Why are whyte people so weird

Life should be good to all races, so you do you and let others do themselves. If you are not enjoying the site politely move on. Ok, now that that is out of the way, bring on the white women. LOL
Why is your spelling of white so weird?

To expand on that. If you are of mixed race and are light skinned I am assuming you are half white. If that is true, do you lay this stuff on your white parent?
I think for myself growing up in small midwest farming area there were no blacks and white and black relationships were taboo but now white women young and old don't see it that way.
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I was talking to a friend's husband the other day, and he said that the reason he is so afraid to ask for sex, or to even want sex, is because his ex wife scared him so much with the threat of charging him with marital *******. He said that if the woman initiates, then that is consent. So, he doesn't ask for sex. And his wife, my friend, says that's why they don't have sex. She hates initiating, and she would never charge him with ******* her. She loves him.

The more we talked, the more I realized that there must be a lot of men out there that are so afraid of going to jail, for wanting sex, that they either don't ask for sex, or they bring up to their wife that they should have sex with other men. This not only relieves the husband from having to perform, it also relieves his fear of going to jail for wanting sex, because another man is having sex with his wife. And she wants that sex. Thinking of it that way, it kind of makes sense.