Politics, Politics, Politics

Who when? Lots of groups since the beginning have been doing ******* under the guise of BLM. It's the curse of an organic group not have central leadership. That's some dunmbass ******* to go after Grant. He freed the slave, when he had no money and could have made money through the slaves labor, or sold him. Grant was a real hero and good man. Where was this? Ohio?

Conflating issues. This issue is about the use of deadly ******* in a situation not warranted by it. As it stands, there were four officers around him, one hold his shirt. Do they not teach how to take someone down in an arrest? My last inquiry, physical interaction within an arrest is carefully and thoroughly taught. FOUR trained professionals, the suspect less than a foot away, and three minors within a yard, and the judgement was to shoot him? White guy shoots three people, during a riot, walks toward police with rifle in hand, is not stopped, is not questioned, goes home and sleeps in his own bed. You find nothing wrong this???
That's the truth.
His criminal record, or non criminal record, is not an automatic death sentence. Why is that relevant? If we executed lawbreakers for the hell of it, you'd be dead. That's just some stupid ******* people write to avoid the truth. Black lives have no value to law enforcement.

Apparently not. We'll be holding our breath for that admission.
Let me answer your last paragraph. Thats false about the judgement to shoot him. If you look at the one video from the other side of his vehicle he is seen tussling with the police. It appears they are trying to arrest him or cuff him. How he gets away idk. But the point is he heads to his vehicle and could have had a gun. The police dont know what he is gonna do. He already had weapons drawn upon him and still didnt listen. Why is it that people feel they dont need to listen to the police.
No his criminal record is not an automatic death sentence but it sure puts police on edge when they respond and HE escalated it by not following commands and resisting the police. Its not that hard.

White guy shoots 3 people. No i dont agree with it and he was arrested so what is your point. Are you saying the police should have shot him on the spot. They hadnt even rolled up on the situation yet to know what was happening, once they did they found him and arrested him as he should have been.

My question is what happened prior. Where are the thugs who chased him and knocked him down and tried to take his weapon. Whatever the situation it ended in arrest as it should have.
He is. Anti-immigration, pro-Wall, pro-Russia, anti gay marriage, etc. This guy is textbook.
Typical Trumper.
Oh, and most of all, talks down about black men, but love thinking about those black dicks.

I am anti illegal immigration, yes pro wall, nope not pro russia, if anything you socialist on the left are pro Russia because you support the same damn things that the socialist in Russia do. How am i anti gay marriage. I could care less. What i will say is i dont think they should get special treatment and dont ask for it. You want to marry a guy have at it.

And false again. Dont talk down about black men at all. Just call it like i see it. If your doing something wrong i dont care what color you are, wrong is wrong.
Not sure who i am voting for yet. But when i see what Biden and Harris are saying what they want to do its making it easy.

who are you kidding......you only listen to Limbaugh and he has spelled it out for you as to what to do....you never have swayed away from what your hero says....he does your thinking for you
Let me answer your last paragraph. Thats false about the judgement to shoot him. If you look at the one video from the other side of his vehicle he is seen tussling with the police. It appears they are trying to arrest him or cuff him. How he gets away idk. But the point is he heads to his vehicle and could have had a gun. The police dont know what he is gonna do. He already had weapons drawn upon him and still didnt listen. Why is it that people feel they dont need to listen to the police.
No his criminal record is not an automatic death sentence but it sure puts police on edge when they respond and HE escalated it by not following commands and resisting the police. Its not that hard.

White guy shoots 3 people. No i dont agree with it and he was arrested so what is your point. Are you saying the police should have shot him on the spot. They hadnt even rolled up on the situation yet to know what was happening, once they did they found him and arrested him as he should have been.

My question is what happened prior. Where are the thugs who chased him and knocked him down and tried to take his weapon. Whatever the situation it ended in arrest as it should have.

more of your trump defense?....sounds like it
I am anti illegal immigration, yes pro wall, nope not pro russia, if anything you socialist on the left are pro Russia because you support the same damn things that the socialist in Russia do. How am i anti gay marriage. I could care less. What i will say is i dont think they should get special treatment and dont ask for it. You want to marry a guy have at it.

And false again. Dont talk down about black men at all. Just call it like i see it. If your doing something wrong i dont care what color you are, wrong is wrong.

you must have received Limbaugh's version of trumps bible already and reading/using it
I just call bullshit when i hear it. People dont like the truth in todays world
careful, calling bullshit when you hear it is more than a full time job with the proliferation of knuckle-dragger postings in this place! That ignore button does wonders....not having to waste time seeing sophomoric posts from people like the little boi who cried racism.
In defense of Bill "I feel your pain" Clinton, he never had SEX with that woman, based upon his own definition of sex, being intercourse. Bill never considered a blowjob actual sex ... which is why he said "its based upon what your definition of "IS" is .... LOL

I was just going on the fact he hates the Clinton's.....and he has got that cigar stuck in his cunt...….
careful, calling bullshit when you hear it is more than a full time job with the proliferation of knuckle-dragger postings in this place! That ignore button does wonders....not having to waste time seeing sophomoric posts from people like the little boi who cried racism.

