Monogamy in the rear-view mirror?

James Moody

Gold Member
Real Person
I've tripped over a few threads here over the past two years on the topic of polyamory. Even got interviewed by a b2w'er on the subject. Then I tripped over this article in the general, non-adult media about how research is showing our society is moving away from all levels of relationships. Don't know how pervasive this 'movement' really is and I'm honestly not sure where I am on the subject. I love having all kinds of sex with white women. I'm a cheater because my wife just ain't into it. But I honestly don't know that, if I get what I ask for, how would I feel about having multiple partners.

Got no agenda here, folks. Just provoking thoughts among a crowd of sex crazed people like myself here. Thoughts?

Got no agenda here, folks. Just provoking thoughts among a crowd of sex crazed people like myself here. Thoughts?
I believe that correlates with more & more couples choosing NOT to get married, and of those now openly choosing to marry people of their same gender, don't you think?
I don't think its referring as much to people choosing to not get married simply for the convenience of being able to "sleep around".