matter. White women like all women need to be feel like a woman sexual and mentally. White men don’t have the tool. All black men don’t have big dicks . All here aren’t big. But, more than 2 , 3 inches hard . My dick soft, bigger than majority of white man penis. Why? We have bigger decks, do not. Why were you born into privilege when the black man is originally man . Don’t know . The group of people superior over another like no nation . We are all one. You might be surprised at how much African ******* in your ancestry. I know there’s European ******* in me
I have just finished a training course with my company and one of the modules was on Diversity and Inclusion which my company is trying hard to make advances in.

However, the company’s position (which rather shocked me) is because I was born white, I was automatically born a racist, to racist parents and into racist system and I have inbuilt internal prejudices which I need to work hard to overcome. In short I’m a very bad person!

I have to tell you now, I have never knowingly or unknowingly discriminated against anyone because of the colour of their skin, and have always treated peopke as individuals, based on their character and behaviour and I hope I will always do so.

I am on record here (and on other sites) clearly stating that I consider Black people genetically superior to white people, stronger and bigger 😝 but it does raise the question of interracial fetishing?

We all love black dominant males and dominant goddesses, thats why we are here...but does this very fact play into the racism claims made against me?

Does the basis of interracial fetishes still lie with the outdated taboos and attitudes of much less enlightened era? Are we wrong to expect POC (however willing), to just perform a role in our own sexual gratification, a role that is explicitly based on the colour of their skin?

I suppose my question is two fold..are all whites naturally racist and are born so, and is our sexual predilections racist in itself.

I look forward to hearing the views of other site users.

Have fun and stay safe everyone.
Its the usual rubbish that seems to be spouting out of every orifice these days.
Racism is very alive and prevalent and outside of fantasy, I’m against it. In the bedroom, things are more visceral and built from outside bedroom forces for sure. In the bedroom I want to be more open and allow myself and others to go less with the political and moral mind and more with the gut and what turns us both on. What happens outside the bedroom still matters though (ie if you’re racist outside the bedroom, attraction goes waayyy down). My two cents.
I have just finished a training course with my company and one of the modules was on Diversity and Inclusion which my company is trying hard to make advances in.

However, the company’s position (which rather shocked me) is because I was born white, I was automatically born a racist, to racist parents and into racist system and I have inbuilt internal prejudices which I need to work hard to overcome. In short I’m a very bad person!

I have to tell you now, I have never knowingly or unknowingly discriminated against anyone because of the colour of their skin, and have always treated peopke as individuals, based on their character and behaviour and I hope I will always do so.

I am on record here (and on other sites) clearly stating that I consider Black people genetically superior to white people, stronger and bigger 😝 but it does raise the question of interracial fetishing?

We all love black dominant males and dominant goddesses, thats why we are here...but does this very fact play into the racism claims made against me?

Does the basis of interracial fetishes still lie with the outdated taboos and attitudes of much less enlightened era? Are we wrong to expect POC (however willing), to just perform a role in our own sexual gratification, a role that is explicitly based on the colour of their skin?

I suppose my question is two fold..are all whites naturally racist and are born so, and is our sexual predilections racist in itself.

I look forward to hearing the views of other site users.

Have fun and stay safe eve

I have just finished a training course with my company and one of the modules was on Diversity and Inclusion which my company is trying hard to make advances in.

However, the company’s position (which rather shocked me) is because I was born white, I was automatically born a racist, to racist parents and into racist system and I have inbuilt internal prejudices which I need to work hard to overcome. In short I’m a very bad person!

I have to tell you now, I have never knowingly or unknowingly discriminated against anyone because of the colour of their skin, and have always treated peopke as individuals, based on their character and behaviour and I hope I will always do so.

I am on record here (and on other sites) clearly stating that I consider Black people genetically superior to white people, stronger and bigger 😝 but it does raise the question of interracial fetishing?

We all love black dominant males and dominant goddesses, thats why we are here...but does this very fact play into the racism claims made against me?

