Politics, Politics, Politics

I CAME from there, MAC. I WORKED HARD to get where I am - YOU simply want it HANDED to YOU
Screw you, ... I work 10 hour days a lot, and spend 30-50% of my time ON the ROAD. You know NOTHING about me but I can assure you one thing, I don't take welfare or handouts ... now "fuck off" and leave me alone.
Screw you, ... I work 10 hour days a lot, and spend 30-50% of my time ON the ROAD. You know NOTHING about me but I can assure you one thing, I don't take welfare or handouts ... now "fuck off" and leave me alone.

Struck a nerve I see, You know nothing about me either but yet you tell me to spend "a day in the trenches" as if I have no clue. I've been there - I know that 95% of those there are nothing but lazy fucks that want a hand out - Did I say YOU did? no I didn't, but most do. So yes, it offends me when people like you try to defend their position and tell me I am "insensitive to the poor". I've seen gang-bangers buy brand new caddies while on welfare and the elderly lady next door couldn't get a wheel chair if her life depended on it. You want to talk unfairness to the poor? - Lets talk.
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if I remember right just a couple of pages back you made a coment about ... and now the jackels pounce... what are we/I just supposed to say nothing.. and before that a few more pages... you didn't like something I said..AND SAID SOMETHING ABOUT ME BEING TO DUMB TO READ... YOU THROW THAT ******* ALL THE TIME... BUT WHEN IT COMES BACK YOU CRY LIKE A BABY!

it is a give and take world... if you are going to give you need to learn to take!
I hope this asshole goes to jail.... and it somehow ends up linked to the cock brothers!.... but looks like they could and will buy their way out

Supreme Cover-Up: How the Wisconsin Justice System Failed in the Walker John Doe
The Huffington Post 7 hours ago .
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Recent elections have turned the Wisconsin Supreme Court from "one of the nation's most respected state tribunals into a disgraceful mess," wrote noted author on the courts Lincoln Caplan in 2015. The dysfunction is on full display in the documents revealed by the Guardian this week in its expose on the "John Doe" investigation into potentially illegal coodination between Scott Walker and dark money groups that were supposed to operate independently of his campaign. The Wisconsin John Doe investigation was started by a bipartisan group of district attorneys and Judge Barbara Kluka who saw sufficient evidence of probable cause to authorize search warrants of Walker's top aides and a number of dark money groups. The type of high-dollar, high-donor fundraising discussed in this week's Guardian expose had never happened in Wisconsin before. ...

2bi....... and one of your nicer comments on another thread

Don't turn this thread into one of your trolling playgrounds, you have fucked up all the other ones, leave it alone. The OP asked a simple straight forward question, I don't think he is looking for your bull *******.

so you give a lot of *******.... but cry real bad when it comes back!

these ARE political threads... and as such people post opinions....but I guess if they are not what you like we shouldn't post them is that it?
if I remember right just a couple of pages back you made a coment about ... and now the jackels pounce... what are we/I just supposed to say nothing.. and before that a few more pages... you didn't like something I said..AND SAID SOMETHING ABOUT ME BEING TO DUMB TO READ... YOU THROW THAT ******* ALL THE TIME... BUT WHEN IT COMES BACK YOU CRY LIKE A BABY!

it is a give and take world... if you are going to give you need to learn to take!

LAST time I reply to you.

1 - it was YOU and MAC that attacked someone who innocently posted a (if not funny) opinion. You dished - now take it.
2. Correct, I used the word "jackal". a stab? maybe - a insult? hardly, did the shoe fit? Again, you dished - that was my reply so take it.
3. I said you were to dumb to read? Link it. if it is true you should have no issue. doing so. - but if you want to "make me take it" then reply to THAT post, and not how you jumped on a new poster.

Your right, it's a give and take world - you dished FIRST - so TAKE IT.

2bi....... and one of your nicer comments on another thread

Don't turn this thread into one of your trolling playgrounds, you have fucked up all the other ones, leave it alone. The OP asked a simple straight forward question, I don't think he is looking for your bull *******.

so you give a lot of *******.... but cry real bad when it comes back!

these ARE political threads... and as such people post opinions....but I guess if they are not what you like we shouldn't post them is that it?

You are calling that an insult? Didn't bother to post where it came from so others could see how you jumped me in that thread and tried to drag me into another spitting match. Here, let me link it for you since haven't figured out how yet.

Now, follow along OK?
The Original poster asked
So it's really not any good candidates to vote for this year but i will vote anyway hiliary or trump ?

I replied,
"Gary Johnson"
That's it, nothing more, nothing less.

Your reply's after that,
for those who want to stick their Heads in the sand and hope for the best
(insulting my opinion) then...
if he is not on the ballot in all 50 states he is not a legitimate candidate .... he's just another ralph nader
All uncalled for, then I simply asked you to respect the OP and not turn this into another one of your trolling boards (shoe fit?) and your response???
my aren't we a bit "testy" today..... sand must be getting hot around your ears huh?
Again, simply trying to start *******.

So, who is the one "dishing it out"? ? ? ? HUM??? YOU!!!!!!

