what profession have the freakiest women

Of my 3 main and only partners, all have been/ are sluts, but my ex-fiance who was a primary school teacher was easily the the easiest chic to get her in bed. Guys would get fuck to her just from making flirty eye contact on the train ride home in peak hour. She was 26yo and would fuck random guys from 18yo - 65yo . All you had to do was show her a little attention, and 45 minutes later, you'd have her heels pinned behind her ears.

But we have an old friend of ours in her mid 40's, a self employed realestate agent and openly admits she's fucked over 150 guys. Mostly with other agents, clients but mainly her clients with big commercial interests. She is happy to fuck potential clients/ property developers with deep pockets to get them on her sales/ rental books. She loves fucking, but sees it as part of her job.
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All the women I knew in the navy were notorious for their outlandish and wild behavior. Different (or multiple) men every weekend. Theeesomes, foursomes, moresomes. Semi-public. The list goes on... All of them were sexually adventurous. I can't think of one exception. Even the lesbians acted wild. Us men enjoyed every second. Maybe it was just the age group we all in (20s) but I tend to think it was more the profession.