Politics, Politics, Politics

Sorry to say but the world doesnt owe you anything. In this country you have the right to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness. Not a free ride to it!
what does that have to do with expecting a decent wage for the work you do.... you just wanting to divert things with some high and mighty speech that is not a part of the subject.... I guess for you the American dream would be hiring someone at $5.00 an hour working them 60 hours a week to do your ******* work while you pull in the money... that sounds like what you want the American dream to be
for most it's just being able to have a home and take care of your family and for far to many that dream under the current situation is not possible.... we are slowly becoming the richest 3rd world country around.... we have mothers and children living on the street.... while others make millions a year... we have states working hard to take away your basic birth rights while they squander to keep others down...., Bush played a big part in killing the American dream.... and since then there have been several others working to follow in his footsteps!
People like Paul Ryan and his double standards.... the Wisc gov. the Ks gov and it goes on...
actually it started with your almighty Reagan.... a Pres of the screen actors guild.... and the first to use his power to break the air traffic controllers union... talk about double standards and the start of the death of the American dream... ending peoples way of negotiating a decent wage and it has spiraled down every since
I guess to put it bluntly the republican party really stands for nothing but corruption and greed and lies all being covered up with smooth talk about the constitution and yet they do more to twist the constitution to their needs not he countries!.... hopefully it dies a nice slow death
I agree to some degree, but I think the system was infiltrated by some corrupt people (both political and non-political) and this led them to do anything, and I mean anything, to keep the corrupt power and wealth niche they made for themselves. Then, like a cancer, it spread.

That system is called the Federal Reserve Bank.
what does that have to do with expecting a decent wage for the work you do.... you just wanting to divert things with some high and mighty speech that is not a part of the subject.... I guess for you the American dream would be hiring someone at $5.00 an hour working them 60 hours a week to do your ******* work while you pull in the money... that sounds like what you want the American dream to be

Again the Liberals want to attack the symptom instead of the problem. What do you think is going to happen if companies have to pay the employee more? Do you think the CEO's are just going to fork it out of their own pocket? Hell no - they will raise the price of products and services not to mention cut jobs and work people harder. Soon, within 6 months to a year the cost of everything from toilet paper to Cars will be even higher priced putting that $15 an hour wadge earner right back into the same boat. Then everyone will scream for $20, then $25 Pete and Re-Pete were in a boat, Pete fell out, who was left? Do some research and learn how a corporation actually operates. Learn that a board of directors WILL get theirs regardless of what the company needs to pay the employees.

What we need to do is create legislation that actually punishes corruption (Enron, Freddy Mac etc), encourages fair pay for the job being done, encourages benefits like health care, vacation/medical pay, and fairness in the workplace. We can do that by heavy tax on CEO's that horde the majority of profits (and I mean HEAVY) and less tax for CEO's that give most of the profits back to the workers as higher wadges and benefits. I've mentioned before that Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream has a very good business model. In a nut shell, the top CEO's can not make more than X% higher than the lowest paid employee. (Not sure what that X% is) So if the CEO wants a bigger bonus or a Higher wadge they have to give a raise from the bottom up. Lincoln Welders (in the 80's might be different now) if someone was sick on the line and you had to do your job and theirs to make quota - you got BOTH pays that day, not just working twice as hard for same pay.

You can't raise tax on a corporation AND ******* them to pay higher wadges at the same time. you can't cut the dick off of both ends. But you can look at the profits of a CEO vs the wage scale of his bottom employees and adjust his tax accordingly. This I believe would encourage that CEO to buy only 2 beach homes instead of 5 and one private jet instead of 2, and give the rest back to the employees.
What do you think is going to happen if companies have to pay the employee more? Do you think the CEO's are just going to fork it out of their own pocket? Hell no - they will raise the price of products and services not to mention cut jobs and work people harder.
oh well hell lets keep them all at minimum wage and bring in the Mexicans!
No sense in trying to take care of our working people... that way these CEO's can make more money.... that seems to be what it is about... CEO's pay! not the worker
what does that have to do with expecting a decent wage for the work you do.... you just wanting to divert things with some high and mighty speech that is not a part of the subject.... I guess for you the American dream would be hiring someone at $5.00 an hour working them 60 hours a week to do your ******* work while you pull in the money... that sounds like what you want the American dream to be
for most it's just being able to have a home and take care of your family and for far to many that dream under the current situation is not possible.... we are slowly becoming the richest 3rd world country around.... we have mothers and children living on the street.... while others make millions a year... we have states working hard to take away your basic birth rights while they squander to keep others down...., Bush played a big part in killing the American dream.... and since then there have been several others working to follow in his footsteps!
People like Paul Ryan and his double standards.... the Wisc gov. the Ks gov and it goes on...