Does the basis of interracial fetishes still lie with the outdated taboos and attitudes of much less enlightened era? Are we wrong to expect POC (however willing), to just perform a role in our own sexual gratification, a role that is explicitly based on the colour of their skin?

I suppose my question is two fold..are all whites naturally racist and are born so, and is our sexual predilections racist in itself.

I look forward to hearing the views of other site users.

Have fun and stay safe everyone.
if you agree that there are races and you agree that they are different you are a racist in some peoples mind . bullshit
it is a fact .
a real racist is someone who judges others by their race or nation or religion .
and those assholes you will find in any race and in any nation .
the idea that someone is different and brings diversity because of their gender or race or religion is a racist behavior since it judges a person not by what they are but by their race. Diversity is not always good , do we care if the football players and basketball players are black if they are good, maybe we should make them include short small people on the court and field to increase diversity
No one is born racist. We are born into sinful world. Hatred is taught. You were born into privilege. The sexual predilections from a white male perspective is racist without getting deep into that subject matter. White women like all women need to be feel like a woman sexual and mentally. White men don’t have the tool. All black men don’t have big dicks . All here aren’t big. But, more than 2 , 3 inches hard . My dick soft, bigger than majority of white man penis. Why? We have bigger decks, do not. Why were you born into privilege when the black man is originally man . Don’t know . The group of people superior over another like no nation . We are all one. You might be surprised at how much African ******* in your ancestry. I know there’s European ******* in me
do you understand what you are saying, you are right that we are all mostly related but there is a huge variety of cultures and body types such as bushmen or pygmies or Masai
I host people who travel to my city and have had men and women from everywhere. We have also had sex with people from many places and i have sucked cock from all over the world and had women from other races. We make our own messes and we compete and when one group has power they often abuse everyone else including their own relatives
You work for idiots, no one is born raciest. Like every other prejudice it must be taught. The process starts at birth, everything seen, or heard makes us what we are. You can be raised in a home where nothing is said and end up with some racial issues. Maybe you got it at school, from friends or even observation in that home where no raciest comment was ever made. Observing different treatment of people of color without verbal confirmation. The way you treat others goes along way towards the opinions a baby will form. It spans the globe and covers every race on the planet. In some places the religion gets more different treatment than skin color.
After your born you may become raciest towards any other race your race traditionally dislikes or look down on, like the class system in India. It's not just a black & white thing. Some blacks are racist, they don't want their sons or daughters mixing with whites or Asians. In my state we have four Indian reservations. Some Indians dislike race mixing as much as the other races dislike mixing with the Indians. Many Asian people discourage their children from mating out of their race. It's as old as time but we're all born without it.
I know it's taught or learned without direct lessons. I saw it first hand working one summer at a school for Deaf & Blind. Those young blind children didn't hate or dislike by color. They played hugged and mixed with every color possible. Another baby had to do something before any anger occurred. They judged others by how they treated them . The teen classes had a few who sometimes ask the color of another. Some had several years of best friends ended abruptly. No doubt they had been taught.
In my opinion it's not one of man's best accomplishments. In my life I've encountered plenty of less than admirable people without adding thousands or millions because of race or religion.
You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!
All I know is I give everyone a fair shot upfront at being a decent human being. When they dissapoint and I can clearly see they don't want to be or can't be part of the solution.. I am done with them and move on. No sense wasting my time to convince them otherwise. Move on and see if the next person can get there. My ******* taught me that.
I have just finished a training course with my company and one of the modules was on Diversity and Inclusion which my company is trying hard to make advances in.

However, the company’s position (which rather shocked me) is because I was born white, I was automatically born a racist, to racist parents and into racist system and I have inbuilt internal prejudices which I need to work hard to overcome. In short I’m a very bad person!

I have to tell you now, I have never knowingly or unknowingly discriminated against anyone because of the colour of their skin, and have always treated peopke as individuals, based on their character and behaviour and I hope I will always do so.

I am on record here (and on other sites) clearly stating that I consider Black people genetically superior to white people, stronger and bigger 😝 but it does raise the question of interracial fetishing?

We all love black dominant males and dominant goddesses, thats why we are here...but does this very fact play into the racism claims made against me?

