WALMART? or the Grocery store?

how do you think i as a young bull should approach WW. Without overstepping boundaries and how can i tell there interested or not.
Also whats you guys response to “i’m too old for you”
I would love for a strong bull (smooth operator) to approach my wife in the grocery store! It would be better if he was nice looking, respectful, and just casually strike up a conversation with her.
Maybe saying hi its a nice day or I have been looking for ??? or you remind me of someone.... or nice outfit, I like your boots or shoes, where did you get those..... Then just start talking and as you start feeling out where its going (whether she is still standoffish or getting into it, you will know by the vibes) then go from there, but always leave her with a business card or som kind of contact info to get back with you. Who knows maybe you will get lucky
how do you think i as a young bull should approach WW. Without overstepping boundaries and how can i tell there interested or not.
Also whats you guys response to “i’m too old for you”
The art of having casual, face to face conversations is going away by way of electronic toys as people prefer living behind smartphones, etc.
If you see a woman you think is attractive, simply give her a compliment. She'll either just say "thank you" and turn away OR she'll thank you and say something nice in return.
When you say "approaching WW", are you also referring to married ladies? If you are, really pay attention to body language & eye contact as well.
As far as "I'm too old for you" ... you can simply explain that age is just a number to you. If you've manage to get this far, however, that response tells you she's certainly not offended by your approaching her.

I once saw this young woman, couldn't have been more than 24-25 and I wanted to talk with her. I walked up behind her, put my arm on her shoulder and said "wow, haven't seen you in a while" and when she turned to look at me I acted embarrassed and started apologizing profusely as to mistaking her for a young lady that worked in my office. We both had a good laugh about it, we talked a few seconds and then went our own ways. Being married, myself, I was left with the decision as to whether to pursue the conversation or not, and chose not.

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