Why are black men being charged to attend "BBC" themed sex parties? (Report from the verified forums)

*This is a repost from the verified members forums* I want everyone to chime in.

I don't really go to sex parties but I've been noticing a trend of these "BBC" themed sex parties or "queen of spades" sex parties and the main attraction is supposed to be black men. Some of these events are charging single men up to $200 to attend.

From what I'm told a majority of the women there are overweight and most don't even qualify to be a hot wife. So tell me why are these men willing to throw their money away at a slim chance at fucking an obese wife? Pun intended fully😂
The club I attend though not often has one set of rates no matter what the theme is.
Single ladies $0.00
couples $25.00
Single guys $80.00 no matter skin colour.

that said when it’s a bbc themed party the Black males seem to gravitate to the You have let yourself go ladies. There is a difference between thick, fat and these ladies. Never could see it. The skinny, slim or fun sized lady’s don’t seem to get much action especially the ladies of colour.
*This is a repost from the verified members forums* I want everyone to chime in.

I don't really go to sex parties but I've been noticing a trend of these "BBC" themed sex parties or "queen of spades" sex parties and the main attraction is supposed to be black men. Some of these events are charging single men up to $200 to attend.

From what I'm told a majority of the women there are overweight and most don't even qualify to be a hot wife. So tell me why are these men willing to throw their money away at a slim chance at fucking an obese wife? Pun intended fully😂
Likewise for London 😂😂
*This is a repost from the verified members forums* I want everyone to chime in.

I don't really go to sex parties but I've been noticing a trend of these "BBC" themed sex parties or "queen of spades" sex parties and the main attraction is supposed to be black men. Some of these events are charging single men up to $200 to attend.

From what I'm told a majority of the women there are overweight and most don't even qualify to be a hot wife. So tell me why are these men willing to throw their money away at a slim chance at fucking an obese wife? Pun intended fully😂
I'm noticing that here in Las Vegas and I like " No Way"
A Fair Exchange is No Robbery
*This is a repost from the verified members forums* I want everyone to chime in.

I don't really go to sex parties but I've been noticing a trend of these "BBC" themed sex parties or "queen of spades" sex parties and the main attraction is supposed to be black men. Some of these events are charging single men up to $200 to attend.

From what I'm told a majority of the women there are overweight and most don't even qualify to be a hot wife. So tell me why are these men willing to throw their money away at a slim chance at fucking an obese wife? Pun intended fully😂
Because some black men will settle for any out of shape and even obviously ugly white woman just so they can have sex with "a white woman". Put lipstick on a pig and tell them it is a white woman, and they will want to climb on it and hump it . It is quite sad and disgusting. Case in point: look at the picture below which for some strange reason, there are several posted on this site:

View attachment 5111464

I mean seriously, imagine going to a site where there are a lot of white men looking to hook up and you put a picture of a black woman of the same age and "looks" of this thing above. Do you think for one second that white men (or men of any race) would entertain that? Of course not. It would be met with abuse and racial insulting comments asking why such a disgusting object is featuring on the site. Yet black men will come to places like this and try and hook up with something that looks like that. As I said, pathetic.
"A white guy will only fuck a hot sistah. A black guy will fuck ANY white woman"- Chris Rock
Well he ain't lying that's for sure. As I said look at that photo above with that vacant open-mouthed stare and looking like she can barely stand upright. She looks like she is probably not even sure what is really going on. Yet some pink faced pervert strips her naked and takes pictures of her because he thinks black men would find this attactive. Crazy. You think he would put this photo of this decrepit thing on a site for lations or asians or some other group? Of course not, because he knows the reaction he would get, yet there are black guys who wouild want to be with something like that because in their minds they get to have sex withthe white man's woman.

So yeah, Chris isn't far off the mark at all. and that, my friend, is the fuel that drives these types of e-planta.tions and the whites know it i.e. the deplorable fact that there are black men who would climb on top of any busted pig, as long as, of course, its face is white.
So in the middle east they have e-mirages.
Not sure about e-mirages...but bet you that there are e-pigsties where all these pink-faced pigs, perverts, racists and other assorted lowlifes originate. 🤣🤣🤣
You forgot the e-Baptist church, e-rib shacks and E-Winky Dinky Dog. Plenty of piggies and
everyone on this site is a pervert. Racists? Put that card back in the deck.
*This is a repost from the verified members forums* I want everyone to chime in.

