Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Mac is on point. Trump is a German descendant whose grandfather ran a traveling whore house in the U.S., and was a criminal in Germany. Funny how DNA works, heh?

The Trump persona (NOT politically "character of a 'president'), spewing out claims of "building a 'wall'", inciting violence at his rally's against protesters, defying the Republican Party, gives Op-Ed columnist and their readers considerable and valid reason to perceive and believe that Trump is more of a dictator than an American political "leader".

And after watching his videos of last week, the man is truly a maniacal, orange, uncompromising, disingenuous "I'll do things the way I want to do things" type of dictator that is quite reminiscent of the mustachioed Nazi leader.
LOL´s at ¨orange!¨ I just thought of the muppet drummer ¨Ahneemal¨ when i read that, lols.

Funny, how some who claim that Obama is egotistical, arrogant and dictatorial cannot recognize those exact attributes in the orange guy, lol. Guess some folks judge the crayons in their crayon box differently, seems like to me.

But the guy is obviously a self-worshiping megalomaniac. And so popular that i´m afraid we´re all doomed.
So, you want all government entitlement programs privatized, right? Leaving it up to the citizens to take care of themselves for retirement & health care, right? You want employers to be able to hire/fire/pay with no protection to workers ... injuries on the job, etc? You want your middleclass taxes cut again, and the richest 1%ers you refer to, to get every richer. You want government support/protection for the environment (forests, ground water, etc) to go away. You desire a "police state". And if your ******* or granddaughter is raped and impregnated, you want her to be required to have that baby ... regardless of who the ******* is, what color he is, right? In fact, you want birth control to become restricted ... only "abstinence" taught in the school systems. Speaking of school systems, you want public school education to go away ... go to a voucher program for everyone. You want Wall Street to "once again" be given free reign to take chances with our economy ... "too big to fail" won't exist.

You say you "bought into Obama's lies in 2008" ... what lies did you buy into, exactly? Because Obama set out to do exactly what he said he would do but all Republicans signed a deal with an outside individual that they would NOT work with Obama, that they would obstruct ANYTHING that he wanted to do. Would you like to see those names and the list of Republican Senators and Congressmen who signed that agreement? They ****** Obama to extend the Bush tax cuts (that were never budgeted for) or they would shut down the government, then they shut down the government anyway, damaging the US credit rating, costing YOU AND ME and ALL tax payers over $24 billion ... we got NOTHING for that. These Republicans met the night before Obama took his FIRST OATH of office to plan their destruction/obstruction of Obama, even planning on which of his cabinet members they would discredit/slander first. These are the Republicans that took congress with "big money" TV ads of slander promising jobs, who have the lowest congressional popularity/approval in modern HISTORY. They're the same Republicans who have promised for 6 years a "health care alternative" to Obamacare and haven't submitted the first piece of paper in Congress of that alternative. Why, because they have NO INTENTION of providing a health plan ... its simply to mislead their voters. Yet, sixty two times they've tried to ******* the healthcare plan. These Republicans are the very REASON all Republican voters are pissed off and many wanting to elect a fascist dictator who says he'll tell the "army where to go and when to fight", who calls women pigs, etc ... this is who YOU wish to elect?

You say "I get so tired of hearing Obama inherited this mess from Bush, He said he would fix it. He has had almost eight years to do so." ... really? Just remember, it was the Republicans that CAUSED the mess in the first place. Well, us Democrats are tired of it, too ... we're tired of the obstruction by the Republicans ... they have no ideas of their own other than "Trickle Down-Tax Cuts for the Wealthy" and a constant desire for the US to meddle in the affairs of other foreign governments and go to war. Yeah, we Democrats are fed up as well.

One last thing, I wish our Democratic representatives would grow some BALLS, they're the biggest bunch of PUSSIES I've ever seen. I'm ashamed of most of them ... they call themselves MEN ... they're a bunch of of "sissyboiz".

Well I start by saying I don't have as in depth information that you have nor do I dedicate much time to dig into every detail of any politician. But I will try to respond to your points.

I don't want entitlement programs to be privatized but I want "assistance" not "entitlements" to be given to those who truly deserve and need our help. Especially when it comes to the mentally ill and those who are unable to care for themselves. Not those who are capable of working but yet sit at home with their Cadillac in the driveway smoking weed and crack while talking on their Obama phones collecting food stamps and unemployment.

Health care needs to be fixed. Obama care was shoved down the throats of the American people. Even Nancy Pelosi said " we don't know what's in it until we read it." It has helped some but has hurt a lot more. Hillary's attempt to fix health care was a joke during her husbands term. The same can be said about the deal with Iran. Majority of Americans didn't want it but that didn't matter to Obama in the least.

