Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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wish it would happen more often...….but the answer is simple.....you always ask for facts...they get provided and yet you are not interested and yet you never provide any of your own...why is that?

CAn you point out soe facts on here? Like no other American Presidnet has met p u t i n priivately? Or how we are closer to dictatorship. You don't have to do too much work, just this specific thread.

When you've completed that, can you post a link showing any of my posts are not factual.

This little exercise should clear thing right up.

This is easy. You should be able to do this in less than 2 minutes.
CAn you point out soe facts on here? Like no other American Presidnet has met p u t i n priivately? Or how we are closer to dictatorship. You don't have to do too much work, just this specific thread.

When you've completed that, can you post a link showing any of my posts are not factual.

This little exercise should clear thing right up.

This is easy. You should be able to do this in less than 2 minutes.
you keep asking for others to provide you with facts and information....which you don't seem to consider credible...and yet you provide non of any yourself

and that statement right there is longer than I plan on spending answering any more of your trump drivel....
Except I've provided links in this thread. And I can provide more. I'm not certain anyone else that posted in this thread can claim this. Just look to Mac's examples. He is clearly wrong, and there is no wiggling out of it.

Should we assume you aren't able to collaborate all the false statements contained in this thread, as evidenced by your inability to prove any of them?
BOARD: Trump was the ONLY President to ever meet with P U T I N privately!

nongolfer: Links posted proving otherwise.

BOARD: America is getting closer to dictatorship. It's on the news!

nongolfer: Please cite one example?

Board: Silence.

nongolfer: I thought so.

BORAD: But we're still right, and you're still wrong (notwithstadning evidence to the opposite)
Still no facts to make an attempt to prve anyhting posted in this thread. Except my factaul links diprooving some things. After which those posters disapeared.

yawn is something the trumpies do a lot of since they can not seem to understand what is given to them...and the Obama-put in meeting was private....with aides!
fuck it...you can look it up..I just did...i'm not doing your leg work so you can just sit here and play mind fuck games....pretending to have done something when you haven't.
most here have shown that trump is an ass....and looks like his followers enjoy kissing his ass.....
party over country for you trumpies isn't that it in a nutshell?
you can't defend greed and arrogance except to display it yourself
What I posted is factual. All these President met privately with Poroshenko (website edited). Go ahead a do a Google search.
lease let me know where I am incorrect. I'll be waiting for quite some time I suspect.
No, you won't need to wait "for some time" ... in fact, the meetings you refer to need to be provided by YOU ... I checked, and there are transcripts to the meetings Bill Clinton had with PresPutin in 2000 at The Duma/Federation Council in front of 400 Russians. No private meetings.
Obama met PresPutin at the G-20 Summit 11-15-2015 with Obama's Nat'l Security Advisor-Susan Rice and a Russian translator present. It was also on TV but without audio feed.
nongolfer, IF there are transcriptions of the meetings, that means they were NOT private ... totally different from Trump/Putin meeting in which Trump insisted it would be a private meeting. That's why Democrats are wanting to interview the American translator and Republicans aren't allowing it. Aren't you the least bit curious as to WHY they met in private with NO US members present but TRUMP & a translator? You can bet your sorry ass the Russians have a recording of the meeting, then why shouldn't the US have one as well? Trump is one big LIAR ... remember he said he did not know about the $150000 check paid to a woman he was fucking? Today a recording of that discussion was produced by his x-so-called lawyer Cohen- ... uhhhhhhh, can you say "Liar Liar Pants On Fire!" Yet you folks keep believing this fool. God what idiots you are.
So you're the one saying I'm wrong ... and using undocumented examples ... how about a LINK to what you're talking about so I can see. No Democrat president has sat in private with a Russian president, to my knowledge. I looked ... you said Google has it ... I didn't see anything but what I just mentioned.
So, how about showing us what you're talking about, ok?
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No, you won't need to wait "for some time" ... in fact, the meetings you refer to need to be provided by YOU ... I checked, and there are transcripts to the meetings Bill Clinton had with PresPutin in 2000 at The Duma/Federation Council in front of 400 Russians. No private meetings.
Obama met PresPutin at the G-20 Summit 11-15-2015 with Obama's Nat'l Security Advisor-Susan Rice and a Russian translator present. It was also on TV but without audio feed.
nongolfer, IF there are transcriptions of the meetings, that means they were NOT private ... totally different from Trump/Poroshenko meeting in which Trump insisted it would be a private meeting. That's why Democrats are wanting to interview the American translator and Republicans aren't allowing it. Aren't you the least bit curious as to WHY they met in private with NO US members present but TRUMP & a translator? You can bet your sorry ass the Russians have a recording of the meeting, then why shouldn't the US have one as well? Trump is one big LIAR ... remember he said he did not know about the $150000 check paid to a woman he was fucking? Today a recording of that discussion was produced by his x-so-called lawyer Cohen- ... uhhhhhhh, can you say "Liar Liar Pants On Fire!" Yet you folks keep believing this fool. God what idiots you are.
So you're the one saying I'm wrong ... and using undocumented examples ... how about a LINK to what you're talking about so I can see. No Democrat president has sat in private with a Russian president, to my knowledge. I looked ... you said Google has it ... I didn't see anything but what I just mentioned.
So, how about showing us what you're talking about, ok?

