Politics, Politics, Politics

Ah you have to revert to ad hominems because you cant refute the actual points huh... Gee how predictable.
....Its not that at all, duna, its just that he's another Rupert Murdock disciple ... a Clarence Thomas "uncle tom", and a hater of liberalism. I've seen him with Lou Dobbs and Bill O'Reilly and their "race baiting" discussions and accusations of the Democrats. George Wills & Charles Krauthammer use him a lot because he is black, and loves accusing Democrats of inciting "black pity parties" rather than taking personal responsibility. He accuses liberalism instead of the past triumphs of white supremacy. He looks at Social Security as a welfare program, when actually, when signed into law in the 1930s less than 30% of blacks were even eligible to participate in SS. He uses the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act as shining examples of "liberalism", yet its the influences of the white supremist Republicans who are currently trying to suppress and nullify the Voting Rights Act under the mask of "voter fraud" even as we speak, to the point that the Supreme Court has had to step in to stop them.
....So, I have no interest in discussing Jason Riley's opinions as he only wishes to point out the symptoms and not divulge the true, underlying issues. For one thing, I haven't the time for yet another "back & forth" discussion with a party that doesn't believe in the obvious things like evolution or global warming, or even Obama's birth location. And two, being a liberal myself, I doubt there's any middle ground for discussion with these "my way or the highway" elites. The Republicans have simply become the Obstructionist Party the past 6-8 years; no common ground for discussions. What we get from them are continual screw ups like "trickle down" and decisions to allow Donald Trump represent their party. Here in NC, the Republican GA took tax money earmarked for public education and moved it to fund their private schools voucher program. That doesn't help inner city black students in the least, and in fact, hurts them. So, sorry, no discussion from me on Jason Riley.
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Investigation of Trump’s ‘Charity’ Results in More Bigotry

Donald Trump loves to brag about his businesses’ corporate philanthropy, although he refuses to disclose how that money is collected or spent. Unlike the vast majority of companies, which disclose how and how much they spend on charitable donations and community projects, Trump’s portfolio of businesses lacks transparency. The evidence also suggests Trump’s donations are more about his personal branding than doing good. Last week, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman launched an investigation into the Trump Foundation, the means by which The Donald fuels his political foundations. The result was a wave of anti-Semitic comments from the Republican candidate’s supporters. The investigation ...



this guy donates to people who stir hate and discontent also!
Team Trump Spooked by Charity Probe

The allegations of a quid pro quo between Trump and Florida Attorney General, improper use of the charity for personal benefit, and employment of the charity for political purposes have serious penalties beyond mere campaign optics—the possible consequences range from hefty fines to jail time. The last seven days has been all bad news on the Trump Foundation front: House Democrats have publicly sought a Justice Department investigation into the charity, while left-leaning watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington alleged that Trump appeared to have bribed Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi by giving her a $25,000 contribution so that she would not join a lawsuit against Trump University. ...


now who belongs in jail!
I am saying that we the people are subsidizing them a ton of money for them hiring.... low income people and that they pay no wages... not enough to live on! and we reimburse wal mart for doing that and then have to give those same people food stamps and etc because they don't make enough... and yet look at wal marts profits... we do the same for mcdonalds and etc

Tell me how we the people are subsidizing these companies for hiring low wage workers? Is the government cutting a check to walmart with the understanding that they hire poor people then taxing us....is that what you are saying.

They pay low wages because its an unskilled job....in fact i just saw a story that walmart is going to raise the wages of employees....to what i dont know.

