Politics, Politics, Politics

Well if you will bother to look at some facts regarding the McDonalds CEO. His salary did basically triple....but most of that came because he moved up to a new job. The previous year he was just the Chief Operating Officer. He got a big pay raise to step up to the Chief Executive Officer job. The previous CEO had been paid $27 million his last year...so the net for for McDonalds was $13 million less in executive pay.


But who cares about the facts right???

Oh and if you want to just take his pay raise regardless of those facts and distribute it to the rest of the company....lets see how that plays out: For sake of round numbers, call his raise $10 million. McDonalds employs 420,000 people. So divide it out and each employee would have got a huge $23.81 raise...for the whole year.
Well, lols, just remember that Crap times 100 equals about...wait...lemme count...oh yes...LOTTSA CRAP!

BTW, NOT dissing either ¨group¨ over the supposed ¨other group.¨

Politician is a politician is a politician. Polishing a turd just makes it a shinier turd. They just ACT like they care about what they either think or want us to care about. But it´s really all Bull-sheisse to the MAX! Plain, pure PHONY!

We should all be wearing our tallest muck-boots throughout the election years. Hell...HIP-WADERS!

Disclaimer: the above is simply my humble, unworthy opinion. NOT intended to offend any of these seemingly two opposing ¨sides.¨ Well, not a LOT, anyway. ;)
Mcdonalds jobs are not meant to be a living wage, unless maybe your in management, its a stepping stone to a better job which everyone should strive for.
just where in the hell did you get that information..... have you looked at the employees in there lately?.... a lot of them elderly trying to get by... and some mothers working the only hours they can while the ******* are in school.... true some are high school ******* working a job while they are in school.... but any more they are in the minority
If an employer doesn´t feel obligated to pay a wage that the person working for them needs to get by, cosidering that working there takes that person´s time and energy, then that employer should expect (and deserve) nothing less than absolute minimal effort and care by these employees. So bon appetit whilst devouring your delicious burgers prepared by Mr. or Miss Idongivvaflyinf**k.

So funny. Right and wrong are not a grey area. They´re so clearly black and white and some seem to put so much effort into justifying what is so obviously morally wrong.

For-profit healthcare? WTF?! How f*****g mercenary can one be?! Totally immoral, yet justified by so many. Even by those who claim to be religious! Nuts!

Our political parties are all whacked and all the same. Just about the $$$$$´s. Were they always like this or have they both been shifting more and more to the greedy, supply-side serving realm? Either way, they both totally suck!

So many industrialized, civilized nations outside of the U.S. borders have normal, descent, compassionate, level-headed folks who run for political office. We here in the U.S. NEVER do. We just have finger-pointing, hate-spewing, anger-inciting, arrogant loud-mouths. We´re so LOST.
cosidering that working there takes that person´s time and energy, then that employer should expect (and deserve) nothing less than absolute minimal effort and care by these employees.
that's a big reason there is no loyalty and job pride anymore... people used to take pride in the job and work towards improvements... but now it is just a job to get by until a better paying one comes along... and you can't blame them for that... if the employer can't take pride in his employees and treat/pay them a decent wage... you get what you pay for!
It's difficult to deal with people when all they can do is prove how indoctrinated they are by spouting the party line dogma to everything said and they refuse to deal with reality. It's a product of our education system. I bet Mac is even pro-Common Sore, er . . . I mean Common Core.

The way I see it,

Did you say something, TeaBagger? View attachment 885227

It is really amazing that you do not get tossed out of here more than you do. Name calling again?

Just goes to show you know the liberal playbook well. If you have no arguments or ideas. deny, degrade, make it their fault, or name call and insult (distract from the facts).

All I did was suggest you were probably in favor of common core and it sets you off. Sad you are so touchy. I guess the truth really does hurt.
just where in the hell did you get that information..... have you looked at the employees in there lately?.... a lot of them elderly trying to get by... and some mothers working the only hours they can while the ******* are in school.... true some are high school ******* working a job while they are in school.... but any more they are in the minority

By seeing it for the last 40 years and having worked in fast food when i was young. Yes elderly people work there but usually.for them its just earning some extra money or to give them something to do.

Again i didnt say it encompasses the entire mcdonalds workforce but in general fast food and minimum wage jobs are unskilled labor and are payed as such. Just the way it is. No employer in their right mind is going to pay somebody $15 an hour or more to cook burgers
No employer in their right mind is going to pay somebody $15 an hour or more to cook burgers

Not to mention skill labor is now screaming for $20+ per hour. It's not fair to them to lump them into the same pay scale as burger flippers, and I don't blame them. With that said I do agree that a lot of the "Big Biz" needs to give back to their employees a lot more than they do, yes min pay could be better, not $15 better, but better. ON the same token people need to be careful - McD's is already looking into automating the entire system so only 1 or 2 employees are needed per store - so Good Luck.

If an employer doesn´t feel obligated to pay a wage that the person working for them needs to get by, cosidering that working there takes that person´s time and energy, then that employer should expect (and deserve) nothing less than absolute minimal effort and care by these employees. So bon appetit whilst devouring your delicious burgers prepared by Mr. or Miss Idongivvaflyinf**k.

I somewhat agree. As an employer (and when I was an employee) I feel a new higher should give their 100% regardless of wage, but it is the responsibility of the employer to recognize that hard works and then compensate accordingly within a timely manner and in turn that employee needs to continue to give 100%. However most of the time this does not happen, the employee becomes discouraged and yes, deserving so they become Mr. or Miss Idongivvaflyinf**k.

A "timely manner" is within the first 90 days. a Good manager will know if an employee is going to work out within the first 2 weeks. If after 90 you can't justify giving that employee what they deserve then you need to let them go. If they are someone you want to keep, then make sure you keep them.

The larger issues with FF isn't so much pay, but hours worked. Most fast-food and the like will hire as many employees as they can. When my ******* worked at Wendy's (high school) they gave him 3 hours per week. I asked the manager if it was becasue my boy sucked (he wasn't the greatest go-getter) The manager explained that the store MUST maintain 50 employees per store and they must all work at least 3 hours a week and no more than 10. All averaged from 3 to 5 hours per week. The reason for this is simple, tax credits. For every 100 employees the franchise has they gets tax credits. There are 10 stores in my area alone, that is 500 employees (with no benefits) not counting managers, just in my area. So, it would serve the people better if those credits were removed and instead penalties imposed for vast numbers of part time employment. The people that want/need to work could get more hours and have a better paycheck.

I have often wondered why when I go to a restaurant and I have one person seat us, another take our order, a third brings us the food and a forth then asks if everything is OK.
re: "All I did was suggest you were probably in favor of common core and it sets you off. Sad you are so touchy. I guess the truth really does hurt."
It's difficult to deal with people when all they can do is prove how indoctrinated they are by spouting the party line dogma to everything said and they refuse to deal with reality. It's a product of our education system. I bet Mac is even pro-Common Sore, er . . . I mean Common Core.
As usual, you toss up your hands and try to declare your innocents, falcond ... same as you did before. You talk at me in third person, as if I'm not here, knowing you're addressing me. You provoke an argument and then blame me for it when I respond. I'm not the one that's been chasing you around this thread with smart ass comments. I'm sure you've been miserable the past few months dying to get back on here and direct more BS at me.
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