awww someone sounds....bitter?....could it be you have NEVER won an argument on here?
careful, calling bullshit when you hear it is more than a full time job with the proliferation of knuckle-dragger postings in this place! That ignore button does wonders....not having to waste time seeing sophomoric posts from people like the little boi who cried racism.
without a doubt. Its just amazing to me that there is no personal responsiblity taken by some of these guys involved in these shootings. If the police are wrong i will admit it. But Jesus. Stop blaming the police for everything, how about when the police stop you or pull you over or arrest you, dont fight dont run and listen to them and maybe you wont die.
If the police are wrong i will admit it. But Jesus. Stop blaming the police for everything, how about when the police stop you or pull you over or arrest you
Oh come on, Alanm, the policeman stuck his semi in the man's back and emptied the frik'n clip. I'm just amazed the man survived. No doubt there should be some "fault" charged to him for not cooperating with police orders, but "emptying a frik'n clip in a man's back from 2-3 feet away? Excessive ******* ... reveals more than an officer just doing his job. Besides, there were several officers right there with him. Nope, I won't embarrass myself by choosing the officer's side of this one ... you Trumptards keep making mud pies and trying to sell them as French pastries.
without a doubt. Its just amazing to me that there is no personal responsiblity taken by some of these guys involved in these shootings. If the police are wrong i will admit it. But Jesus. Stop blaming the police for everything, how about when the police stop you or pull you over or arrest you, dont fight dont run and listen to them and maybe you wont die.
Four cops, one guy, unarmed. Put the guns away, and kick his ass, like they do everyday.

Back to Kenosha.
1. There was a curfew. This kid was 17.
2. He had and AR-15 in the open at 17.
3. The police were there, you could hear the shots, and see the mayhem. People were yelling at the police, he just shot someone, arrest him.
This kid with an ar-15 walks toward them and they wave him on by, more focused on the crowd.
"According to witness accounts and video footage, police apparently let the gunman walk past them and leave the scene with a rifle over his shoulder and his hands in the air as members of the crowd were yelling for him to be arrested because he had shot people.
As for how the gunman managed to slip away, Sheriff David Beth described a chaotic, high-stress scene, with lots of radio traffic and people screaming, chanting and running — conditions he said can cause “tunnel vision” among law officers."
He was arrested by a different agency, not the department that shot the guy 7 times in the back for gently resisting arrest. I've seen dudes fight with cops, and loose of course, and go to the hospital before jail. This shooting was complete bullshit.
This is why we/they say black lives matter. To some, all other lives matter more.

Resisting arrest, especially in a walking away manner, non-threatening, should not end in a police shooting when there are four them all standing around.
Like your "god" trump........ you have no time for the facts.... nor anything that doesn't go with your thinking..... I just posted 2 articles this morning on t PART of the fucking he is giving the country....but apparently that doesn't interest you!

again you are only interested in what benefits you/your company!
sure ******* the health care bill and you get more tax relief..... and as for trumps tax plan.... again YOU benefit
but just where does that help the country.....and I'm sure you really like Trump's overtime change...... now you can hold someone over when there is plenty of work..... and not pay them a dime extra.... just give them "comp time"..... which ,means when it is slow and you don't need them you send them home for their comp time..... not when they would like to take off!......people like you are the problem with this country..... you only see/want what benefits you!

care less about the water... the air... mom earth..... the elderly losing so much in everything trump has done... and I won't even get into the health care..... but lets bring up Vet's which he promised to do so much for..... closing 83 facilities nationwide to save money I don't consider helping the vets!.... and the man in charge of all this vets savings.... the same guy that was there under Bush and Obama... didn't see much improvement then... but under trump he will?

again you only see what you want to see.... what benefits' YOU!

that's where all you trumpies came form.....the country was improving ...jobs.. health care... stock market......but your personal wealth hadn't gone up as much as you wanted so you go for trump
without a doubt. Its just amazing to me that there is no personal responsiblity taken by some of these guys involved in these shootings. If the police are wrong i will admit it. But Jesus. Stop blaming the police for everything, how about when the police stop you or pull you over or arrest you, dont fight dont run and listen to them and maybe you wont die.

Breonna Taylor was asleep at home when the police shot her.
without a doubt. Its just amazing to me that there is no personal responsiblity taken by some of these guys involved in these shootings. If the police are wrong i will admit it.

The murderers who are on record for killing Breonna Taylor when she was asleep at home have not been charged.
Breonna Taylor was asleep at home when the police shot her.
I wont say the police were justified in that shooting, they did a lot wrong. And last i read, that investigation is not complete so lets see what happens. Also her BF started the shooting by shooting a cop. They returned fire.
I wont say the police were justified in that shooting, they did a lot wrong. And last i read, that investigation is not complete so lets see what happens. Also her BF started the shooting by shooting a cop. They returned fire.
No Knock Warrant, Plain Clothes Cops with guns out. They were asleep, he woke up and fired his legally owned firearm.
Authorities always have the responsibility to avoid a ******* show like this. He did what any man would have done in his home.
Cops fucked up, another person is dead, and they are trying to cover their asses. Google news stories about this one from today.
I wont say the police were justified in that shooting, they did a lot wrong. And last i read, that investigation is not complete so lets see what happens. Also her BF started the shooting by shooting a cop. They returned fire.
And stop with the bullshit if the police are wrong, you'll be the first to admit.
If you don't believe the cops can do no wrong, then, you will wait to see what happens when they break into the wrong apartment and shoot a woman to death in her own bed sleeping.
I am anti illegal immigration, yes pro wall, nope not pro russia, if anything you socialist on the left are pro Russia because you support the same damn things that the socialist in Russia do. How am i anti gay marriage. I could care less. What i will say is i dont think they should get special treatment and dont ask for it. You want to marry a guy have at it.

And false again. Dont talk down about black men at all. Just call it like i see it. If your doing something wrong i dont care what color you are, wrong is wrong.
You should read your own posts, everything I said came from ******* you posted yourself.