I don't really go to sex parties but I've been noticing a trend of these "BBC" themed sex parties or "queen of spades" sex parties and the main attraction is supposed to be black men. Some of these events are charging single men up to $200 to attend.

From what I'm told a majority of the women there are overweight and most don't even qualify to be a hot wife. So tell me why are these men willing to throw their money away at a slim chance at fucking an obese wife? Pun intended fully😂
Well believe it or not, there are many black guys who have never had group sex with a married woman. That number is shrinking every day, but they do exist.
Also there are many guys who like chubby woman, that’s just a fact.
Questo argomento mi è molto vicino in quanto ho avuto alcune esperienze interessanti con esso.

Abbiamo organizzato un sacco di feste della BBC e chiediamo a tutti lo stesso... 30 dollari. Le coppie pagano $ 30, i ragazzi pagano $ 30 e le ragazze single pagano $ 30.

Abbiamo sempre un enorme risultato e spesso veniamo ringraziati per essere così ragionevoli. I ragazzi ci raccontano storie di andare ad altre feste e pagare come $ 200 e nemmeno fare sesso. Non solo i nostri sono solo $ 30, ma possono sempre scopare.

Poi ci sono le ragazze single che sono completamente offese dal fatto che devono pagare. Abbiamo ottenuto "ma sono una ragazza single e non dobbiamo mai pagare" oppure si presentano e cercano solo di non pagare. Sono solo 30 fottuti dollari. L'atteggiamento delle donne single in questi ambienti può essere così esagerato ed è perché le normali situazioni scambiste le hanno messe sugli sgabelli a pedale e hanno creato questo. Dato che il marito è quello che si occupa principalmente di tutto questo, dice semplicemente loro che è una festa della BBC e se qualcuno viene trattato in modo diverso sarebbero i ragazzi con le BBC. Ci sono un sacco di casalinghe arrapate, non abbiamo bisogno di femmine single, quindi paga $ 30 o vattene.
Mi piace molto il tuo atteggiamento egualitario.
In Italia spesso le ragazze entrano gratis nelle normali discoteche e questo è in accordo con il loro credo e vogliono essere principesse anche quando sono brutte e stupide.
actually most clubs or events charge single males more vs women and couples no matter the race The reason is if they didn't there would be too many single men and not enough single women or couples. Just look at a normal bar or night club that doesn't charge or charges everyone the same. It's nothing but men in them with very few women at all. Plus the husband and wife is letting the other guy the have the privilege of having sexual relations with the wife, that's payment enough for the couple imho. But if you don't like how things are currently done by the clubs and event promoters you can always start your own and charge what you want to who, ever you want.
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Here in Europe we have some clubs that "specialize" in parties with a number of extra males.
Depending on the themes like "Greedy Girls" and "Sluts & Studs" they will admit more or less single males and they manage to always keep a good ratio depending on the theme.
Here below you can see what they charge :


But... Keep in mind that this is a fully equipped swingers club with a dance floor, open bar, party room, outside deck, private parking lot, security, snacks, condoms, towels, showers and ALL IS INCLUDED in the above price except for hard ******* (gin, wiskey, cognac, ...).

Couples : 70 €
Single ladies : 35 €
Single men : 90 €

And yes, they charge more for a single man but like someone said here, if they don't charge single man, they are not committed to stay and make this a fun night.

Always great fun these evenings...

By the way, most of the women attending are quite attractive !! Must say that Ms. Insatiable is always in the top 5 !!
This topic is very close to me as I have had some interesting experiences with it.

We have thrown a bunch of BBC parties and we charge everyone the same... $30. Couples pay $30, guys pay $30, and single girls pay $30.

We always have a huge turn out and often we get thanked for it being so reasonable. The guys tell us stories of going to other parties and paying like $200 and not even having sex. Not only is ours only $30 they always get to fuck.

Then there are the single girls who are completely offend that they have to pay. We have gotten "but I'm a single girl and we never have to pay" or they show up and just try not to pay. It's only fucking $30. The attitude of single women in these environments can be so over the top and it's because normal swinger situations have put them on pedal stools and created this. As hubby is the one who primarily handles all this he simple tells them it's a BBC party and if anyone gets treated differently it would be the guys with BBCs. There are plenty of horny housewives we don't need single females so pay the $30 or leave.
Modern women are entitled in general, but it's wild as fuck in this community. It's like the women think they're the rarity when horny white women can literally be found on any street or bar in America.

