Wives with their BBC lover in their marital beds

Sarah never had Thomas in our bedroom. EVERYWHERE else in the house, but not our bedroom. Her choice as I didn't mind at all.
This happened long before my wife and me even met, but she told me a story once about how she went on a camping trip once with her husband and his parents. They were in tents, and early one morning she got up to pee and didn't want to use the out house, so she copped a squat in the bushes and was doing her thing when her ******* in law got up to do the same. He didn't know she was in the bushes because it was still pre dawn, and he jsut took it out and started peeing. She said he was huge, cock, balls, everything...couldn't get it out of her mind. About a year later, she got in a fight with her mom and sister in law and decided to seduce dad to get even. That started an affair that ultimately led to a break up with her husband, and then she was still seeing the ******* in law.
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We've only had a couple of bulls in the bed we share. That number might be increasing by one soon, though.