Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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I think right now Czar Donald has to push this as far as he can!

for one his eago will not allow him to lose!

and another... he is looking at jail time on several different issues... one trump u. ... and now since he has run they looked at his foundation and a lot of things there... add his campaign finances which has opened another door... his only hope is that as pres maybe there won't be jail time!
‘Bury Trump in a Landslide’: Daily News goes nuclear on GOP nominee

The Daily News published a blistering, 14-chapter editorial that railed against Donald Trump and everything that he stands for.

Its front page on Friday morning: “NEWS TO AMERICA: BURY TRUMP IN A LANDSLIDE. Restore U.S. honor with giant defeat of the fearmongering demagogue.”

The New York tabloid has long established itself as one of Trump’s foes. When the Manhattan businessman launched his presidential campaign in the summer of 2015, the Daily News depicted the Republican as a clown. In turn, Trump has repeatedly tweeted that the newspaper is “failing” and “worthless.”

But Friday’s editorial, which clocks in at more than 7,900 words, might be the most scathing attack on Trump from any newspaper in the country.

And because Trump refused to say at Wednesday’s presidential debate that he would accept the election results, the Daily News urged the public to deliver an unequivocal message on Election Day.

“Trump’s reckless willingness to damage trust in the electoral process — in order to save face and hold leadership of the paranoid wing of U.S. politics — is the most pressing reason why voters must defeat him in a landslide,” the paper wrote. “Herewith, we fervently pray, is the political obituary of Donald Trump and all that he stands for,” it added.
While we're on the subject outline for me (directed at trump voters) any substantive policies both foreign and domestic that he has proposed which does not include the words, "I", "am", "great". Lol.
WRONG AGAIN, slick ... and here is a link to the Des Moines newspaper disavowing that ad started by the NRA.

The NRA is running false ads all over the country ... here in NC, as they are told to take down their false ads, they immediately put up another false ad to replace the one they take down.
Hillary has said repeatedly that she wants stricter gun control "checks" ... the NRA, far-righties, and the dumb Southern country boys wish to misquote that as "she's going to take all our guns, vote for Trump" to scare voters.... ignorant amoses! Interestingly, when Republicans are challenged on the TV ads, they say they have NO CONTROL over what the NRA advertises, as they don't pay the NRA for the advertisements they run. It just shows you how big & powerful the NRA is and how far they'll go to keep that MONEY rolling in.

Same identical thing with the so-called Republican TV "testimonials" ads ... they use actors and no mention or footnote of a specific individual impacted by some "lefty position". They even use purchased "clipart" off the internet. Republican party says they aren't the one running the ads ... State tells them to take their ad down, and all they do is immediately replace them with a new false testimonial ad.
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One question i have is what does she mean she doesnt want you shot by someone who shouldnt have a who? a criminal? who shouldnt have a gun anyway but they are a criminal so they wont be following the law. someone who is crazy? How do you prevent that. not exactly sure what she means and how that pertains to the 2nd amendment unless she is talking about more gun control.
Simply because she's not quite as much as a narcissistic dirtbag as the other guy certainly does not make her a good person. It seems that to be involved in politics in the U.S. (especially, that is) people must be as ruthless, cunning, deceptive and diabolical as humanly possible.

Our so-called 5th estate and their kardashian-o-rama updates certainly don't seem to help the matter much. It's like we have no answer to the BBC (not that BBC!) or Deutsche-Welle or Le Figaro. What we get is more like Pravda...basically some douche-bag's opinion on an event rather than the actual event (or unsullied truth).
My only thought on her being trustworthy is i dont think the FBI opens an investigation into you unless they suspect your doing something wrong. Thats enough for me.
Never know...the FBI could have a file on YOU! After all, they're here to protect the American people from...well...the American people. Lols, Big Brother is watching you!
One question i have is what does she mean she doesnt want you shot by someone who shouldnt have a who? a criminal?
You sure do have an obsession with gun rights don't you, Alanm? With over 60% of gun deaths related to suicides, you'd think you'd support better background checks, more restrictive access of guns by mentally ill/unstable individuals. Yet Republicans have ignored and cut back on mental illness health care for years. You want to take the heat OFF guns, invest more in care for the menally ill, depression, etc ... the only reason gun suicides don't make the news is its less news worthy than reporting homicides ... period! Mental illnesses should be treated the same as any other type of health problem, yet they aren't.
Trump, all the way! I am from NY and hilldabeast was a joke as a senator! Also, she claimed to be broke when her husband and her lest office, well if thats true, how did she earn over 250,000,000? She is corrupt and can you or I get away with the former President meeting with the current attorney general prior to decision to indicte her?
the man is definitely stirring hate and discontent in the country.... and he maybe making millions off the campaign... but he is also losing a bunch on just his name alone

