Politics, Politics, Politics

I'll quit "parroting the same political dogma" when the Republicans quit parroting their "cut taxes & shrink government" platform and not a second sooner. They won't come out and just say "we want to cut taxes MORE for the rich and privatize entitlements that the poor depend on" .... becauzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Oh WIZARD OF B2W, they know they couldn't win an election by just coming out and saying that. They'd much prefer to just suppress voting, rig district elections, and continue character assassinations since they don't have a platform or any accomplishments in the past 8 years to talk about. And THAT, my dear WIZZARD Of B2W is why Republicans have the likes of TRUMP as their GOP representative. They'll continue crapping in the nests and moving on to something else to stir up ... like Transgender and Gay Marriage topics that have NOTHING to do with the functions and economics of this great country that they insist on continuously collapsing simply because THEY can't have THEIR way. Obama's polls are going UP ... Republicans have stayed DOWN ... I know, I know .... they're rigged media polls.

.... and you can come on out of hiding, falcond .... and quit stealthing the thread. Welcome back ... we knew you couldn't stay away for long. Your brief departing speech left tears in the eyes of some here .... hell, Torp even blamed me for you leaving. You now have deleting rights over your own threads so you can do as Alanm has done and just delete my posts when you don't like them ...but its the ONLY WAY you'll silence me.

First, I want everyone to take note that Mac was the one who called me out.

I was not hiding. Just didn't see anything new worth commenting on.

I see you have improved on your "How to win friends and influence enemies" personality. People I have never seen on here are calling you out for what many of us here perceive you to be.

As for what torp said, for the most part, he was right. You were a big part of why I left. That and some personal reasons.

As annoying and obnoxious as you sometimes are, sometimes you make good points and I don't believe in censoring anyone, unless it is true hate speech. So sorry to disappoint you, I will not be deleting your posts from my threads. It's usually good to have an opposing view. Although, sometimes you push that to the line and over.

Mac, do you really think you are that important that you need to be silenced? Trust me, it's not worth the time and effort for me to go back and delete your posts. You are just one voice in the wind, like the rest of us. Get over yourself.

Now, as to your post in response to torp, Why should Republicans stop "parroting" a line of cut taxes and shrink the government when the liberals will not stop parroting raise taxes and we'll give you money for nothing and your chicks for free? What's fair for the goose is fair for the gander. But in this case, Conservatives can't stop saying it, because it works. Did you know we did not have an income tax until the early 19teens? I believe it was either 1913 or 1917, but I could be wrong. How did we pay for services and wars before that? It's called tariffs. Did you know that the first official US Government after the ratifying of the Constitution had 5, count 'em 5, cabinet level departments? Now there are about 17, I believe. Something is wrong with that picture. There was no IRS, EPA, (which are not cabinet level, yet), TSA (GWB), Dept. of Ed. (Carter), Dept. of Energy (Carter again), HUD (Johnson?), HHS (including Social Security and Medicare/caid - FDR), ACA (Obama), and many other departments. They got bigger and more bloated for one reason and one reason only, more control over the people. Do you know, under ACA, your doctor is supposed to ask you if you have any weapons in the house? What the heck does that have to do with Diabetes or a boil on your bum? Yes, government needs to be shrunk by at least half and we need to go to the flat tax or fair tax, along with getting the remaining agencies modern equipment and software so they can be a hell of a lot more efficient. And government needs to stay the heck out of our lives and do what they were instructed to do by the Constitution. Finally, they need to stop stealing people's land and throwing people out of work and then letting illegals come in and take those jobs for half the pay. Any questions? Thought not.
First, I want everyone to take note that Mac was the one who called me out.
See, there you go ... 'call you out?" I simply gave you a modest way to come back and keep your dignity doing it. Maybe this time you and I can restrain from our insulting name calls.
You were a big part of why I left. That and some personal reasons.
Well, I certainly hope the "personal reasons" are behind you, but lets get something clear, falcond, you left on your own accord after being restricted from the thread for name calling again after being warned. Its easy to prove ... if your memory has slipped. But, regardless, I do welcome you back. I'm just sorry I haven't the time of some of you Right Wingnuts to camp out on this political section to watch you defend your lousy, miserable party. I unfortunately actually have to work for a living.
it's not worth the time and effort for me to go back and delete your posts
Actually, you can thank ME for requesting and Funny Bunny for granting us all the O-P button to delete off topic comments on our threads. alanm has already started deleting my comments in the gun control section. Gee, I wonder what his attitude is TODAY after the assault weapon massacre yesterday? What, 50+ people dead ... wasn't a cap gun the dude was using, and wasn't a shotgun ....
Anyways .... welcome back ... the REAL FUN is just getting ready to start so your timing of your return is GOOD!
gif_Yellowball-clapping4.gif ....Mac
I'll quit "parroting the same political dogma" when the Republicans quit parroting their "cut taxes & shrink government" platform and not a second sooner. They won't come out and just say "we want to cut taxes MORE for the rich and privatize entitlements that the poor depend on" .... becauzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, Oh WIZARD OF B2W, they know they couldn't win an election by just coming out and saying that. They'd much prefer to just suppress voting, rig district elections, and continue character assassinations since they don't have a platform or any accomplishments in the past 8 years to talk about. And THAT, my dear WIZZARD Of B2W is why Republicans have the likes of TRUMP as their GOP representative. They'll continue crapping in the nests and moving on to something else to stir up ... like Transgender and Gay Marriage topics that have NOTHING to do with the functions and economics of this great country that they insist on continuously collapsing simply because THEY can't have THEIR way. Obama's polls are going UP ... Republicans have stayed DOWN ... I know, I know .... they're rigged media polls.

