What are you guys think about a woman with one boob

....I can appreciate the OPs sensitivity to this topic ... so it certainly should be given an honest, sincere responses. So here's THIS male's response ...
Anything, like this, deviating from the norm is often a distraction, particularly IF it is a surprise that's revealed at the time of sex. Guys tend to develop a visual image of their ladies, just as women visualize an image of their black man's cocks ... so when there's a deviation/surprise, such as a small black cock, or scar tissue where once was a beautiful breast, this could easily become a distraction or mood changer. It may not be all that important to females, but to MEN, its critical, because it COULD impact our erection ... now THAT's critical, right?​
....So, its vital that things like this be discussed upfront before expected intimacy begins. If its going to be a 'game changer' its best to know upfront, right? For some, it will be ... most it won't be IF its not a SURPRISE to begin with.
Its no difference than a woman finding an awesomely sexy man, taking him home, then suddenly finding out that he's got a skinny 4 inch cock, which changes her mood and desire to fulfill her night's expectations.
....I think I speak for most guys, here. If we know UP front the situation, things will move forward quite well, but our cocks are very sensitive to mental changes ... I wouldn't toy with that weakness of ours. So, don't spring surprises on us as we start to crawl beneath the sheets.
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I want to know if there's any guy out there that has an issue having sex with a woman that has one boob would it be an issue for you that you can't do it what do you guys think help me out because of the situation I'm running into now

I think if you are up front with someone, when you think it is going to go there... everything should be ok. Most expect to see two... if they see something they don't expect they might be shocked. And how they react when shocked might not be good.

If you are up front... they know what they are getting into. It more depends how you are sexually, if we are compatible in everything else sexually, then it's not a big deal and sometimes different can be a turn on.