I'm simply sick of the insulting, name calling and childish behavior. So, don't reply to me, don't name me or implicate me in any post, don't refer to me as "others on this thread" or any ******* like that, subject matter only is fair game, and I will do the same. If you do not want to comply - then the moderators will get so sick of me reporting you they will have no choice but to ban you, myself or both. Understood? (just don't reply)
All uncalled for, then I simply asked you to respect the OP and not turn this into another one of your trolling boards (shoe fit?) and your response???

we can go back and forth all night on this as who came first the chicken or the egg..... fact is... it goes both ways... enough on all this...it's a damn political thread.... and we are not going to agree....on anything...and I'm not going into all who did or said what it's went both ways... enough!
1 - it was YOU and MAC that attacked someone who innocently posted a (if not funny) opinion. You dished - now take it.
Well, you've included me, again, in your little squabble, so I went back to that thread and read the entirety of that thread you reference and for the life of me I can't see where I "attacked someone" ... or anyone, on that thread with anything. In fact, my conversation on THAT thread was entirely with another member, not the o-p, Vernon.
So, a few things we can do here to straighten out your current accusation at me ...
#1 - You can point out my attack on the o-p Vernon or whoever you charge me with attacking,
#2 - We can contact Vernon and ask Vernon if he felt I, in any way, attacked him. I can't see where I even directly addressed him, but I'm sure in your "memory" you probably just saw a typo in my post and elected to take it as an attack.
#3 - (and I don't expect you to be man enough to do this one, but) You can admit you were mistaken and that you possibly confused with some other thread.
#4 - You can go back to the start of this last conversation that you and I have had and see just how frivolous it was, the fact you obviously have nothing to do but kindle confrontations and waste other people's time doing it.​
Well, you've included me, again, in your little squabble, so I went back to that thread and read the entirety of that thread you reference and for the life of me I can't see where I "attacked someone" ... or anyone, on that thread with anything. In fact, my conversation on THAT thread was entirely with another member, not the o-p, Vernon.
So, a few things we can do here to straighten out your current accusation at me ...
#1 - You can point out my attack on the o-p Vernon or whoever you charge me with attacking,
#2 - We can contact Vernon and ask Vernon if he felt I, in any way, attacked him. I can't see where I even directly addressed him, but I'm sure in your "memory" you probably just saw a typo in my post and elected to take it as an attack.
#3 - (and I don't expect you to be man enough to do this one, but) You can admit you were mistaken and that you possibly confused with some other thread.
#4 - You can go back to the start of this last conversation that you and I have had and see just how frivolous it was, the fact you obviously have nothing to do but kindle confrontations and waste other people's time doing it.​

My apologies Mac, You are right, I should not have included you in that rant.
******* I thought we were done with this argument

All uncalled for, then I simply asked you to respect the OP and not turn this into another one of your trolling boards (shoe fit?) and your response???

that's what you remember saying but that's no where near all of what you said!..face it... you dish it out just as much... so let's forget it and move on!
to a point!... there is some truth there.... but the problem is... with the country needing the tax money.... and the corps... not paying it... the burden falls on those that can afford it least!.... the flat tax right now can not support the wars and etc that the country is in... and our infrs-astructure is falling apart (roads and bridegs and etc).... with the tax cuts to corps that they are getting we just don't have any money... and every republican that has come into office since Ike has cut those taxes and trump wants to cut them in half now... benefits him and those like him... just brings the burden right back to those that can not afford it and puts them on gov programs that we pay for!
It goes back to those corporate taxes.... look at wal mart... they pay very little to their employees... most employees on some kind of gov program... and yet we pay wal mart billions for hiring the poorer people .... we should take that money and instead of giving it to wal mart use the money to pay for the gov assistance those people are getting and probably have a lot left over!... hell wal mart has the best of both worlds that's why all the Walmart heirs are in the top 20 of wealthiest people... they pay nothing to their people and get money from the gov for hiring them!
and that is just one example!

Sorry but i am not understanding what you mean when you say WE are paying walmart billions to hire poor people.....how is that?
no one is saying tax the wealthy per-se.... it's pay more! and quit giving the tax breaks to people like Mcdonalds and wal mart!

I know torp will have an opinion on that one!

Again....i am not getting what your saying. I understand corporations get tax breaks for one reason or another but are you saying Mcdonalds and walmart are not paying corporate tax?

I am also curious what your idea of a living wage is.

My thought on the companies raking in billions is that its their company....they can offer whatever salary they like if people dont like it they are free to go elsewhere.

I think your point is that they have no choice because they are poor or uneducated so walmart or Mcdonalds is all they can do. So you think it is walmart and mcdonalds job to support them with a living wage just because they cant do any better. I gues i am just insensitive to that because thats not how i was raised, to believe that someone owes me something because i think i deserve it.....
but are you saying Mcdonalds and walmart are not paying corporate tax?

I am saying that we the people are subsidizing them a ton of money for them hiring.... low income people and that they pay no wages... not enough to live on! and we reimburse wal mart for doing that and then have to give those same people food stamps and etc because they don't make enough... and yet look at wal marts profits... we do the same for mcdonalds and etc
Re: 'The welfare state has done to black Americans what slavery couldn't do. . . . And that is to destroy the black family."

...... written by a rich black man for a rich black man ... however, it helps him sleep better at night, I bet.

And, the rich politicians have done for the white, rich Americans what white, rich Americans couldn't do for themselves, tilt the board of opportunities one way and write legislation to help them get richer.

Anything ELSE you wish to lay on the table?
Ah you have to revert to ad hominems because you cant refute the actual points huh... Gee how predictable.