.... and you can come on out of hiding, falcond .... and quit stealthing the thread. Welcome back ... we knew you couldn't stay away for long. Your brief departing speech left tears in the eyes of some here .... hell, Torp even blamed me for you leaving. You now have deleting rights over your own threads so you can do as Alanm has done and just delete my posts when you don't like them ...but its the ONLY WAY you'll silence me.
Wtf are you talking about......i dont have any way to delete your posts? Only mine
See, there you go ... 'call you out?" I simply gave you a modest way to come back and keep your dignity doing it. Maybe this time you and I can restrain from our insulting name calls.

Well, I certainly hope the "personal reasons" are behind you, but lets get something clear, falcond, you left on your own accord after being restricted from the thread for name calling again after being warned. Its easy to prove ... if your memory has slipped. But, regardless, I do welcome you back. I'm just sorry I haven't the time of some of you Right Wingnuts to camp out on this political section to watch you defend your lousy, miserable party. I unfortunately actually have to work for a living.

Actually, you can thank ME for requesting and Funny Bunny for granting us all the O-P button to delete off topic comments on our threads. alanm has already started deleting my comments in the gun control section. Gee, I wonder what his attitude is TODAY after the assault weapon massacre yesterday? What, 50+ people dead ... wasn't a cap gun the dude was using, and wasn't a shotgun ....
Anyways .... welcome back ... the REAL FUN is just getting ready to start so your timing of your return is GOOD!
View attachment 883194 ....Mac
What are you talking about, i never deleted anything
See, there you go ... 'call you out?" I simply gave you a modest way to come back and keep your dignity doing it. Maybe this time you and I can restrain from our insulting name calls.

Well, I certainly hope the "personal reasons" are behind you, but lets get something clear, falcond, you left on your own accord after being restricted from the thread for name calling again after being warned. Its easy to prove ... if your memory has slipped. But, regardless, I do welcome you back. I'm just sorry I haven't the time of some of you Right Wingnuts to camp out on this political section to watch you defend your lousy, miserable party. I unfortunately actually have to work for a living.

Actually, you can thank ME for requesting and Funny Bunny for granting us all the O-P button to delete off topic comments on our threads. alanm has already started deleting my comments in the gun control section. Gee, I wonder what his attitude is TODAY after the assault weapon massacre yesterday? What, 50+ people dead ... wasn't a cap gun the dude was using, and wasn't a shotgun ....
Anyways .... welcome back ... the REAL FUN is just getting ready to start so your timing of your return is GOOD!
View attachment 883194 ....Mac
No, it was a terrorist, a muslim sympathizer
Wtf are you talking about......i dont have any way to delete your posts? Only mine
The O-Ps now have the ability to delete other people's posts Alanm ... when mine disappeared ( a cartoon ) I just assumed you deleted it ... possibly one of the MODS did ... don't know why, though.
If I'm wrong, I apologize.
The O-Ps now have the ability to delete other people's posts Alanm ... when mine disappeared ( a cartoon ) I just assumed you deleted it ... possibly one of the MODS did ... don't know why, though.
If I'm wrong, I apologize.
No worries, dude i dont agree with a lot of what you say but i would never delete anyones posts. Its cool.
I didnt know O Ps had that ability, i tried to reply to one of your posts and it got messed up, so i deleted my reply, if it deleted your cartoon i apologize, it was totally unintentional.
The O-Ps now have the ability to delete other people's posts Alanm ... when mine disappeared ( a cartoon ) I just assumed you deleted it ... possibly one of the MODS did ... don't know why, though.
If I'm wrong, I apologize.

