Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

  • Total voters
Trump, of course!
We need to deport all those Mexicans, Latin Americans, Haitians....they have to go out of our country without violence if possible or with violence if necessary...
It's a nice theory but it isn't economically feasible plus there is the issue of all those that are here legally
Donald or Hillary? I fervently hope neither

I was never very impressed with Donald Trump the person. He was loud and arrogant and his best trait appears to be his ability to promote himself. As a presidential candidate he has went from disappointing to appalling. Some of his grandiose ideas just aren't economically feasible. A border wall sounds like a nice idea but would cost billions. There is already a problem with tunnels being dug under the border that are used for smuggling. Then there are many miles of coastline much of it that isn't very heavily populated. As to deporting all the illegals , again the cost would be prohibitive. There is at least 11 million and possibly as many as 20 million or even more . This is equivalent to as much as 5% of the total population in the United States. I haven't heard much of anything about the logistics of how he would accomplish such a large scale deportation. You also need to remember there are a lot of Latino's and others that have entered legally or were born here. We need to separate the legal from the illegal. I am also troubled by Mr. Trumps response to violence in his campaign. A couple of days ago he said he was considering paying the legal bills of someone that had been arrested for assault at one of his rallies. More disturbing he recently stated that if he didn't receive the nomination his followers could riot. His response seems to be giving tacit approval for the use of violence. There was also the issue of David Duke and the KKK. Even if Mr. Duke did not endorse Mr. Trump I would have expected Mr. Trump to condemn the KKK something I haven't heard him do.

Hillary had too much baggage to get elected, at least she did until Mr. Trump went on his rampage. I will give her credit for playing it well. Mr. Trump's activities provide enough entertainment so the general population hasn't had much interest in giving her a hard look.

Ms. Clinton has at least in theory a socialist agenda that is not as radical as Mr. Sanders but quite significant. One of the problems that she would face if elected is where to get the money to carry out anything meaningful. The national debt has went from about 10 trillion when President Obama took office to over 19 trillion today. She is bought and paid for my Wall Street. Anybody that thinks she was paid $250,000 per speech because of her pearls of wisdom is deluding themselves. I am also troubled by Benghazi, what actually happened will likely never be known but her resignation as Secretary of State does raise some ethics questions. If certainly appears to me that she bailed when things went bad and left the President holding the bag. Part of the job when you sit in a chair in a place of importance is you ride out the storm and take your lumps for your mistakes. She ran away. That alone would disqualify her from the Presidency of the country in my eyes. President and Mrs. Clinton do understand how to game the system. They have a very nice house, I understand it cost 7 figures. They are entitled to Secret Service protection so they lease a piece of their property to the Secret Service. Turns out the rent the Secret Service pays is about equal to the payment on their house. I don't know if they are still doing it since she started her run for the White House. In all fairness the Clinton's aren't the first ones to do that. Ms. Clinton tries to come across being a middle class type of person and she hasn't been that for a very long time. Since her run has started they seem to be absent from the Hampton's, a place they regularly vacationed along with a lot of other wealthy people. I don't have an issue with her being wealthy, I have an issue with her pretending to be middle class.

The Presidency must have a powerful allure. I can't see anyone with a rational mind wanting to be the next president. The national debt is over 19 trillion and climbing. Plus the countries infrastructure is crumbling. Work ******* participation is at it's lowest level in over 40 years. Wages are stagnant. Interest rates being paid are well below the rate of inflation so anyone that actually can save will see the buying power of their saving continually diminish.

If you take the wealth of the wealthiest 20 people in the United States it is more than the total assets of the lowest income 170 million people in this country (out of a population of over 320 million people).

Bearing the above in mind. If we were to confiscate the entire wealth of all the billionaires in this country and we applied that money to the national debt it would cover less that 21% of the total debt the Federal Government now has. If we could go out and confiscate all the wealth of all the billionaires in the world and applied it the National Debt it would work out to around 40% of the debt. Neither party has any plan that will reduce the debt in any meaningful way.I figure somewhere around 2020-2022 the debt ******* is going to hit the fan
It's a nice theory but it isn't economically feasible plus there is the issue of all those that are here legally
It´s a nice theory for the descendants of immigrants who stole the country fair and square (with feigned friendship, broken treaties/lies, smallpox and cholera) from it´s original (well, over 20,000 years of habitation) inhabitants (God´s will?) to harass/deport/threaten folks living here or coming here for better lives for themselves and/or their families?

I´ve heard some on here claim that every nation has a right to seal/contain/protect/whatever the fuck their national boundaries. Well...this here land was outright STOLEN...NO other word for it. Patriotism? Patriotism implies a love for ones homeland. The ¨Patriots¨ (or their forefathers) LEFT their homelands! How´s that LOVE?

sorry, btw, Torpedo...not aimed entirely at you. But Trump and his wall thing and those who feel it´s okay or even RIGHT make me so frikking angry beyond all belief!!!
It´s a nice theory for the descendants of immigrants who stole the country fair and square (with feigned friendship, broken treaties/lies, smallpox and cholera) from it´s original (well, over 20,000 years of habitation) inhabitants (God´s will?) to harass/deport/threaten folks living here or coming here for better lives for themselves and/or their families?