I mean, if you think you can find a fit, muscular, tall, handsome, big dick, intelligent black man just wandering around single... Good luck. We are the rarity, not obese (let's be real here, most are) middle aged white women. I'm not hating, I love me some married middle aged women, but I don't love that princess attitude that a lot of them have.
Le donne moderne hanno il diritto in generale, ma è fottutamente selvaggio in questa comunità. È come se le donne pensassero di essere la rarità quando le donne bianche arrapate possono letteralmente essere trovate in qualsiasi strada o bar in America.

Voglio dire, se pensi di poter trovare un uomo di colore in forma, muscoloso, alto, bello, con un grosso cazzo, intelligente che va in giro single... Buona fortuna. Siamo la rarità, non obese (siamo reali qui, la maggior parte lo sono) donne bianche di mezza età. Non sto odiando, mi piacciono alcune donne di mezza età sposate, ma non amo quell'atteggiamento da principessa che hanno molte di loro.
Dovresti controllare in Italia, quante volte le ragazze sono presuntuose e se non vai in giro con una Ferrari non ti guardano nemmeno. Il loro problema è che la lingua italiana è piuttosto difficile dal punto di vista grammaticale e appena quelle donne aprono bocca, sembrano zoticone.
So about cost. We’ve been to Splash Mocha It is pricey for sure. In our opinion it was worth every cent. Does the price keep some people away ? No doubt. If mwf/bm is your kink then Splash Mocha is the Super Bowl. As far as not paying and all- you do you but understand whatever the event it takes time, effort and $$ to put on. To each their own.
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Without couples you just have a guys standing around asking where are the women. I don’t *******. If you want me and my husband there then you better vip us in.
*This is a repost from the verified members forums* I want everyone to chime in.

I don't really go to sex parties but I've been noticing a trend of these "BBC" themed sex parties or "queen of spades" sex parties and the main attraction is supposed to be black men. Some of these events are charging single men up to $200 to attend.

From what I'm told a majority of the women there are overweight and most don't even qualify to be a hot wife. So tell me why are these men willing to throw their money away at a slim chance at fucking an obese wife? Pun intended fully😂
Wow key word you “heard “ . Quit being cheap and go see for yourself. dam bro hot wives come in all shapes and sizes . Most people have regular body’s and are regular people . You’re a little disrespectful with that statement! I see why you’re not meeting anyone . You’re cheap and disrespectful. Anyway why would you pay to go to a sex party anyway? Don’t you get enough without depending on parties . I personally don’t indulge in sex parties and events like Splash Mocha ect . Theres No need for me . Here is a tip for you and other black men . Being cheap and disrespectful equals no pussy and all lifestylers do not have perfect bodies! Another thing when i see an ad or profile from a couple wanting a perfect body or 11 inch dick . That’s a sign that they are NOT the type of people I want to meet . So my brotha . Truth to be told . No sex party , Gangbang , Splash Mocha , sex club is ever worth paying admission to attend . Nowadays everyone need to be careful paying money to attend an event where people having sex . You could possibly get caught up in human trafficking. New laws state any money exchanged for sex is considered human trafficking.
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*This is a repost from the verified members forums* I want everyone to chime in.

I don't really go to sex parties but I've been noticing a trend of these "BBC" themed sex parties or "queen of spades" sex parties and the main attraction is supposed to be black men. Some of these events are charging single men up to $200 to attend.

From what I'm told a majority of the women there are overweight and most don't even qualify to be a hot wife. So tell me why are these men willing to throw their money away at a slim chance at fucking an obese wife? Pun intended fully😂

I never go to sex parties. Running trains on women has never appealed to me. Never understood how some men can do two ways on women (One dk in ass other in p*ssy) way to close to homo that for me.

I also would never pay to have sex with any woman in any capacity. I think it's sad really that some men have to pay. I bet some of these are good looking in shape brothers if anything looking at the state of some of the women that attend these parties, the women should be paying them
If it's a party then you have to pay admission to cover the overhead expenses. That's just how any event works, sex event or otherwise.