Why Don’t People Put Their Location?

It really drives me crazy when I see an interesting post, then click on the profile and all it says is “Male” (or “Female”). Damn, say something about yourself!
Not always profile is in actual condition. Our circumstances have changed for example and we have one very nice guy to visit us time by time. We wanted to change “About” but there is no option to do it implemented 🤷‍♂️
Not always profile is in actual condition. Our circumstances have changed for example and we have one very nice guy to visit us time by time. We wanted to change “About” but there is no option to do it implemented 🤷‍♂️
Click on your profile, then “Account Details”. You should be able to make changes from there.
It really drives me crazy when I see an interesting post, then click on the profile and all it says is “Male” (or “Female”). Damn, say something about yourself!
People will let you know more if they want to share - it’s not up to you what they choose to disclose.
I have no problem putting my location in my profile and posting it here! I am looking for people who want to connect with me so I have to post where ai am so they can see if they are close enough to see me or how we can make plans to meet!
Yeaaaah no 😒 if someone wants to genuinely meet me(and honestly I'm not looking for relationships or anything like that) they can DM me. Look, I'm sure everyone here is awesome and friendly and so far during my first few days I've been getting that vibe, and I appreciate the love. But better safe than sorry. Plus I'm pretty we have "share your location" threads for that, right?
I'm only speaking on my own behalf , once again I'm only speaking for myself. I have met several couples here when I was living in Miami, but the Ga. contact hasn't panned out because of the distance. I have seen at least two individuals from my town but one responded and we weren't compatible. There are real members willing to hookup but on any site and in life YOU MUST PULL SOME WEEDS .
You have no idea the creepy ******* men have done to try and locate me - especially when I am not interested in them. Posting your general area absolutely puts you at risk.
Preach. Also, maybe people just want to be left alone and have a little online fun. Nothing more. I don't get why it's so hard for people to understand that. Maybe people don't wanna come out of their shell. You go and be outgoing and active with your friends, while I go and be an introvert. End of story.
People here just want to chat and exchange pics... I'm a single black bull who's looking to meet real couple(s) ladies for some casual sexual interaction
Seems like most people just want to play games