Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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I went to Disney in Florida 30 years ago as part of a week vacation package for two in and around Orlando. 2 people all expenses just under $2,000. I cant imagine what todays tab would be. Big corporations will charge the amount people are willing to pay. Today instead of tightening the belt when needed people just go farther in debt.
Disney itself has no business trying to tell people how to respond to political issues, no corporation is to big to fail. As far as Musk and Twitter goes, I personally don't care other then hoping that politically it's bias toward leftists and against everything and everyone that even whispers conservative thinking.
What is confusing to me is why they will not admit that Big Government hurts everyone other then politicians. Politicians don't need to produce anything themselves, they get rich off spending other peoples money. Compared to the government, large corporations that are constantly being called greedy are that way because the government forces dishonest business practices.

To be honest I imagine that Disney has simply made a large tactical error in attempting to express to the people ( look we are woke) as a dangerous marketing decision. Disney could care less about the LGBTQ's agenda itself, they need profits to stay in business.
What is confusing to me is why they will not admit that Big Government hurts everyone
well ding bat......just shows how fucking stupid you are and do not pay attention to what is going on around you........

the days of the right pushing for smaller government are OVER....i know the below posting are to much for you to read....bottom line....the right pushes for big gov

GOP’s 'Big Government' lie exposed: Republicans rush to ...

Not too long ago, there was a time when Republicans insisted that they were against Big Government and wanted to push it down as much as possible to local control. They extolled the

GOP's "Big Government" lie exposed: Republicans rush to ...

Not too long ago, there was a time when Republicans insisted that they were against Big Government and wanted to push it down as much as possible to local control. They extolled the
well it is Saturday night so i would guess HH out cruising the gay bars......to bad he didn't spend just a little more time researching his post.......but then he never does.....just bullshits his way through...pushing Bannons accusation ....as facts

Trump-Picked FBI Director 'Will Be Prosecuted and Imprisoned': Steve Bannon​

Right-wing strategist and podcaster Steve Bannon blasted Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray, who was nominated by former President Donald Trump, contending that he would face prosecution and prison.

Trump nominated Wray to lead the FBI as the agency's eighth director in June 2017 after he controversially fired former director James Comey the previous month. Bannon, who was the chief executive of Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, was serving in the White House as a senior counselor to the president at the time of Wray's nomination.

The former president later attacked Wray publicly and reportedly weighed the idea of firing his FBI director, although that never happened. President Joe Biden chose to keep Wray on after he took office. FBI directors are nominated to 10-year terms, but also serve at the discretion of the president. In January 2021, White House press secretary Jen Psaki said on Twitter that the president had "confidence in the job" Wray was doing.

Bannon, however, expressed outrage at the FBI director in an early Saturday morning Gettr post.
"The FBI is out of control—a danger to a free citizenry—Chris Wray is just one of many criminals in leadership that will be prosecuted and imprisoned," the staunch Trump ally wrote.

The right-wing strategist, who hosts the popular War Room podcast, included a link to a Daily Mail article citing data first reported by The Wall Street Journal. The article was titled, "The FBI may have conducted as many as 3.4 million searches of Americans' electronic data without a warrant last year."

Despite the headline, the article actually reported that it was likely that the number of searches was "far lower." It explained that each individual search of an electronic device is counted in the data, while many devices may be searched multiple times during an investigation. It also reported that some international devices not belonging to American citizens may be included in the number. At the same time, it noted that the number still seemed startling high.

"My understanding is that some of this was about researching and doing an investigation into potential hacking, but I will get you more from the FBI after this," Psaki told reporters at a press briefing on Friday.

The FBI declined to comment when contacted by Newsweek on Saturday.
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