Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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one more time.......tell us again how you support trump....a known molester charged with ******* a 13 year old amoung others.....and yet state you are so religious

when you people start answering we will.........but it won't matter because anything that goes against your right winged mentality you will ignore.....kind of like how you ignore all the teachings of the bible in your support of the right

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with ******* a 13-Year-Old ...​

Lawsuit Charges Donald Trump with ******* a 13-Year-Old Girl A civil suit against Donald Trump alleging he raped a 13-year-old girl was dismissed in California in …

Trump: If Ivanka weren’t my *******, I'd be dating her ...

Lol, can’t believe how stupid you are. Hence the nickname ( what kind of loser makes that comment in every post? Can't you do better?)

You posted an article that proves you wrong again, how many times is that? 10,000

Wait I forgot, that’s how many dislikes you have coming your way. Hee Hee Hee

The article is 6 years old and from snopes. Lol.

From the link you posted

3.4 Million warrantless searches by Fuhrer Biden's FBI Nazi Brown Shirts in 2021. Welcome to Nazimerica!


Elon Musk is buying Twitter with help from Banks...The Tax payers are once again on the hook for these "Clowns" who are not funding these pet projects with there own money...It will do absolutely nothing but make the banks and him a ******* load more money...The Federal Reserve will give this money out at 0% interest...44 Billion dollars added to the deficit...It's a fucking rigged game and yet folks are applauding how much this will make there lives better...;)

Lol, can’t believe how stupid you are. Hence the nickname ( what kind of loser makes that comment in every post? Can't you do better?)

You posted an article that proves you wrong again, how many times is that? 10,000

Wait I forgot, that’s how many dislikes you have coming your way. Hee Hee Hee

The article is 6 years old and from snopes. Lol.

From the link you posted

View attachment 5033095
oh my....dipshit back with his full page coloring book *******
3.4 Million warrantless searches by Fuhrer Biden's FBI Nazi Brown Shirts in 2021. Welcome to Nazimerica!

well ******* for brains....at your usual twisting of the facts .....making them look good to the right wingers..............facts are......been going on for years....especially now with the right pushing Qanon and other such *******

FBI — F.B.I. Data Collection

F.B.I. Data Collection. Washington, D.C. March 16, 2006. FBI National Press Office (202) 324-3691. To the Editor: "Justice Dept. Report Cites Intelligence-Rule Violations by F.B.I." (news article ...

Frequently Asked Questions — FBI

Yes. The FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program, which began in 1929, collects information on serious crimes reported to law enforcement agencies. The categories are

Paul Krugman: What does business do when conservatives turn against them?​

Until recently, the current confrontation between Disney and the state of Florida would have seemed inconceivable. The attacks by Florida Republicans on the entertainment giant will hurt the state’s economy, possibly severely; they reflect a sudden lurch toward intolerance in a nation that seemed to be growing ever more tolerant; and the allegations against Disney are, in a word, insane.

Florida makes sense once you realize that what Gov. Ron DeSantis and his allies are up to has nothing to do with policy or even politics in the conventional sense. What we’re seeing instead are symptoms of the transformation of the GOP from a normal political party into a radical movement built around conspiracy theories and intimidation.

On the economics: Just a few months ago The Tallahassee Democrat, a local newspaper, published an article titled “The Mouse That Need Not Roar,” arguing that Disney World’s huge role in Florida’s economy gave it almost unchallengeable political influence.

Most directly, Disney World is in a 25,000-acre “special district” within which the company provides basic public services even while paying local property taxes. Last week, however, Gov. DeSantis signed legislation eliminating that district, which will leave local taxpayers on the hook — and also, reportedly, saddle them with more than $1 billion in debt.

Beyond that, the resort, in addition to employing large numbers of people itself, draws millions of visitors each year — visitors who spend money that boosts the Florida economy in general. And less tangibly, Disney World has surely contributed to Florida’s image as a desirable place to visit and live. The state’s leisure and hospitality industry is huge, and Disney World is one important reason.

All of this was, however, put in jeopardy when Florida passed its “Don’t Say Gay” bill that not only restricted what schools can say about gender but also severely limited their ability to counsel troubled students without parental consent and opened the door to lawsuits by parents claiming violations of vaguely defined rules.

Disney had nothing to say about this legislation as it was being rammed through. But an entertainment company whose business depends in part on its public image can’t seem too far out of line with prevailing social mores. And American society as a whole has become far more open-minded on LGBTQ issues than it used to be: Approval for same-sex marriage rose from 27% in 1996 to 70% last year. So late in the day — after the bill had already passed the Legislature — Disney’s CEO finally declared that his company opposed it.

The Republican response has been extreme — but then, these days it always is.

Not long ago, using state power to impose financial penalties on corporations for expressing political views you dislike would have been considered beyond the pale. Indeed, it may well be unconstitutional. But the attack on Disney has gone far beyond financial reprisal: Suddenly, Mickey Mouse is part of a vast conspiracy. Florida’s lieutenant governor went on Newsmax to accuse Disney of “indoctrinating” and “sexualizing children” with its “not secret agenda.