Unfortunately a living wage requires quite a bit more than min wage so i dont see them raising it to 15 an hour or whatever one considers a living wage.
Tell me how we the people are subsidizing these companies for hiring low wage workers?
When they're making low wages, Alanm, they qualify for government assistance ... food stamps, etc ... comprende'? You and I pay for those through our taxes.
We should want to pay people at least enough wage that it would take them off government assistance programs like food stamps. Minimum wage & poverty wage haven't kept pace with each other, unfortunately.
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Alanm, did you read ANY of those links I provided you on Flat Tax? Any at all, or do you prefer simply keeping your opinion of the flat tax?
Places like Wal-Mart also get a subsidies based on the number of employees they have working for them. so lower pay = more people to high = more subsidies. However I am not a fan of simply forsing a higher wadge - I would much rather see loop holes like this one closed, legislation that encourages fair practices, For example, you pay a crappy wadge and CEO's make millions - then certain subsides or tax credits get revoked, among other things. Instead what I see are laws that seem to be a good idea to the general public, but can easily be exploited by the large corporation and we enter a revolving door of pay vs cost of living.

You also have the issue of skilled and unskilled labor.
They pay low wages because its an unskilled job....in fact i just saw a story that walmart is going to raise the wages of employees....to what i dont know.

they can more than afford it... they made how many million last year... plus we paid them big bucks


then to top that off we give the workers food stamps and etc... because of the low wage!

McDonalds same thing
GOPer Hank Paulson touts Clinton, says Trump populism 'rooted in ignorance'

Republican former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson told CNBC on Monday that Democrat Hillary Clinton has the "temperament" to find middle ground on the big issues facing the nation.

Paulson said on "Squawk Box " he cannot support GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump . "I can't sign on to this sort of populism that's rooted in ignorance and fear and prejudice. I find it abhorrent."

"It comes down to character and temperament, the ability to work across the aisle," he said. "I watched Secretary Clinton, when she was a senator, do that. You learn a lot when you're secretary of state. To me, I'd take that experience any day."

Paulson did say he supports House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. "I've been working hard to elect Republicans in the Senate and the House. I think it's very important we keep our leadership position [on Capitol Hill]."

Paulson, who headed the Treasury during the presidency of George W. Bush and in the thick of the 2008 financial crisis, broke ranks in June, and said he's going to vote for Clinton.

He said divided government is the best way to break the gridlock in Washington and enact the tax and entitlement reform needed to help restore the economy.

"We're not growing anything near our capacity ... whether it's 3 percent or 3.5 or 4 percent," he said. "But we're not going to get where we need to get unless you see big, difficult structural reforms in the U.S."

When they're making low wages, Alanm, they qualify for government assistance ... food stamps, etc ... comprende'? You and I pay for those through our taxes.
We should want to pay people at least enough wage that it would take them off government assistance programs like food stamps. Minimum wage & poverty wage haven't kept pace with each other, unfortunately.

Or they could work hard and find a better job as well. Again to me just paying them a higher wage is the same thing as an assistance program....for people to actually afford a living wage what would they need to earn....15 or 16 dollars an hour? Unless companies are ****** to do it i dont see them ever paying a cashier or stock person that kind of money.

But i would be all for it if the government then does away with welfare all together or at least only reserves it for those who cannot physically work.
they can more than afford it... they made how many million last year... plus we paid them big bucks

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then to top that off we give the workers food stamps and etc... because of the low wage!

McDonalds same thing

You may think they can afford it and maybe they can but the point of business is to turn a profit and keep expanding. A company like walmart if they tried to pay every employee 15 or 20 bucks an hour at some poimt would start adding cost to the products they sell to increase profits.
Alanm, did you read ANY of those links I provided you on Flat Tax? Any at all, or do you prefer simply keeping your opinion of the flat tax?

Yes i read them and i still have the same opinion.....a flat tax can work if the gov. Is willing to cut spending to offset the reduction in income but thats the problem. That requires cutting subsidies among other things and some folks just wont agree to that. But oh well. It will never happen anyway
Unless companies are ****** to do it i dont see them ever paying a cashier or stock person that kind of money
well then get used to food stamps and subsidies

most... and I say most CAN afford it... it's just a matter of greed.... if they paid a wage that could keep them off food stamps.... look at how much money would go back into the gov
I can see a better wage for skilled labor and etc... but those with no education and or skill... need enough to get by on without our subsidizing them... but right now we are getting the shaft from both ends... paying the company to hire them...AND paying them because they don't make enough... while the company pockets millions... got to wonder about the logic there!

