Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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How did OBAMA handle N Korea?
Or that organization called ISIS?
Or any other terrorist groups?
Or health care? He just fucked middle class over and doubled our premiums.
Or in illegal immigration?
I see more $$$ from Trump than Obama got for the middle class. But I'm sure your referring to the handouts being cut like tax payer Obama phones right?
Obama handled terrorist groups..............................he armed them.
That's the trade deficit, you moron! Surely you know the difference between a trade deficit and budget deficit. And it rose to its current level when the self professed "negotiator" implemented his tariffs war ... you know, the one that Trump said is "easy to win"? Remember?

Ahhhh, way too much Fox News and Trump. So where did you hear THAT ONE? believe, the best part of you ran down your momma's legs when she conceived you.

Well, as a matter of fact, I could be more ignorant ... I could be as ignorant as you. No, I take that back, I can't remove my brain like you can. View attachment 2473899

Now, extrafun ... I'll ask that question again ... You said "Trump is the best president that this country ever had", and I ASKED YOU ... to please tell us what accomplishments he's had thus far. I mean, he has failed on practically ALL of his campaign promises ... I figure you have some inside information as to great things Trump has done thus far .... please enlighten us poor liberals as to what those accomplishments are! What campaign promises has he fulfilled thus far?
Hurry please, I'm getting sleepy!
View attachment 2473897
You can not inlight idiots AKA Democrats. Bunch of sore losers. But isn't that the base for the Democratic party? People that need the government to give them phones, welfare, reward lazy parents by letting their ******* go to college for pennies on the dollar. Ones that need to hear how it's someone else's fault their lazy. Give me a break.
You can not inlight idiots AKA Democrats. Bunch of sore losers.
I'm just wondering WHY you refuse/ignore to explain why you think Trump is the best president ever.??? What has Trump done or accomplished while in office that makes you claim he's the best ever? YOU made the declaration, extrafun ... I'm just wondering on what grounds you accessed the PRESIDENT. So, go ahead, enlighten us Democrats with all these great accomplishments ...
Here you go ... just fill in the blanks. If you need more lines to list his accomplishments, please let me know.
#1: ___
#2: ___
#3: ___
#4: ___
#5: ___

There, now fill those in with ALL the accomplishments of Donald J Trump, "the greatest president ever" and I'll put down some more lines for you.
I'm just wondering WHY you refuse/ignore to explain why you think Trump is the best president ever.??? What has Trump done or accomplished while in office that makes you claim he's the best ever? YOU made the declaration, extrafun ... I'm just wondering on what grounds you accessed the PRESIDENT.
Here you go ... just fill in the blanks. If you need more lines to list his accomplishments, please let me know.
#1: ___
#2: ___
#3: ___
#4: ___
#5: ___

There, now fill those in with ALL the accomplishments of Donald J Trump, "the greatest president ever" and I'll put down some more lines for you.
There are plenty here @MacNfries:

Moreover, did you check out 60 minutes tonight (as of Sunday, March 10, 2019 for those reading this post in the future)? There was the chairman of the federal reserve that also confirmed the growth of the economy during the Trump administration by the way. Peace.
did you check out 60 minutes tonight (as of Sunday, March 10, 2019 for those reading this post in the future)? There was the chairman of the federal reserve that also confirmed the growth of the economy during the Trump administration by the way.
You're surely joking STIFF. Trump had absolutely nothing to with most of the events listed. Furthermore, you can't count rescinding Obama regulations, and the employment as accomplishments without accounting for the 74 consecutive months of job growth under Obama.
So, what about his entire platform of promises ... elimination of the deficit, paying off the Nat'l Debt, the WALL, Healthcare, ects ... why not allow the Trump drone answer the question?
You're surely joking STIFF. Trump had absolutely nothing to with most of the events listed. Furthermore, you can't count rescinding Obama regulations, and the employment as accomplishments without accounting for the 74 consecutive months of job growth under Obama.
So, what about his entire platform of promises ... elimination of the deficit, paying off the Nat'l Debt, the WALL, Healthcare, ects ... why not allow the Trump drone answer the question?
Well take it up with the Washington Examiner then as they did their research. If you feel so strongly about your perspective you could write them and convince them of their multiple errors and have them print a retraction apologizing for their mistakes where you @MacNfries debated them into a corner and ****** them into a position where they can do nothing else? That way when the next election looms you could proudly show that document to any American voters on the fence whether or not to support Trump? With regard to any unfulfilled promises may I dare suggest he will try to address them in his second term? Anyways you appeared to be looking for answers and I tossed my two cents in. Plus those pennies would have to be American as Canada got rid of the penny by the way not too long ago. Peace.
Well take it up with the Washington Examiner then as they did their research.
.... I'm simply saying you're giving the alt-prez credit where no credit is due ... for example, the S&P 500 ect ... hell, next thing we know you'll start giving President Chump credit for the frik'n sun coming up. Doesn't take a lot of effort to sign a ******* load of executive orders, etc to make imprints on a presidency. Try sitting down and negotiating with the congress. Hell, he said he was the "great negotiator" ... well, let him show what a great negotiator he is. So far, 70% of the country hasn't been impressed with his "hard line" sales approaches.
.... You see what he's doing with the frik'n WALL now ... the WALL that Mexico was to pay for, the Chumpster wants the poorest Americans to pay for, now ... right out of the old Republican "trickle down" playbook they have run hundreds of times. Now that wall cost $8.6 billion, and the president is finding that money where? ..... wait for it .... wait for it .... here it comes .... "reducing non-defense accounts by 5%, like safety net programs for the poor, and he justifies this by saying economic growth will be 3.2 %+ over the next few years, while all economists outside his devious, dirty little ring are calling for less than 2% economic growth.
.... The thing is THIS, however, this president is setting precedence by simply going around congress to run the country ... he's taking charge of the purse string of congress. What if EVERY president ran on that premise ... just said "fuck congress"?
Trump knows NOTHING about running a country, in fact, if quizzed, he doesn't even know what the parts of the government are. He's declared bankruptcy 5 different times in the private sector, passing his debts on to someone else to pay ... now, he wants to do the same to the public sector. Stiffbbc, we can NOT allow the president to be wrong in the public sector. If he bankrupts this country, we can kiss social security and medicare "good fucking bye!" Trump needs NEITHER, and wouldn't give a ******* if he did. He's been in thousands of lawsuits ... and THIS is the person you entrust running our government spending & pursestring? Look at the deficit ... its skyrocketing on up even as he claims he will be paying OFF the national debt ... give us a frik'n break. We need to get rid of this nutbag, and really FAST. Surely Republicans can find the balls to start saying NO to this dumbass! If not, voters will say no to THEM in 2020.
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.... I'm simply saying you're giving the alt-prez credit where no credit is due ... for example, the S&P 500 ect ... hell, next thing we know you'll start giving President Chump credit for the frik'n sun coming up. Doesn't take a lot of effort to sign a ******* load of executive orders, etc to make imprints on a presidency. Try sitting down and negotiating with the congress. Hell, he said he was the "great negotiator" ... well, let him show what a great negotiator he is. So far, 70% of the country hasn't been impressed with his "hard line" sales approaches.
.... You see what he's doing with the frik'n WALL now ... the WALL that Mexico was to pay for, the Chumpster wants the poorest Americans to pay for, now ... right out of the old Republican "trickle down" playbook they have run hundreds of times. Now that wall cost $8.6 billion, and the president is finding that money where? ..... wait for it .... wait for it .... here it comes .... "reducing non-defense accounts by 5%, like safety net programs for the poor, and he justifies this by saying economic growth will be 3.2 %+ over the next few years, while all economists outside his devious, dirty little ring are calling for less than 2% economic growth.
.... The thing is THIS, however, this president is setting precedence by simply going around congress to run the country ... he's taking charge of the purse string of congress. What if EVERY president ran on that premise ... just said "fuck congress"?
Trump knows NOTHING about running a country, in fact, if quizzed, he doesn't even know what the parts of the government are. He's declared bankruptcy 5 different times in the private sector, passing his debts on to someone else to pay ... now, he wants to do the same to the public sector. Stiffbbc, we can NOT allow the president to be wrong in the public sector. If he bankrupts this country, we can kiss social security and medicare "good fucking bye!" Trump needs NEITHER, and wouldn't give a ******* if he did. He's been in thousands of lawsuits ... and THIS is the person you entrust running our government spending & pursestring? Look at the deficit ... its skyrocketing on up even as he claims he will be paying OFF the national debt ... give us a frik'n break. We need to get rid of this nutbag, and really FAST. Surely Republicans can find the balls to start saying NO to this dumbass! If not, voters will say no to THEM in 2020.
View attachment 2477393
I assure you that I neither have any influence with the Washington Examiner nor did I do a scintilla of their analysis that produced their conclusion that they published which you greatly disagree with. As they say don't shoot the messenger. In a perverted way you should thank me for bringing such publications to your attention as they are part of the support mechanisms for your president. When he gets re-elected and you wonder why it is such publications that would be the partial cause of it potentially influencing millions of American voters. If you desire to change that outcome you have a lot of work to do and possibly enlist eloquent individuals like @subhub174014 and @bigblackbull76 to approach such publications to convince them of their grievous errors of supporting Trump and have them repent of their mistakes by publicizing their retractions.