If this seems crazy — which it is — it’s also increasingly the Republican norm. I don’t think political reporting has caught up with how thoroughly QAnonized the GOP has become.

As I mentioned the other day, roughly half of Republicans believe that “top Democrats are involved in elite baby sex-trafficking rings.” Here’s an even more impressive number: 66% of Republicans buy into “white replacement theory,” agreeing wholly or partly with the claim that “the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate with voters from poorer countries around the world.”

Given this mindset, ambitious Republican politicians naturally pursue policies devised to play to the base’s paranoia and accuse anyone who opposes these policies of being part of a nefarious conspiracy.

And the bizarre nature of the attacks on Disney doesn’t just pander to the craziness of the GOP base; the attacks’ very absurdity is also a message of intimidation aimed at the business world. It says, in effect: “It doesn’t matter how you conduct your business, how innocuous your behavior really is. If you criticize our actions, or fail in any way to demonstrate fealty to our cause, we will find a way to punish you.”

The obvious role model here is Viktor Orban’s Hungary, where the Conservative Political Action Conference will be held next month. As a recent Freedom House report put it, in Hungary “businesspeople whose activities are not in line with the financial or political interest of the government are likely to face harassment and intimidation, and subject to increasing administrative pressure for a possible takeover.”

So the fight over Disney is actually a symptom of a much broader and more troubling development: the QAnonization and Orbanization of one of America’s major political parties, which is putting our democracy at risk.

Manchin’s moves leave Democrats doubting their agenda will pass​

Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-W.Va.) latest moves are fueling new doubts that he’ll agree to any sort of legislative package on President Biden’s agenda, deepening Democratic worries about what they’ll be able to deliver to voters by Election Day.

Several Democratic senators say they are growing dispirited about the prospect of Manchin ever giving the greenlight to moving a budget reconciliation package, which would prevent Republicans from blocking Biden’s legislative agenda with a Senate filibuster.

Asked about how much confidence there is in Manchin coming on board with a reconciliation bill, one Democratic senator who requested anonymity to comment on the shrinking chances said there’s “less every day.”

A second Democratic senator said efforts to negotiate with Manchin one-on-one, whether led by senior White House officials or Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), aren’t working.

GOP Sen. Kevin Cramer said Trump's treatment of Pence ahead of January 6 was 'the most damaging thing the president has done yet': book​

  • GOP Sen. Kevin Cramer said Trump's treatment of Pence before the Capitol riot was "damaging."
  • "Sometimes I'm not even certain what his end goal is," Cramer said of Trump on January 6.
  • These comments came to light in a new book, "This Will Not Pass," by two New York Times reporters.

Elon Musk is buying Twitter with help from Banks...The Tax payers are once again on the hook for these "Clowns" who are not funding these pet projects with there own money...It will do absolutely nothing but make the banks and him a ******* load more money...The Federal Reserve will give this money out at 0% interest...44 Billion dollars added to the deficit...It's a fucking rigged game and yet folks are applauding how much this will make there lives better...;)

maybe not.......he bought it partly out of bitterness and hoped since he owned it he could erase a judges order making him pay 40million in fines over remarks posted there.....plus now that he has turned it political.....will lose alot of followers.......former president Obama has the largest following....do you think he will stay and his followers with it now being right wing extremist.......also there was a guy on there using it to gather money to hit a BLM activist....he has already been told he will get back on.....making twitter seem very racist

you can not run a successful biz and alienate so many people.....people is what makes it money.....and now making it political you have pushed away alot of users.......he did all of this out of bitterness....and right now that is fueling his desire for the take over........but being someone who pays so much attention to money.....will have to wake up and mend his ways or shut his mouth or something
maybe not.......he bought it partly out of bitterness and hoped since he owned it he could erase a judges order making him pay 40million in fines over remarks posted there.....plus now that he has turned it political.....will lose alot of followers.......former president Obama has the largest following....do you think he will stay and his followers with it now being right wing extremist.......also there was a guy on there using it to gather money to hit a BLM activist....he has already been told he will get back on.....making twitter seem very racist

you can not run a successful biz and alienate so many people.....people is what makes it money.....and now making it political you have pushed away alot of users.......he did all of this out of bitterness....and right now that is fueling his desire for the take over........but being someone who pays so much attention to money.....will have to wake up and mend his ways or shut his mouth or something
You got 44 billion to bite off someones nose despite their face...This is exactly the stupidity of the majority of folks on this planet that continue to cheer on these assholes while bending over taking in the ass for generations to come...I.O.U. Federal Reserve and Big Banks...How exactly is this transaction putting food, a roof, gasoline in a car, improving the economy and etc. for Americans...It ain't doing *******...😉

Paul Krugman: What does business do when conservatives turn against them?​

Until recently, the current confrontation between Disney and the state of Florida would have seemed inconceivable. The attacks by Florida Republicans on the entertainment giant will hurt the state’s economy, possibly severely; they reflect a sudden lurch toward intolerance in a nation that seemed to be growing ever more tolerant; and the allegations against Disney are, in a word, insane.