almost as stupid as GW Bush signing that law that prohibits the gov. from negotiating a fair price on meds
at some poimt would start adding cost to the products they sell to increase profits.
yes they would!.... but that's where we need to step in and look at price gouging!
I mean hell... 150 Billion dollars... and they can't raise the wage... $5?.... and you see they wouldn't have to do it but on about 1/3 of their employees.... neighbor kid works there and has since high school... loves it... says they have 3 grades of employees... top grade is management of course and they have different pay grades..... a second pay grade which is department managers... which is what he is now... makes right at $20 an hour.... then you have the rest.... those are the ones we are subsidizing... so it's not really all employees... what maybe a little over a third?

I don't know anything about mcdonalds... except they paid their shareholders $20 billion dollars a year ago.... and I saw where someone figured that if they gace every employee they had a $5 dollar raise they still could have paid the share holders $16billion dollars!
it all boils down to corp greed!
In my Opinion

they should make the minimum wage.... $15 and ******* people like wal mart and mcdonalds to pay a fare wage... so we would not have to subsidize both parties

then for those small biz that just can't afford that... make them apply to the gov for the "wage assistance"... let them pay a lower wage and the gov make up the diff between whatever and the $15.... that would make a big dent in food stamps and subsidizing both parties

just my opinion... but something similar could be figured out
yes they would!.... but that's where we need to step in and look at price gouging!
I mean hell... 150 Billion dollars... and they can't raise the wage... $5?.... and you see they wouldn't have to do it but on about 1/3 of their employees.... neighbor kid works there and has since high school... loves it... says they have 3 grades of employees... top grade is management of course and they have different pay grades..... a second pay grade which is department managers... which is what he is now... makes right at $20 an hour.... then you have the rest.... those are the ones we are subsidizing... so it's not really all employees... what maybe a little over a third?

I don't know anything about mcdonalds... except they paid their shareholders $20 billion dollars a year ago.... and I saw where someone figured that if they gace every employee they had a $5 dollar raise they still could have paid the share holders $16billion dollars!
it all boils down to corp greed!

But what your talking about is government steping in and telling a company what they can and cant do. I dont see any good in having government sticking there nose into private corporations. I also dont get the notion of corporate greed, whose to say how much profit a company can earn before it becomes greed.....usually the people screaming about greed are pissed because they are not getting a cut of it.

I could care less how much profit wal mart makes.....good for them. They built up a huge corporation and put out stuff people want at a cheap price....thats great. If i work there and dont like the pay i find a better paying job.....or i go back to school and get my ged if i dont have a high school education. I think it forces people to strive to be better
In my Opinion

they should make the minimum wage.... $15 and ******* people like wal mart and mcdonalds to pay a fare wage... so we would not have to subsidize both parties

then for those small biz that just can't afford that... make them apply to the gov for the "wage assistance"... let them pay a lower wage and the gov make up the diff between whatever and the $15.... that would make a big dent in food stamps and subsidizing both parties

just my opinion... but something similar could be figured out

There's the problem...the gov forsing a company to pay a certain wage....thats socialism. Plus what happens at my union company when the min. Wage is 15 an hour. If my company union people make 25 an hour and you just raised the min wage by 7:50 or 7 an hour now my company guys want 32 an hour or they will go on strike and if they get 32 i want 40 and so on. I think its a bad idea.
government steping in and telling a company what they can and cant do
If we are going to subsidize the company AND the employee... we should have some say....if they don't want us around... keep their employees off gov programs!... and keep their biz off gov programs.... you back or put money in a biz... especially that kind of money... you expect some say don't you?
There the problem...tge gov forsing a company to pay a certain wage....thats socialism.
how do you figure that?... we have ****** a minimum wage several times in the past... we are just forsing companies to keep up with inflation and the cost of living..... we have done it for years now.... and I'm sure everytime big biz said it would bankrupt them and it hasn't

I remember my dad telling me when min wage was 75 cents an hour