I would suspects all business leaders and presidents are guilty of making a variety of projections with how their economy will proceed. And no one really knows if they will be correct or not as unexpected variables may present themselves like forest fires and hurricanes. Such projections are done by a variety of professionals that help such leaders navigate areas of uncertainty where the most ideal decision can be made. Plus there are a variety of statistics that are regularly released like the non-farm payroll, retail sales numbers, consumer price index, and tons of others that determine strength of your economy. Depending on its collective strength or weakness corrective measures are implemented to achieve a desired outcome of growth.

It is curious that seeing how incompetent you feel how Trump is where as you said "if quizzed, he doesn't even know what the parts of the government are", yet Trump is smart enough of "reducing non-defense accounts by 5%" or " taking charge of the purse string of congress". If Trump so so inept I wonder how he could be able to find such departments to extract such assets from? I am glad you give him enough credit to do that @MacNfries.

In a way that sort of ties in with Russia not so much with all of the scandals and conspiracies that you accuse Trump and Mr. P U T I N for, but here is an honest question that I would love to hear an answer that any proud American reading this are encouraged to give their two cents? I suspect we both remember such a time in America's glorious history where America independently launched rockets in orbit, there was the Apollo program where in Apollo 11 the late Neil Armstrong walked on Moon (if you do not believe Stanley Kubrick (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moon_landing_conspiracy_theories)) in the company with Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins the there was NASA co-ordinating everything at ground control (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apollo_11). Why is it now that when America needs to go to the ISS space station Russia has to be involved and America is no longer independently able to do such accomplishments on their own as it was done before? (https://www.mynews13.com/fl/orlando...turn-of-americans-going-to-space-from-florida). I wonder why that is? It certainly is not due to the lack of talent as you have extremely brilliant people in America like the 12 year old that created his own fusion reactor from spare parts costing less than $10,000 (article seen below) among a multitude of other individuals. Or if you ever see the movie "Hidden Figures", it detailed the nearly forgotten true story when NASA employed Black females as physicists (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_Figures).

What happened to all those scientists and engineers? Did they all get hired by China to help them land their Chang'e 4 lunar exploration mission to the dark side of the moon (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chang'e_4)? You have to credit the Chinese for doing things like this whereas in America nowadays it appears to be a sport of going to the highest hilltop and proclaiming how stupid, how inept, or how immoral your leader is as opposed to continuing JFK's legacy with Space travel or pursuing other technologies. But it would appear that the Russians and the Chinese wish to pick up that baton and run with it leaving America in the dust of history. Perhaps in the light of what I wrote Trump's idea of Space ******* does not sound too foolish? However if you do don't worry in the worst possible scenario China and Russia would help you out to launch a satellite or bring an astronaut into space and safely return him/her/them back to Earth in America's future. But in that future one would have to learn Mandarin Chinese or Russian as the instructions are in those languages. Plus Russia and China would remove the excessive burdens of reaping all those technological benefits too in scientific development, weaponry, aerospace, and space travel. Russia and China could live out Gene Roddenberry's vision of "Star Trek" by building actual replicators, photon torpedoes, inertial dampeners, Starships flying faster one can imagine, and transporters. Instead America would still be in the same position as it is right now but impossibly behind Russia and China. In such a dystopic future where your grandkids kick you in the butt crying and asking you why did you prevent Trump as now we have to work for the Russians and the Chinese?

