If a Black Man Kisses Your Wife

Most cuckolds would blush crimson pink, mumble and look at the floor and wish they were somewhere else. What they/we don't ever seem to do, is to stand up for ourselves

Do you ever get aroused by the thought of witnessing your wife/girlfriend kissing a black man?

How would you respond if he walks up to your wife and demands a kiss from her?
A kiss has a special effect on the human brain, as you undoubtedly know. During a kiss, all the senses are stimulated. When a woman kisses, she not only sees her partner, but also feels his smell, taste, hear and feel him. There are a huge number of neurons in the lips that pick up the slightest signals. After that, five of the twelve cranial nerves transmit these vivid impressions to the brain, where they are already processed in the impression factory, in the somatosensory cortex. Most of this area of the brain is responsible for processing sensations received from the areas around the nose and mouth, which is why the lips and tongue have such strong sensitivity. Kissing affects not only the senses. It increases heart rate and ******* pressure, dilates pupils and makes breathing deep. Kissing increases the level of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for feelings of trust and affection, and reduces the amount of the stress hormone cortisol. Thus, a kiss excites the brain, bringing pleasure and relaxation!
In addition, a man's saliva is bursting with testosterone, a hormone that provokes sexual desire. Therefore, the kisses should be gentle, passionate and wet. The more saliva during a kiss, the more testosterone the BULL transmits to wife!