As Trump delivers his Gettysburg address, Republicans prepare for a civil war

GETTYSBURG, Pa. — Anne O’Reilly, a lifelong Republican activist, was in the audience here waiting for Donald Trump to arrive Saturday morning. She remains hopeful that Trump can win the presidency but has no doubt what will happen if he doesn’t. “I think it’s going to be an eggbeater in the Republican Party,” she said. “I think you’re going to see pieces going all over the place.” Trump came to Gettysburg to deliver what his campaign billed as a closing argument for the presidential campaign, to lay out plans for the first 100 days of a Trump administration and, citing Abraham Lincoln’s famous address here in 1863, to restore a government of, by and for the people. The speech was a laundry list

And Pence is doing all he can... along with several other republicans

Indiana Officials Target A Black Voter Registration Drive On A Technicality
Earlier this month, just ahead of Indiana’s voter registration deadline, state police executed a search warrant at the office of an organization that had set out to register black voters in a state with the worst voter turnout in the country. Officers conducted their search on the Indiana Voter Registration Project’s headquarters just a few weeks after Republican Secretary of State Connie Lawson sent a letter to state election officials warning that “nefarious actors are operating” in the Hoosier state and asking them to inform authorities if they received any voter registration forms from the group. The letter from Lawson ― who, when she was a state legislator, co-sponsored Indiana’s controversial voter ID law ― amounted to “the voter suppression equivalent of an Amber alert,” said Craig Varoga, the president of Patriot Majority USA, a liberal nonprofit group that ran the Indiana Voter Registration Project. ...

Women Are Boycotting Ivanka Trump’s Fashion Line — and the Stores That Sell It

One woman is leading the charge for a full boycott of the Ivanka Trump Collection of clothing, shoes, and accessories. (Photo: Getty)

Despite her *******’s uncanny ability to offend and alienate women more with each passing day, Ivanka Trump has managed to maintain a relatively high level of respect throughout Donald Trump’s turbulent presidential campaign. Some would say Ivanka has even been the one saving grace for a candidate who is increasingly being viewed as little more than a misogynistic narcissist by many Americans — particularly women.

But some women have had enough and are no longer willing to turn a blind eye as Ivanka continues to lend her ******* unwavering support while simultaneously claiming to advocate for women’s rights. Shannon Coulter is one of these women. On October 10, Shannon — a San Francisco-based brand and digital strategist, called on Americans to boycott Ivanka Trump’s eponymous line of clothing and accessories, which is estimated to be worth $100 million, according to Forbes.

Trump losing in RED TEXAS?!?

Shocker: Clinton Could Defeat Trump in Texas
The New York Observer

Clinton far ahead in Electoral College race: Reuters/Ipsos poll

Ivanka Trump backs her ******* but doesn't want to fall with him*******-doesnt-want-fall-101443542.html
He will NOT lose texas, actually, a video was shown that hillary supporters were pain to disrupt trump rallies..She may win, not arguning that point, but with a corrupt establishment, including the media. I will go a step further, if the media did their job, Trump would win in a landslide..
112 reasons (and counting!) Hillary Clinton should be our next president

We could keep going.
In 2016, we won’t just choose our next president. America will choose a direction for our country on issues from gun violence prevention to women’s rights to building an economy that helps the middle class get ahead—and stay ahead.

Hillary has proved she’s the candidate who can take on tough fights and get things done. But that’s not the only reason she should be our next president. Here are the first 112 reasons (and counting) that Hillary should be president.