( Face and body had to be obscured as per rules of this site. ) Peace.
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Stiff, you put a lot of time, it appears, in this last posting. I'd like to do it "just" by giving you a thoughtful response, so, I'm not going to rush to simply put a BS response to it.
One thing does concern me a bit, however. You keep referring to "don't ******* the messenger" and other comments, whereas you think I'm going to insult you or curse you or something. I don't recall you and I having established that kind of relationship in our comments to each other. Maybe you desire your comments to be viewed as my having been nasty to you in the past. Or, maybe you confuse me with someone else here that you correspond with, here. Having a "discussion" is quite different from following someone around to pick fragments of a 8-10 sentence paragraph to find fault only.
I'll try to respond to your comment later. Mac
Stiff, you put a lot of time, it appears, in this last posting. I'd like to do it "just" by giving you a thoughtful response, so, I'm not going to rush to simply put a BS response to it.
One thing does concern me a bit, however. You keep referring to "don't ******* the messenger" and other comments, whereas you think I'm going to insult you or curse you or something. I don't recall you and I having established that kind of relationship in our comments to each other. Maybe you desire your comments to be viewed as my having been nasty to you in the past. Or, maybe you confuse me with someone else here that you correspond with, here. Having a "discussion" is quite different from following someone around to pick fragments of a 8-10 sentence paragraph to find fault only.
I'll try to respond to your comment later. Mac
I'm not after war just discussion or debate and I appreciate what you said about the thought I placed in my last post. Being a discussion should you feel my logic is faulty you are most welcome to address that as well preferably in a civilied fashion without ad hominem attacks. We clearly have our preferences and I am not trying to hurt your feelings but this is an arena for debate. Plus it is curious as to why America does not launch any more rockets as they once did through NASA. And all of the sexy technology work is done in China and Russia these days? I truly wonder why that is? Peace.
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...... We clearly have our preferences and I am not trying to hurt your feelings but this is an arena for debate.
Yeah, I have real "sensitive feelings", don't I ? 2481405
Plus, it is curious as to why America does not launch any more rockets as they once did through NASA. And all of the sexy technology work is done in China and Russia these days? I truly wonder why that is? Peace.
Several reasons, actually, but BUDGET mostly. NASA is like a sieve, the more you pour into it, the more it will take, and the rate of return is small and diminishes the more you pour into it. Its sort of like the Pentagon; lots of monitorial waste. Plus, a lot of technical issues need to be resolved before prolong space travel is even possible. One being prolong weightlessness. I imagine they are working on some of these things .... maybe in Area 51, you think? You hint at being a SciFi type of guy ... you should read about the secrecy of "AREA 51" ... really interesting "read".
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Yeah, I have real "sensitive feelings", don't I ? View attachment 2481405

Several reasons, actually, but BUDGET mostly. NASA is like a sieve, the more you pour into it, the more it will take, and the rate of return is small and diminishes the more you pour into it. Its sort of like the Pentagon; lots of monitorial waste. Plus, a lot of technical issues need to be resolved before prolong space travel is even possible. One being prolong weightlessness. I imagine they are working on some of these things .... maybe in Area 51, you think? You hint at being a SciFi type of guy ... you should read about the secrecy of "AREA 51" ... really interesting "read".
Thanks for your brave attempt at addressing my genuine question @MacNfries, even though what you say is true with regard to NASA is correct but those missing scientists and engineers make me wonder what happened to them? Even if the possible bloated colossus which now is NASA cannot even launch a paper airplane nowadays, you would think there would be someone like Von Braun (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun) of yesteryear who could pick up their mantle and run with it once he was properly vetted considering who he used to work for? Certainly there is enough to make aerospace profitable? Why is it left to Sir Richard Branson to form a Virgin Galactic? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_Galactic) Or Elon Musk to form SpaceX? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SpaceX) Or Robert Bigelow to form Bigelow Aerospace? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bigelow_Aerospace)