Alanm wrote "No worries, dude i dont agree with a lot of what you say but i would never delete anyones posts. Its cool.".

See? Ask instead of accuse. It might get you a lot further. Just because you and Alan disagree on many things politically, doesn't mean he is into censorship any more than I am.

Now, in response to your reply. I believe your first words to me were:
and you can come on out of hiding, falcond .... and quit stealthing the thread.

THAT is supposed to be a "a modest way to come back and keep your dignity doing it"? Strangest way I've ever seen of giving someone dignity. Of course the next sentence does "Welcome Back". But you couldn't just leave it at that. You had to get in a dig with the previous sentence. Your backhanded compliment skills need work.

And I never planned on name calling. I usually wait for that until a frustration level builds up after you start.

I do appreciate the good wishes about my personal reasons and no, they are not even close to being taken care of yet. I just got sick and tired of sitting around hospital rooms and my hotel room and doing nothing.

But, regardless, I do welcome you back. I'm just sorry I haven't the time of some of you Right Wingnuts to camp out on this political section to watch you defend your lousy, miserable party. I unfortunately actually have to work for a living.

See? That is exactly what I mean. The first sentence is nice and cordial. The rest of the paragraph goes on a political rant and starts in with the name calling. Is it even possible for you to write a decent paragraph with more than one sentence without throwing in the snarkiness, backhanded compliments, name calling, or political rants? I think not. And this is why you have pissed off so many people, in a nutshell. People begin to doubt your sincerity when one sentence is kind and the rest of a paragraph is name calling or other of the habits I have mentioned.

I too have to work for a living, but it is the weekend, so I can sleep in late. You'll notice that my first reply was just after 2am and I am not responding to you until 11 hours later. So, I don't spend all my time on here. I too have other things to do. It is just that we don't work the same schedules and all my work is done online anyway.

As for what happened in Orlando early this morning, No, it was not a shotgun. But I severely doubt it was an assault rifle either. The news media can never get it right. Assault weapon = FULLY Automatic. And since that is illegal to buy in this country without an EXTREMELY hard to get and paperwork filled licensure process. I am almost sure it was not an assault rifle. The guy was only 29. Even if he started his license application at birth, he would still have at least 11 more years before it is granted. lol. AND on top of that, it looks like it was a terrorism case. In all likelihood, it was probably an AR-15, which is a SEMI-automatic weapon and is often used for hunting. So, that shoots down (pardon the pun) your idea of why we should take everyone's guns. And no, I don't think open or concealed carry should be allowed in places that sell *******. Too many hotheads. I feel for those who died, those they left behind, and those who were injured, but sometimes life sucks. There is absolutely NO WAY to get all the guns off the streets. People will hide them or fight back during a confiscation, so some guns will still be out there. Criminals will find out where and steal them. Then you have criminals with guns against a mostly unarmed public. You think body counts are high now? Wait until that happens.
But I severely doubt it was an assault rifle either. The news media can never get it right. Assault weapon = FULLY Automatic
Wrong again ... AR-15 and even witnesses are saying that witnesses said it was automatic ... they were there, WE weren't. Further investigation will point out the weapon's status. Think about it, however. Something here to think about, however, if it was semi-automatic, it just killed 50 people and wounded 52 others ... does THAT not make a case for limiting access to this weapon?
But my point, and the point of the President and the liberals is again made ... elimination/restrictions of some forms of weapons, and stricter background checking .... President "Walks On Water & Pees Liquid Gold" Reagan didn't have a problem with it. ;)
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Wrong again ... AR-15 and even witnesses are saying that witnesses said it was automatic ... they were there, WE weren't. Further investigation will point out the weapon's status. Think about it, however. Something here to think about, however, if it was semi-automatic, it just killed 50 people and wounded 52 others ... does THAT not make a case for limiting access to this weapon?
But my point, and the point of the President and the liberals is again made ... elimination/restrictions of some forms of weapons, and stricter background checking .... President "Walks On Water & Pees Liquid Gold" Reagan didn't have a problem with it. ;)

Actually, no. It does NOT make the case for limiting access to that or many other weapons. As I said before (but you conveniently skipped over), the AR-15 is also used for hunting. Also, most people were probably too busy ducking and covering to actually know if it was semi-auto or full-auto. If the shooter pulls the trigger fast enough, many would think it is full-auto, when it is not.