About the 1%ers. Since when is it a crime to be successful. Liberals want you to think you're victims. When was the last time you heard of a poor person starting a business or hiring employees? So the libs say raise the minimum wage. Why not raise it to $40/hr. Then everyone will be happy. But they are too ignorant to understand that employers will....hire less people, raise prices, or just close because they can't afford it. So when prices get raised the $15 and hour they'll get will have the same purchasing power they had at $8 an hour.

Wasn't it Dodd/Frank that wrote the bill to ease banking regulations allowing millions of people to get loans who otherwise wouldn't have qualified?

In 2009 Obama had a democratic majority in the house and senate but still didn't do anything to "fix" Bush's mistakes. He continually has no regard for the constitution. I heard the opposite when it came the republicans had an outside influence not to work with Obama. Obama had a meeting with the republicans and threatened them that he would veto and use executive privilege to defeat them if necessary.

Just a final thought. Look at cities and states run buy liberals and compare those run by republicans.

Yes a couple of years old but I believe you will find that holds true today. Texas, Wisconsin, Ohio etc...California where I live has been ruined by liberal ideology. Companies are leaving here left and right because of the ridiculous regulations. One recent company to move is Carl's Junior a company that started in California. Waste Management provided jobs and contributed to the economy but left to go to Texas. They cited the cost of doing business here. In my opinion the main reason anyone does business here is because it is a desirable place to live because of the weather and the many year round outdoor activities. Take that away and I bet California wouldn't have the businesses here. Our frickin DMV spends millions of dollars to print driver handbooks in just about every language there is. Liberal thinking! Yes it's a nice thing to do but why? Go to any other country and do you think they do the same? I doubt it.
Read up on what Hillary did when Bill got caught with Monica, Whitewater, again her absolute failure to healthcare reform, Benghazi, the emails ( I was in the military and handled classified (Top Secret) information. If I mishandled it like she did I would have been court martialed and most likely served time.), and the countries who contribute to the Clinton Foundation. You could go on forever with these people. But for some unknown reason she's got many many people fooled.

I am not a right wing fanatic, I don't think the republicans are the answer to everything but I vote for who I think will do the best for our country. As I did in 2008 when I mistakenly voted for Obama. I belong to a fairly strong union who always supports the democrat. In fact Obama was a speaker at one of our conventions. You would not believe what grief I got from co-workers when I said I was going to vote for Romney. They would say stuff like "say goodbye to your pay raises, pension will be reduced, benefits will be cut etc..." My response was "I care more about my country than I do about pay raises. This country cannot afford to continue to print money and keep giving it away to other countries, and people who truly don't need it. Sorry for the long response.
LMAO.. You need to look ONLY at Louisiana and all it's Bobby Jindal's problems and it has one the biggest growth in the country?

The graph is wrong.
.... I will try to respond to your points.

.... Sorry for the long response.
Latina4, nice well written post. I'm scanning now, but will respond tomorrow when I have some extra time. Lots to talk about on your post. Thanks ... have a good night. Mac
LMAO.. You need to look ONLY at Louisiana and all it's Bobby Jindal's problems and it has one the biggest growth in the country?

The graph is wrong.
She's not pointing out the huge deficit these Republican run states have accruded ... like Kansas, NO, NJ, Wi, etc ... all from implementing the fine points of "trickle down tax cuts". As I said, there's a lot of things in Latina's post to talk about. Major scent of Fox News, actually, we'll talk about it.
Not those who are capable of working but yet sit at home with their Cadillac in the driveway smoking weed and crack while talking on their Obama phones collecting food stamps and unemployment.
you have been listening to that old republican myth!... and one that was on some old 60's Dirty Harry tv show... look around... there are mom with children living in the streets now!.... hard to believe from the land of good and plenty.... trickle down hasn't reached them yet!
I'm sure there are some facts somewhere about how many... 20 and 30 year olds that have had to move back home and live with the parents again..... or people spending their retirement trying to keep their ******* and grandkids afloat!.... trickle down hasn't reached them either!
you have been listening to that old republican myth!... and one that was on some old 60's Dirty Harry tv show... look around... there are mom with children living in the streets now!.... hard to believe from the land of good and plenty.... trickle down hasn't reached them yet!
I'm sure there are some facts somewhere about how many... 20 and 30 year olds that have had to move back home and live with the parents again..... or people spending their retirement trying to keep their ******* and grandkids afloat!.... trickle down hasn't reached them either!