I´ve heard some on here claim that every nation has a right to seal/contain/protect/whatever the fuck their national boundaries. Well...this here land was outright STOLEN...NO other word for it. Patriotism? Patriotism implies a love for ones homeland. The ¨Patriots¨ (or their forefathers) LEFT their homelands! How´s that LOVE?

sorry, btw, Torpedo...not aimed entirely at you. But Trump and his wall thing and those who feel it´s okay or even RIGHT make me so frikking angry beyond all belief!!!
BTW...i understand that the ancestors of our African Americans did NOT come here as invaders and they are NOT included in the above sentiment. The folks whose pictures are on our $$$ most definitely ARE included!
Number of Bernie/Clinton rallies disrupted by ANY republican supports = zero

Number of GOP rallies disrupted by liberals and leftists = many.

Moral of the story is the left is only tolerant of their own. I am a purist when it comes to freedom of speech. When you deny someone else the right to speak, it is censorship.
And bought and paid for by Wall Street
Just your "opinion" ... not "fact". If there were real facts for a smidgen of the BS conservatives charge Hillary with, she wouldn't even be running for President. You know conservatives have nothing to offer the common citizen other than more of the same "trickle down will get you jobs" BS, so they have to damage the credibility of their challengers, just as they have done to EACH OTHER during the GOP debates. The voters are learning and getting fed up with the BS, and conservatives see the problem but have no clue how to do anything any different, they've done it for so long. The party is corrupted and dying from the inside out.
I´m the ONLY person here who voted Alyssa Milano???
I wouldn't want her as President, but she is a Hell of lot better looking than anyone else on the list. I am the one that voted for the Mets. After the way they won the World Series in 1969 maybe they could pull off another miracle.
Just your "opinion" ... not "fact". If there were real facts for a smidgen of the BS conservatives charge Hillary with, she wouldn't even be running for President. You know conservatives have nothing to offer the common citizen other than more of the same "trickle down will get you jobs" BS, so they have to damage the credibility of their challengers, just as they have done to EACH OTHER during the GOP debates. The voters are learning and getting fed up with the BS, and conservatives see the problem but have no clue how to do anything any different, they've done it for so long. The party is corrupted and dying from the inside out.
It seems that anything you agree with is fact and what you don't agree with is an opinion. I would tend to agree that the conservatives have little to offer but the liberals have even less. You assume that Hillary is not corrupted because she is running. I remember her husband went on national television and proclaimed he didn't cheat on his wife. He also told the American people that when he got his dick sucked he wasn't participating. I also remember President Clinton telling the American people that if he got elected we would be getting a 2 for one deal because they were a team. Both are intelligent people but they assume the American people are stupid and they can tell us anything they want and we will believe it. People like me do not buy their bullshit. People like you do believe the bullshit.

All the grandiose things the Democrats propose, any ideas on how they will pay for those ideas? I really haven't seen anything of substance from either party about addressing the debt that has went from 10 trillion to 19 trillion in the last seven years. Not even WWII was able to run up the national debt as much as President Obama's administration has done
Yes, I guess tdifferent d,ll FALSE ... bunches and bunches of news articles on Chris and his 24% positive popularity, and his state budget shortfall and robbing the state pension funds.

This is what "trickle down" government provides from a vindictive Republican governor. No one really knows WHY he's following Trump around the country or WHO's covering his expenses to do it.

Being unpopular and "the state is trying to remove him", as you stated, are two entirely different things.
Actually, didn´t the Nazis outlaw the Social Democrats and communists...and homosexuals, etc? And remove citizenship from those deemed ethnically undesirable? And on the Night of the Long Knives, elements which weren´t adherent to the Nationalist (uber-patriot) cause were eliminated. Correct? They were far right Psycho-Nationalists and opposed to any foreign (inferior) influences, it seems like. Madmen.

All I will add is, "You're 100% correct!"
I suppose you could look it up.... it says at the bottom ... people mag 1998
I know...but just too crazy, lols. Not saying it´s NOT real...just so weird. I know some politically active friends who go either for or against Trump. Gotta wonder if someone opposed to him, be they democrat or republican, might have created this. Very funny, though.
Gotta wonder if someone opposed to him, be they democrat or republican, might have created this. Very funny, though.
with him.... he could say I believe it to be real.... he is right... right now.... anything he says... they buy! But I also remember a few years ago he was talking about running.... and just as outlandish then... difference is now.... the republicans are falling apart and he stepped in at the right time