Does the basis of interracial fetishes still lie with the outdated taboos and attitudes of much less enlightened era? Are we wrong to expect POC (however willing), to just perform a role in our own sexual gratification, a role that is explicitly based on the colour of their skin?

I suppose my question is two fold..are all whites naturally racist and are born so, and is our sexual predilections racist in itself.

I look forward to hearing the views of other site users.

Have fun and stay safe everyone.

I see this brain washing mindcontrol has reached cooperate America.
I have just finished a training course with my company and one of the modules was on Diversity and Inclusion which my company is trying hard to make advances in.

However, the company’s position (which rather shocked me) is because I was born white, I was automatically born a racist, to racist parents and into racist system and I have inbuilt internal prejudices which I need to work hard to overcome. In short I’m a very bad person!

I have to tell you now, I have never knowingly or unknowingly discriminated against anyone because of the colour of their skin, and have always treated peopke as individuals, based on their character and behaviour and I hope I will always do so.

I am on record here (and on other sites) clearly stating that I consider Black people genetically superior to white people, stronger and bigger 😝 but it does raise the question of interracial fetishing?

We all love black dominant males and dominant goddesses, thats why we are here...but does this very fact play into the racism claims made against me?

Does the basis of interracial fetishes still lie with the outdated taboos and attitudes of much less enlightened era? Are we wrong to expect POC (however willing), to just perform a role in our own sexual gratification, a role that is explicitly based on the colour of their skin?

I suppose my question is two fold..are all whites naturally racist and are born so, and is our sexual predilections racist in itself.

I look forward to hearing the views of other site users.

Have fun and stay safe everyone.
Its the liberal rhetoric that is being thrown out there today. According to them, only white people are racists. Well, i've met blacks that hate Jews, hate whites, hate hispanics, hate gays etc. But that's politically incorrect to point that out. This is the ******* that doped up draft dodging profressors started pumping into kuds heads in the 60s-70s. Now, years later, idiots like biden, pelosi etc, people whose heads are so far up their own asses, people who because they got some BS degree think they are better than you. So they send this crap down to the minions, while they ignore it. Remember, obama was pretty articulate for a black guy. Biden said that and was pretty much ignored. Point proven
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I have just finished a training course with my company and one of the modules was on Diversity and Inclusion which my company is trying hard to make advances in.

However, the company’s position (which rather shocked me) is because I was born white, I was automatically born a racist, to racist parents and into racist system and I have inbuilt internal prejudices which I need to work hard to overcome. In short I’m a very bad person!

I have to tell you now, I have never knowingly or unknowingly discriminated against anyone because of the colour of their skin, and have always treated peopke as individuals, based on their character and behaviour and I hope I will always do so.

I am on record here (and on other sites) clearly stating that I consider Black people genetically superior to white people, stronger and bigger 😝 but it does raise the question of interracial fetishing?

We all love black dominant males and dominant goddesses, thats why we are here...but does this very fact play into the racism claims made against me?

Does the basis of interracial fetishes still lie with the outdated taboos and attitudes of much less enlightened era? Are we wrong to expect POC (however willing), to just perform a role in our own sexual gratification, a role that is explicitly based on the colour of their skin?

I suppose my question is two fold..are all whites naturally racist and are born so, and is our sexual predilections racist in itself.

I look forward to hearing the views of other site users.

Have fun and stay safe everyone.
Fucking dumb.

"Are all whites naturally racist?"

No dumbass, racism is learned. The only thing that is apart of human nature is the ability to see something is different, that's why ******* immediately ask questions when something is different to them. Racism is not inherent it's learned, so if we want to end racism then we have to teach our ******* that we are all the same.
Can't believe a dumb question like that was asked on here.
Fucking dumb.

"Are all whites naturally racist?"

No dumbass, racism is learned. The only thing that is apart of human nature is the ability to see something is different, that's why ******* immediately ask questions when something is different to them. Racism is not inherent it's learned, so if we want to end racism then we have to teach our ******* that we are all the same.
Can't believe a dumb question like that was asked on here.
You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a different shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!