Gee, where to begin with you. First you can expect anything you want but it doesnt mean you will get it. Its called a skill, you seem to think because your doing any kind of work it should pay enough to live on, thats not the way things work, maybe in a socialist country everyone makes the same amount but not in capitalism, sorry to burst your bubble. Stop blaming people who make millions for the problems of everyone else. You assume because someone has millions that they didnt work for it. And no Bush and Ryan did not ******* the american dream. People who think the world owes them something and dont have any work ethic are killing the american dream.
People who think the world owes them something and dont have any work ethic are killing the american dream.
so so wrong!.... people who have the money and the opportunity to pay better so that they can have valued employees DON'T they would rather take the money and.....I will give you a good example... a maet processing place in Iowa... was union andm paid good benefits... people worked there long enough to retire out of there.... they broke the union bu changing the name of the company....they bought an old school bldg. across the street that had been empty since the opening of the packing house.... people would drive by and see sheets on the windows and lights inside... the police raided it and found 300 Mexicans inside... all illegal and all working for the packing comp... the packing house was fined and etc... changed it's name... 2 years later the packing house was again raided and found several hundred more illegals.... you can stand on your pedestal and preach ethics all you want there are some nasty friggn biz people out there!... if you read back in this thread I went on about this before I mentioned several biz same thing... one I worked for during the time they got rid of all their skilled workers and brought in anyone that would take the job and they could teach... so get off the pedestal and look around... apparently you shoot off a lot and know nothing... not that I know it all but I do know of several corrupt biz people!zzz7.jpg
there was a company a year ago that went belly up... they had just hired a new CEO to try and revive the dead horse and he couldn't or didn't... and they went broke... but what happened to the CEO... he got several millions in a parting bonus!.... makes you wonder if that money into the company might have changed things.... take a look at what your female running for pres did at the company she ran .. Carly Fiorina.... some of these people they put in charge... on the buddy system... can't manage ******* and yet effect jobs and the economy
some of these people in charge know nothing... just a buddy of a buddy and some are down right corrupt!... American Airlines would be a good example of that.... and hell look at your pres nominee.... buys things and then won't pay for them because the bill is to high.. knew what it wwas before he bought it... then tells them to file under a loss... or Trump U. where he wanted the students to use their parents credit card to pay for tuition... lot of scammers out there... all part of the American greed.
You are trying to compare corporate corruption vs corporate greed - there is a difference. But in either case, simply forsing a higher min wadge isn't going to get you what you want. Corporations will continue to be corrupt and greedy and they will find more and more ways to eliminate employment. forsing a high min wadge isn't going to change that. You are attacking the wrong end of business, it only creates a marry-go-round. And to be honest, you are starting to sound just as greedy. You simply want a pay-out and don't care about fixing the real issue.
... all part of the American greed.

Yep and that goes both ways, not just at the corporate level.

I understand your frustrations, I would just much prefer a FIX rather than a Band-Aid. I would much rather see laws that benefits better business practices and crushes corruption and greedy Ideologies.
But in either case, simply forsing a higher min wadge isn't going to get you what you want. Corporations will continue to be corrupt and greedy and they will find more and more ways to eliminate employment.
I agree... the bottom line is you get what you pay for... and any more there is no mor worker pride and etc... companies like Google and starbucks are the minority anymore
there should NEVER be a need to ******* the minimum wage... never if you could trust corps to pay a decent working wage... and maybe reward your employees with just a small portion of what they gave the CEO it would go a lot further in promoting a better working relationship.... but to many companies anymore really don't care about their service or quality of work... they want the cheapest output and the maximum intake... guess that's fine... but that boils down to greed!