Florida makes sense once you realize that what Gov. Ron DeSantis and his allies are up to has nothing to do with policy or even politics in the conventional sense. What we’re seeing instead are symptoms of the transformation of the GOP from a normal political party into a radical movement built around conspiracy theories and intimidation.

On the economics: Just a few months ago The Tallahassee Democrat, a local newspaper, published an article titled “The Mouse That Need Not Roar,” arguing that Disney World’s huge role in Florida’s economy gave it almost unchallengeable political influence.

Most directly, Disney World is in a 25,000-acre “special district” within which the company provides basic public services even while paying local property taxes. Last week, however, Gov. DeSantis signed legislation eliminating that district, which will leave local taxpayers on the hook — and also, reportedly, saddle them with more than $1 billion in debt.

Beyond that, the resort, in addition to employing large numbers of people itself, draws millions of visitors each year — visitors who spend money that boosts the Florida economy in general. And less tangibly, Disney World has surely contributed to Florida’s image as a desirable place to visit and live. The state’s leisure and hospitality industry is huge, and Disney World is one important reason.

All of this was, however, put in jeopardy when Florida passed its “Don’t Say Gay” bill that not only restricted what schools can say about gender but also severely limited their ability to counsel troubled students without parental consent and opened the door to lawsuits by parents claiming violations of vaguely defined rules.

Disney had nothing to say about this legislation as it was being rammed through. But an entertainment company whose business depends in part on its public image can’t seem too far out of line with prevailing social mores. And American society as a whole has become far more open-minded on LGBTQ issues than it used to be: Approval for same-sex marriage rose from 27% in 1996 to 70% last year. So late in the day — after the bill had already passed the Legislature — Disney’s CEO finally declared that his company opposed it.

The Republican response has been extreme — but then, these days it always is.

Not long ago, using state power to impose financial penalties on corporations for expressing political views you dislike would have been considered beyond the pale. Indeed, it may well be unconstitutional. But the attack on Disney has gone far beyond financial reprisal: Suddenly, Mickey Mouse is part of a vast conspiracy. Florida’s lieutenant governor went on Newsmax to accuse Disney of “indoctrinating” and “sexualizing children” with its “not secret agenda.

If this seems crazy — which it is — it’s also increasingly the Republican norm. I don’t think political reporting has caught up with how thoroughly QAnonized the GOP has become.

As I mentioned the other day, roughly half of Republicans believe that “top Democrats are involved in elite baby sex-trafficking rings.” Here’s an even more impressive number: 66% of Republicans buy into “white replacement theory,” agreeing wholly or partly with the claim that “the Democratic Party is trying to replace the current electorate with voters from poorer countries around the world.”

Given this mindset, ambitious Republican politicians naturally pursue policies devised to play to the base’s paranoia and accuse anyone who opposes these policies of being part of a nefarious conspiracy.

And the bizarre nature of the attacks on Disney doesn’t just pander to the craziness of the GOP base; the attacks’ very absurdity is also a message of intimidation aimed at the business world. It says, in effect: “It doesn’t matter how you conduct your business, how innocuous your behavior really is. If you criticize our actions, or fail in any way to demonstrate fealty to our cause, we will find a way to punish you.”

The obvious role model here is Viktor Orban’s Hungary, where the Conservative Political Action Conference will be held next month. As a recent Freedom House report put it, in Hungary “businesspeople whose activities are not in line with the financial or political interest of the government are likely to face harassment and intimidation, and subject to increasing administrative pressure for a possible takeover.”

So the fight over Disney is actually a symptom of a much broader and more troubling development: the QAnonization and Orbanization of one of America’s major political parties, which is putting our democracy at risk.

“Don’t say gay” is typical Dem HORSESHITE and Paul Krugman is a Dem HACK.

Manchin’s moves leave Democrats doubting their agenda will pass​

Sen. Joe Manchin’s (D-W.Va.) latest moves are fueling new doubts that he’ll agree to any sort of legislative package on President Biden’s agenda, deepening Democratic worries about what they’ll be able to deliver to voters by Election Day.

Several Democratic senators say they are growing dispirited about the prospect of Manchin ever giving the greenlight to moving a budget reconciliation package, which would prevent Republicans from blocking Biden’s legislative agenda with a Senate filibuster.

Asked about how much confidence there is in Manchin coming on board with a reconciliation bill, one Democratic senator who requested anonymity to comment on the shrinking chances said there’s “less every day.”

A second Democratic senator said efforts to negotiate with Manchin one-on-one, whether led by senior White House officials or Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), aren’t working.

THANK GOD - for Joe Manchin stopping Dem Marxist ambitions !!!!!

Pretty much ALL out in the open now how Dems feel about FREE SPEECH - they’re SCARED SHITELESS of it !!!!!!!

First the FREAK OUT over Musk buying Twitter and NOW in reaction to that a MARXIST Ministry of “TRUTH” lead by a known disseminator of MISINFORMATION - you Dems are as un-American as ya can get - bunch of now obvious MARXISTS !!!!!!
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