Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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And I suspect .... no, I know, a rock has more intelligence than you. Go sit on a rock and learn something. GOD!

Thank you for the thoughful reply. I didn't see anywhere that you exaplined ow you missed a documented fact, or where you proved some of your imaginative, wild speculation.

I tend to favor fact over fantasy, reality over fantasy. You should endeavor to do the same. I think you would find this helpful in all areas of your life.

Just trying to be helpful.

I'll continue to check back, just as I just did, every time something I post becomes more true, and every time one of your wild, imaginative speculations are proven false.

So far, I lead. Let me know when you get on the scoreboard.
Um first of all the annexing of crimea happened under Obama....what did he do.

Let me ask you this....i have heard sooo many people in the news Talk about how Trump is under put ins control and under his finger. If thats the case then why did he impose tougher sanctions on Russia than Obama ever did and also why is Trump pushing for more oil and natural gas exploration and extraction here in the US and telling other countries not to buy gas from Russia...Russia's biggest exporter is natural gas....he is hitting Russia where is hurts the most in their economy. Doesnt seem to me like a guy who is under a finger or control of Put in.

OMG now another idiot jumping in...and this one with even less intelligence than the other 3!

lets start with the sanctions......the other 3 seem to ignor the facts when they are posted and I expect you to be just as fucking dumb.....he didn't impose anything!...everything done so far has been by Obama and congress.....he signed sanctions.....but let the time frame go and NEVER imposed any..NONE!...use your friggn search engine!...and look!

trump pushing for more oil and gas....that's just to feed his rich buddies.....Europe already cut a deal to buy from RUSSIA!....that will really hurt the Russian economy!

Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law

No need for Europe to buy US gas at triple the price, will continue imports from Russia – Austria

Trump scolded Germany for buying gas from Russia. Here’s what we know

these trump groupies sure like to spout the ******* and yet know nothing of what they Talk about
OMG now another idiot jumping in...and this one with even less intelligence than the other 3!

lets start with the sanctions......the other 3 seem to ignor the facts when they are posted and I expect you to be just as fucking dumb.....he didn't impose anything!...everything done so far has been by Obama and congress.....he signed sanctions.....but let the time frame go and NEVER imposed any..NONE!...use your friggn search engine!...and look!

trump pushing for more oil and gas....that's just to feed his rich buddies.....Europe already cut a deal to buy from RUSSIA!....that will really hurt the Russian economy!

Trump administration holds off on new Russia sanctions, despite law

No need for Europe to buy US gas at triple the price, will continue imports from Russia – Austria

Trump scolded Germany for buying gas from Russia. Here’s what we know

these trump groupies sure like to spout the ******* and yet know nothing of what they Talk about

Did you read these articles? Because some of them say things different than what you think they say. Did you see the dates? Did you investigate further to see which new sanctions replaced the old sanction? After the dates of your articles. Did you notice what the administration did two days ago?

Do you have any idea what is really happening in Russo/American relations in the last 6 months?

Do you understand that this is not a hill for people who do not support Trump to die on? Becuase it is going to lose your side elections for the near future when the results of this administration's policies start to come to fruition.

How about we both check back in a year to see whose predictions prove to be accurate?
need to change the title of this thread to..."stupidity run amok in the trumpard camp"
Did you read these articles? Because some of them say things different than what you think they say. Did you see the dates? Did you investigate further to see which new sanctions replaced the old sanction? After the dates of your articles. Did you notice what the administration did two days ago?

Do you have any idea what is really happening in Russo/American relations in the last 6 months?

Do you understand that this is not a hill for people who do not support Trump to die on? Becuase it is going to lose your side elections for the near future when the results of this administration's policies start to come to fruition.

How about we both check back in a year to see whose predictions prove to be accurate?

how about you investigate.....I KNOW Trump never imposed *******! and provided that yesterday and you want to agrue again today..he did hit 7 Russian millionaires...is that what you are referring to?...…….argue some more all you want.not with me!

as for Russian relations...they are fine with trump and putin...not so with most of America...even one of your fearless leaders McConnell says no to the invite.....so you commie loving fuckers that could care less about America as long as it fattens your wallet...you worship your false god...most americans know better
well except for you and HH and 2bi...as for AlanM he doesn't count....to stupid to really know any facts...just wants to be a republican and worship rush limbuagh

as for elections....paid any attention as to what is going on recently....probably not!
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  • NSA-Report-on-Russia-Spearphishing.pdf
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P U T I N understands English. But I'm sure as well informed as you are, you already knew this.

You also missed the point. Since P U T I N met Obama, with no one present, this is yet more post where I am proven correct (documents/verified widely, with multiple world wide news source, and some limited video). And the board? Not so much.

With respect to your other passive/ aggressive comments. We will all know within the next 18 months who is correct.

Why not stop posting backhanded insults, and wait for this to play out (in my favor, which it will)?
P U T I N understands English. But I'm sure as well informed as you are, you already knew this.

You also missed the point. Since P U T I N met Obama, with no one present, this is yet more post where I am proven correct (documents/verified widely, with multiple world wide news source, and some limited video). And the board? Not so much.

With respect to your other passive/ aggressive comments. We will all know within the next 18 months who is correct.

Why not stop posting backhanded insults, and wait for this to play out (in my favor, which it will)?

well then what you must be saying is that someone of higher intelligence like Obama can communicate with Put in.... where as someone with less intelligence like your man chump can't?
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Insightful, and thought provoking post. Do you speak Russian? I don't.

Here is the only questions that matter. Were Obama's policies directed toward Russia effectual? Will Trump's policies directed toward Russia be effectaul?

We already have one of those two answers.
And in the minds of foreignpolicy.com:


Is foreignpolicy.com biased? Let's check, and let's use a left leaning bias checking facilaity:


Should we continue this exercise?

Maybe you can post some media articles that refute this. Because all reasonably intelligent people know the media doesn't have any bias, and are smarter in foreign policy matters than foreign policy experts, correct?
The Independent UK:


Let'c check their bias, with a source that is left biased (double negative o.k. for the left, but not so much for Trump I guess):


Interesting comclusion, that seems to prove you wrong, coming from a publication that favors your position.

Strange. I still must be wrong. Because everyone else on here says so.
Wikipedia wouldn't revise history, would they?


Boy, foreign policy successes are numerous in this revisionist history. Maybe Wikipedia is making this stuff up, and Obama;'s foreign policy was actually successful? Since we're talking about imagination, and things like that. I mean just look at Russia, Syria and North Korea. All huge successes. All Americans are safer due to these polices. No American lives were lost in any of this. Obama is probaly the greatest President in history.

I'm sure history will remember is successes fondly.
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