And even if it was fully automatic it means someone broke the law to get it that way. They either converted it (it can be done if you know what you are doing), stole it, lied to buy it, or the seller was not following the law. Is that the gun's fault? No. It is the criminal's fault. And if the FAR left DOJ would get the hell out of the way and let real cops do their jobs, he might not have had the "assault weapon". So then he does what? He goes to multiple pistols. It takes less than a second to change a magazine. So what then? We outlaw pistols or quick loads or mags that hold more than 2 bullets. So, then what? He goes to knives, like the guy in China or Norway. So we do what? Outlaw knives. Then how do you cut the steak from the elk you just beat up with your fists?

I am really sick of the name calling, whether it is directed at me or not. It is childish and not presenting your arguments in the best light. If you can't just call him by his name, just don't say anything. I think most of us here would welcome that (at least until you can hold a debate or argument on an adult level, like the rest of us). And if you can't just call the Republican party by it's proper name, just don't comment. I am tired of asking you to grow up. Maybe you aren't capable of it. I don't know. The name calling just shows everyone that you cannot make a proper argument, so you resort to name calling out of desperation.

Now, as to the rest of your second paragraph, exactly how would you toughen up the background checks for weapons ownership? Heck, a prisoner who got out of the joint the day before will have a gun today. How do you stop the criminal/underground element? I really am honestly interested to learn what you propose.
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Man, I really missed those LONG LECTURES .... welcome back falcond. :)
The GOOD OLD DAYS ... gif_Yellowball-Yawning4.gif

Now, another boxing match challenge from the Torp and my day will be fulfilled ...
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you can't lead anyone who has taken a pact not to follow
That isn't true. My former boss was a master at getting people to bend to his will. No group is ever totally cohesive. A skilled smart leader understands that and exploits the weaknesses that he/she finds. My former boss was so good that he often had people convinced that the change of opinion was their idea.

Over the years I have seen too many Black workers lean on the excuse of discrimination for their failures. Discrimination does exist and will continue to exist but it is not the barrier it once was. I would like to think I am proof of that. I recall a young man fresh out of college a number of years back that joined the company I worked for. He was all fired up about equal rights, affirmative action but never seemed to think much about hard work. I took him under my wing for awhile but he was so focused on what he thought he was entitled to he never gave much thought to doing his job. After about a year and a half we were having lunch and he was a bitter that he wasn't moving up. He blamed discrimination and told me he wasn't going to be an "Uncle Tom" like me. That really pissed me off but I explained that the company CEO didn't care what sex, race or religion as long as you produced. It had worked for me and I sure as Hell am not anybodies Uncle Tom. I further suggested he concentrate more on the assigned tasks than what he thought he should be entitled to. A few months later he quit and sued the company for discrimination. The young man's attorney contacted me an encouraged me to "step up for my Brother". I told the attorney the kid was no brother of mine and he needed to apply himself to his work instead of whining about what he was entitled to. Barack Obama reminds of that kid and others like him.
The O-Ps now have the ability to delete other people's posts Alanm ... when mine disappeared ( a cartoon ) I just assumed you deleted it ... possibly one of the MODS did ... don't know why, though.
If I'm wrong, I apologize.
I would never delete any of your posts. Too much fodder
I read an article about Bernie Sanders this morning. He said all automatic weapons should be banned. Apparently he doesn't know the difference between automatic and semi automatic weapons. Automatic weapons have been heavily regulated and restricted since the 1930's Here in lies a common problem with our government and especially socialist like Sanders, they want to regulate and control things they have little or no understanding of.
I read an article about Bernie Sanders this morning. He said all automatic weapons should be banned. Apparently he doesn't know the difference between automatic and semi automatic weapons. Automatic weapons have been heavily regulated and restricted since the 1930's Here in lies a common problem with our government and especially socialist like Sanders, they want to regulate and control things they have little or no understanding of.

I was thinking the same thing earlier today while watching a video on Right to Repair,