If there is enough profitability for wealthy individuals such as the aforesaid to make a go of it why not America once again instead of just leaving it to other countries like China and Russia? That's why I mentioned Trump's "Space *******" could be a good idea? Not just from the technological benefits I mentioned in my earlier post, but also from a defensive perspective that you suggest just in case there are extra terrestrials that might not have Earth's best interest at heart (in such a case it would be nice to have Mr. P U T I N involved riding shotgun as he might already is and he is fully informed with what is going on as he was once the head of the KGB) or even killer asteroids (like Shoemaker-Levy 9 that hit Jupiter in 1994 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comet_Shoemaker–Levy_9)) headed our way that need to be deflected or the results would be catastrophic. Or even to merely expand our territory as the planet's population will only grow unless there is more wars, diseases, or whatever that would devastate and radically reduce the planet's population.

And I am fairly up to date with the sort of affairs with what is going on with Area 51. I have heard of several interviews, read several books, seen many documentaries on the topic on this subject over the years and I suspect I may know more than most. Many don't believe it but many others do. I understand that Robert Bigelow is a believer in extra terrestrials as well. You might remember his interview on 60 minutes here:
. Or from a former respected defense minister Canada had, Paul Hellyer, here is what he had to say as well:
. Or anything that Nick Pope says and he was a former bureaucrat with the Ministry of Defense for the UK now living in America. (https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Nick_Pope)

That might be the softest form of disclosure since the Roswell event which is so heavily documented and in the collective memories of so many people and catalogued on the web, that for any interested on the topic I will leave it to them to do their own query on the internet for more information if they wish to learn more. I feel that collectively humanity is not ready though for getting "out of the matrix" and learning about these greater truths. After all for the most part and with all due respect if you go back and review this thread how could America fight against nefarious extra-terrestrial bad guys/gals if there are those that are not united backing your leaders? Ahem. As the good book says, "If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand." (Mark 3:25). Peace.
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Yeah, I have real "sensitive feelings", don't I ? View attachment 2481405

Several reasons, actually, but BUDGET mostly. NASA is like a sieve, the more you pour into it, the more it will take, and the rate of return is small and diminishes the more you pour into it. Its sort of like the Pentagon; lots of monitorial waste. Plus, a lot of technical issues need to be resolved before prolong space travel is even possible. One being prolong weightlessness. I imagine they are working on some of these things .... maybe in Area 51, you think? You hint at being a SciFi type of guy ... you should read about the secrecy of "AREA 51" ... really interesting "read".
I would very much be a sci-fi kind of guy by the way. Perhaps the development of some form of mild gravity plating set to 9.8 meters per second per second or 9.8 meters per second squared ( like the gravity exterted to everyone / everything on Earth (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_of_Earth) ) would be the solution for the problem of prolonged weightlessness. Unfortunately I am more of a Math guy and not quite a MacGyver-type to actually build that kind of plating that could be integrated on the floor of such space vehicles. But I guess the Chinese and Russians will solve that for us unless the solution comes elsewhere. Peace.
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C,mon really, aliens from space?
  • The fastest spacecraft we have ever launched is Voyager 1, which travels at 37994 mph.
  • Voyager did not achieve this speed with engines and fuel; it was accelerated by sling-shot off the gravity of Jupiter and Saturn.
  • Our nearest neighbor is the Alpha Centauri system at 4.37 light years or 25,689,590,000,000 miles.
So the fastest ship we have ever launched would reach our nearest star in 77,186 years.* Keep in mind that Voyager is very small and carries no heavy life support equipment. If visitors, even from our local Orion Spur visited Earth, they had some serious Liquid Schwartz in the fuel tank. They had propulsion systems, fuel and life support beyond our understanding of the physics of the universe. :rolleyes:

(*approximate numbers 25689590000000 miles ÷ 37994 mph ÷ 24 hours ÷ 365 days = 77,186 years)
C,mon really, aliens from space?
  • The fastest spacecraft we have ever launched is Voyager 1, which travels at 37994 mph.
  • Voyager did not achieve this speed with engines and fuel; it was accelerated by sling-shot off the gravity of Jupiter and Saturn.
  • Our nearest neighbor is the Alpha Centauri system at 4.37 light years or 25,689,590,000,000 miles.
So the fastest ship we have ever launched would reach our nearest star in 77,186 years.* Keep in mind that Voyager is very small and carries no heavy life support equipment. If visitors, even from our local Orion Spur visited Earth, they had some serious Liquid Schwartz in the fuel tank. They had propulsion systems, fuel and life support beyond our understanding of the physics of the universe. :rolleyes:

(*approximate numbers 25689590000000 miles ÷ 37994 mph ÷ 24 hours ÷ 365 days = 77,186 years)
Based on what the general population is allowed what to know and understand you are absolutely correct. However, imagine you were never really given all the rules of the game like Neo until he injested the red pill in the Matrix. As a metaphor it is like you only had a limited education where all you knew of Math for example was addition and subtraction. So you rightfully think that is all there is. But there is multiplication, division, fractions, exponents, derivatives of conics like parabolas, circles, hyperbolas, ellipses, as well as algebra, trigonometry, calculus, statistics, linear algebra and much more. All of the forementioned would be alien to you under such a scenario but they do exist even if you were not shown they exist.

Similarly I suggest that there might be something else out there. I have seen documentaries where Von Braun said it such as in the link that I am providing that answers my initial question
, an American Robert Bigelow is spending millions of his own dollars creating an aerospace company and I provided a link from my prior post where he also believes when he was interviewed on 60 Minutes; Nick Pope (not to be confused with the British soccer player) worked with the Ministry of Defence for the UK as a reluctant real-life Fox Mulder mentioned previously or seen here
, or as aforementioned as well the previous defense minister of Canada; and Paul Hellyer, reveal some of his information proving his testimony. Perhaps one of his strongest sources comes from the book "The Day After Roswell" by retired Colonel Philip J. Corso details the heavily documented testimonies of his colleagues in the military now deceased about the Roswell crash as well as what sort of developments happened afterward.

In the final analysis, I understand outstanding claims requires compelling evidence. I tried to illustrate some of my most pointed sources of claims to back up what I said from my immediate memory. However I am not in the position to make you believe or not as you would be the final judge should you dare review the evidence that I provided and investigate further on your own to determine what this Black guy is saying is credible or not. Even if I was the late POTUS Richard Nixon and you were the late comedian of "The Honeymooners" TV Show, Jackie Gleason, the only way I could have you believe is to visit you late at night and drive you to a military base where the bodies were kept ( that was a true story and according to Gleason's late wife he was never the same man after his real life golfing buddy (Richard Nixon) revealed that truth to him:
). Perhaps in your case if I could only prove my claim as Nixon did to Gleason by having the creature bite you in the ass leaving STDs in you as medical evidence where all your doctors say such a thing has never been seen in any of their medical books? Perhaps like Gleason maybe if you saw everything you might not be able to handle it all as there were others and it would ******* you to ******* booze more or smoke more? Or maybe you could live with that understanding like myself? But making you believe is not my job again you can believe me or not and perhaps in the future everything will come out or it will all be proven a lie. And in my humble opinion there is so much evidence from such a broad array of events other than Roswell in different years and locations, from a variety of different people, living in different countries that did not know each other for it to be as a manufactured lie.

Drops the mike on this particular subject on this thread so we can get back to our regularly scheduled eternal debates on politics, and/or possibly topics on porn and/or alternative lifestyles. Peace.

( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/page-217#post-2264618 )
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/page-217#post-2266792 )
( https://www.blacktowhite.net/threads/wake-up-america-wake-up-please.131760/page-217#post-2266840 )
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