And why is that? Who the hell has been in charge the past 8 years?
Obama did try to accomplish a lot... if you remember not long after he was in office he stated... "I'm just getting started!".... but he ran into a brick wall.... called congress!View attachment 798832

Since when is it the job of an opposition party to rubber stamp what the other party wants? Typical liberal definition of bipartisanship = when Republicans do what Democrats want, but not the other way around.
Actually, didn´t the Nazis outlaw the Social Democrats and communists...and homosexuals, etc? And remove citizenship from those deemed ethnically undesirable? And on the Night of the Long Knives, elements which weren´t adherent to the Nationalist (uber-patriot) cause were eliminated. Correct? They were far right Psycho-Nationalists and opposed to any foreign (inferior) influences, it seems like. Madmen.

Yes, the Nazis outlawed other political parties, as did the Soviets. Yes, the the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 and subsequent legislation proscribed the rights of Jews.

The Night of the Long Knives was more related to your first point, in that Ernst Rohm and the SA posed a potential threat to the viability of the Nazi regime. Rohm felt that Hitler hadn't gone far enough with the socialism part of National Socialism, and with the SA outnumbering the nascent SS, he needed to be eliminated for the Nazis to consolidate their power and legitimize themselves as the one true dominant power in post-Weimar Germany, as well as placating the the Reichswehr and its leadership, whom Rohm wanted to absorb into the SA with himself as Supreme Commander. Conservative political enemies of the Nazis were also killed as part of Operation Hummingbird.

To make the leap that Nazis were right wing because they outlawed the KPD and SPD, and because they had a nationalist view that didn't allow for the existence of non Aryan elements, is to make an incorrect dichotomy between Nazism/Fascism and Communism. The two weren't as much diametrically opposed as they were different shades of the same color.
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After watching Trump's last two campaign rallies, its finally occurred to me WHY Chris Christie hasn't returned to New Jersey to resume his governorship (besides the fact that the state is trying to remove him as governor) ...

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Really, as a New Jersey resident, this is news to me. Oh, and if by "the state is trying to remove him", you are referring to a few Facebook sites and online petitions that are a few years old, then sure, you're right. Once again, taking YOUR own views and then phrasing them in a way that makes them seem factual.
typical of the obstructionist party.... if I remember right they put one in for Bush!

Who put a rubber stamp in for Bush? The Republicans? Um, yeah, his party, you still haven't established where it's the duty of the opposition to roll over and play dead. You're long on insults but incredibly short on any kind if substantive responses.
Yes, the Nazis outlawed other political parties, as did the Soviets. Yes, the the Nuremberg Laws of 1935 and subsequent legislation proscribed the rights of Jews.

The Night of the Long Knives was more related to your first point, in that Ernst Rohm and the SA posed a potential threat to the viability of the Nazi regime. Rohm felt that Hitler hadn't gone far enough with the socialism part of National Socialism, and with the SA outnumbering the nascent SS, he needed to be eliminated for the Nazis to consolidate their power and legitimize themselves as the one true dominant power in post-Weimar Germany, as well as placating the the Reichswehr and its leadership, whom Rohm wanted to absorb into the SA with himself as Supreme Commander. Conservative political enemies of the Nazis were also killed as part of Operation Hummingbird.

To make the leap that Nazis were right wing because they outlawed the KPD and SPD, and because they had a nationalist view that didn't allow for the existence of non Aryan elements, is to make an incorrect dichotomy between Nazism/Fascism and Communism. The two weren't as much diametrically opposed as they were different shades of the same color.
Well, i cannot disagree with your facts here, but i´ve always thought that fascism/nationalism were to the extreme far-right (much more so than our own government, even) of the political spectrum while communism was to the extreme left, democratic socialism being more on the middle ground between the extremes. Our own government and our media have always equated socialism with communism and, compared to the political parties we have here (both the democrats and republicans, at least), socialism is actually a far-left economic/political movement.

By the way, isn´t corporatism a type of fascism? Our own government usually places corporations (who are now people) above other people. Feels like that since my childhood we´ve been moving more and more in that direction. But maybe i´ve just been naive, believed the folklore we´re taught as youths, and we´ve always had the sort of leaders we have now.
Really, as a New Jersey resident, this is news to me. Oh, and if by "the state is trying to remove him", .... taking YOUR own views and then phrasing them in a way that makes them seem factual.
Yes, I guess these are all FALSE ... bunches and bunches of news articles on Chris and his 24% positive popularity, and his state budget shortfall and robbing the state pension funds.

This is what "trickle down" government provides from a vindictive Republican governor. No one really knows WHY he's following Trump around the country or WHO's covering his expenses to do it.