I couldn't agree with you more, however I feel compelled to add a few facts concerning the subject matter. Please note, I have vowed to myself to never speak or write his name ever again, not out of contempt or hate of this individual, but out of respect for those who honestly recognize him for what he is, nevertheless, here's a headline article in the Toronto Star: Donald Trump has said 2029 false things as U.S. president!

There are literally hundreds, IF NOT THOUSANDS, of news outlets across the world saying the same thing!

So WHY should the electorate of the U.S. care about how their country is seen by the rest of the world, a point earlier alluded to by "nongolfer". I can only ask "Why would any U.S. citizen NOT be concerned!" It's the honesty and integrity of your country that is at stake! Does that not matter?" IT SHOULD! IF NOT, MUST MATTER!

MacNfries, I gave up trying to reason with closed minds years ago. I referenced that matter earlier in this post. It's like keeping turning on and off the light switch to a burnt out light bulb with the expectation that it will eventually come on, no matter how often you do it, the light ain't going to come on! You gotta replace the light bulb! In this situation with someone who can recognize the forest from the trees.
Each one had a interpreter. When Obama met once briefly, there wasn't even an interpreter. I beleive several others, but I'm not going to take time to find out, since you obviously didn't.
Have we slipped into dictatorship yet?

Did Trump just fire another economic weapon at P U T I N?

Was it reported

Is anyone even aware of it?

He did this right before he left for a weekend at one of his properties. What was reported? Another weekend at his property. What wasn't reported? Another shot fired at Russia, clearly more punitive than anything the last several Presidents did in the aggregate.

If our news sources are so accurate, why are we unaware of this?

If our facts are so solid, why has nothing yet come to fruition, or even begun?

Why can no one post a link?

I'll check back on a regular basis since most in this thread seem to be convinced certain things will happen. If convinced, we should have empirical data soon, correct?

Same Bat Time, same Bat Channel! Different day. Same unawareness.
Did Trump just fire another economic weapon at P U T I N?.....
Is anyone even aware of it?
He did this right before he left for a weekend at one of his properties. What was reported? Another weekend at his property. What wasn't reported? Another shot fired at Russia, clearly more punitive than anything the last several Presidents did in the aggregate.
If our news sources are so accurate, why are we unaware of this?
Why can no one post a link?
What are you asking of us, dumbnuts, for us to prove your POINT ... ?
You obviously heard it from someplace, why don't you tell us where you heard it. What it was about? Whatever happened, probably happened while he was playing golf, as he spends most his time at one of his this golf course resorts at taxpayer's expense or campaigning for 2020. I recall him criticizing Obama for playing golf so much. Obama didn't play half as much golf as Trump does.
The right was butt-hurt when Obama won, but at least we were adult enough to get over it and move on (except for congress of course. They still played like little *******.)
Your recollection of recent history is obviously very poor TwoBi. "Just Say No" ... you forget those folks who met during Obama's first inauguration? You forget Mitch saying "Our number one goal is to make Obama a one term president?" You forget that when Republicans gained the Senate & House they did NOTHING but block and harass Obama for 6 solid years and why they were called the "Do Nothing Congress"?
$200MM to Ukraine in military aid is something ol' Vlad should appreciate.

With respect to your other point, I can't watch the news for you.

Reagan. Peace through strength, and peace through economics.

Brussels = Peace through strength.

Helsinki = Peach through economics.

Why is this relevant? It worked before, unlike the strategy of Bush, Clinton and Obama. The same strategy is being utilized. No one is noticing it. And exactly like Reagan, after the fact, everyone is going to become a fan of it.

Why not watch it in real time while it happens, and enjoy it. Or just like the Reagan era, most who lives through it, didn't even begin to understand it until a decade after the fact.

I'm not really sure why people aren't aware that the words coming from the administration are different than the policy and actions coming from the administration. I suspect it is becuase it is easier to listen, than it is to think.
Your recollection of recent history is obviously very poor TwoBi. "Just Say No" ... you forget those folks who met during Obama's first inauguration? You forget Mitch saying "Our number one goal is to make Obama a one term president?" You forget that when Republicans gained the Senate & House they did NOTHING but block and harass Obama for 6 solid years and why they were called the "Do Nothing Congress"?

MacNfries, you have a great propensity to drive a spike when a nail would do! Nothing better than "facts" to counter those "alternative facts" now so much in vogue nowadays by you know who! Great rebuttal, albeit it will be rebutted via another alternative fact no doubt! Lol
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