Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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You do understand that growth rate represents inflation right....as in, not a good thing
Ah, so as you try making a negative out of a positive, tell me why Trump boostedthat he would have a 4.0 growth rate or higher when he was campaigning? Are you saying that Trump was also boosting of raising the inflation rate as well?

The fact that prices and economic growth may go up together does not prove economic growth leads to price inflation. It only shows there are other factors at play. Logically, it does not make much sense that genuine economic growth can lead to general price inflation. If anything, economic growth is deflationary in nature, but counteracted by inflationary monetary policy. Inflation just means a rise in prices. It doesn’t mean any more than that. If you want to measure economic growth, measure it adjusted for inflation.
• There is a relationship between inflation (perceived) economic growth, but not (real) economic growth. You could argue that the lower than market value interest rates that accompany inflation allow increased borrowing, which increases GDP.

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Ah, so as you try making a negative out of a positive, tell me why Trump boostedthat he would have a 4.0 growth rate or higher when he was campaigning? Are you saying that Trump was also boosting of raising the inflation rate as well?

The fact that prices and economic growth may go up together does not prove economic growth leads to price inflation. It only shows there are other factors at play. Logically, it does not make much sense that genuine economic growth can lead to general price inflation. If anything, economic growth is deflationary in nature, but counteracted by inflationary monetary policy. Inflation just means a rise in prices. It doesn’t mean any more than that. If you want to measure economic growth, measure it adjusted for inflation.
• There is a relationship between inflation →perceived economic growth, but not real economic growth. You could argue that the lower than market value interest rates that accompany inflation allow increased borrowing, which increases GDP.

View attachment 4771960

Ah, so as you try making a negative out of a positive, tell me why Trump boostedthat he would have a 4.0 growth rate or higher when he was campaigning? Are you saying that Trump was also boosting of raising the inflation rate as well?

The fact that prices and economic growth may go up together does not prove economic growth leads to price inflation. It only shows there are other factors at play. Logically, it does not make much sense that genuine economic growth can lead to general price inflation. If anything, economic growth is deflationary in nature, but counteracted by inflationary monetary policy. Inflation just means a rise in prices. It doesn’t mean any more than that. If you want to measure economic growth, measure it adjusted for inflation.
• There is a relationship between inflation →perceived economic growth, but not real economic growth. You could argue that the lower than market value interest rates that accompany inflation allow increased borrowing, which increases GDP.

View attachment 4771960
...your tricks will not work on me.

See, the truth is, inflation is simply an increase in the money supply and money velocity. How does that correlate to GDP you ask? Let me answer

Sometimes, when companies are in an expansion, they raise debt to expand operations or bring products to market. That debt represents an increase in the money supply. When that money is spent in the general markets for goods and services, and spent by the receivers of that money, that increases the rate by which money is exchanged; money velocity.

Sometimes, when governments borrow money or central banks print money, that also increases the money supply but likely reduces the velocity of money.

Sometimes, when governments through policy enactment break the supply chain and the carefully crafted business relationships of millions of entities around the world, the price of goods and services increase on the supply side.

We have all three right now. I didn't defend Trump, money printing is the root cause here. Government shutdowns broke the supply chain.

Fyi, economists generally think 3-4% GDP growth is healthy, but then again, they watched as doom was sown and the outcome we shall reap.
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I fail to comprehend the driveling drool of your Dem doggerel ;}
sooooo much you fail to comprehend....out of that large list why did you pick that one.........after all your major failure to comprehend should be trumps re-elction loss....with all the bragging you did then about how he would win........and with the crying you do now....to you that is probably tit for tat.....but for the rest of us it is just a nuisance
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...your tricks will not work on me.
I'm NOT TRYING ANY MIND TRICKS ON YOU, just stating inflation & velocity of printing money is only partially correct.

Inflation is simply an increase in the money supply and money velocity. How does that correlate to GDP you ask? Let me answer

Sometime, when companies are in an expansion, they raise debt to expand operations or being products to market. That debt represents an increase in the money supply. When that money is spent in the general markets for goods and services, and spent by the receivers of that money, that increases the rate by which money is exchanged; money velocity.

Sometimes, when governments borrow money or central banks print money, that also increases the money supply but likely reduces the velocity of money.

Sometimes, when governments through policy enactment break the supply chain and the carefully crafted business relationships of millions of entities around the world, the price of goods and services increase on the supply side.

We have all three right now. I didn't defend Trump, money printing is the root cause here. Government shutdowns broke the supply chain.


Inflation and deflation are not purely functions of how much money is in the system. They are functions of how fast that money is moving through the system.

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(Don’t let it upset you Trumpers the Dems know she wouldn’t dare do such a thing ….
ssshhhhh ….. maybe!




When the absurd provides proof of their own insanity!


Trump teases a presidential run and dangles pardons for January 6 rioters at Texas rally!

sooooo much you fail to comprehend....out of that large list why did you pick that one.........after all your major failure to comprehend should be trumps re-elction loss....with all the bragging you did then about how he would win........and with the crying you do now....to you that is probably tit for tat.....but for the rest of us it is just a nuisance

I LIKE being a nuisance to ill informed propaganda spewing Dems like yourself and your buddies as well!!!!! 😃
The fact that prices and economic growth may go up together does not prove economic growth leads to price inflation. It only shows there are other factors at play. Logically, it does not make much sense that genuine economic growth can lead to general price inflation. If anything, economic growth is deflationary in nature, but counteracted by inflationary monetary policy. Inflation just means a rise in prices. It doesn’t mean any more than that. If you want to measure economic growth, measure it adjusted for inflation.
There's an excellent point buried in the stuff you plagiarized off the net. Of course it went right over your copy/paste head because you can't think beyond: duh orange man bad...

Economic growth measurement should be adjusted for inflation. So let's just do that. The article you posted claimed 5.7% growth in GDP in 2021....the highest since 1984.

So how about that inflation number....oops.... US CPI last year went up 7%...that's the highest inflation since 1982.

So growth adjusted for inflation...now I know this is tricky math for you Macky, so put your thinking cap on: 5.7% unadjusted growth - 7% inflation = 1.3% reduction in GDP when adjusted for inflation.

There's an excellent point buried in the stuff you plagiarized off the net. Of course it went right over your copy/paste head because you can't think beyond: duh orange man bad...

and Of course in your gay twisted mind.....it went right over your head....you were so eager to say orange man god......inflation is and will decrease....starting to in some areas now.....economic growth is her and will stay....wages are up......companies are hiring with better wages....fast food even getting close to 20 bucks an hour......unheard of a few years ago.....took a Dem to do all that.......with the right to stop inflation they probably would have reduced wages or froze prices


almost forgot.........after spewing your usual mouth ful of *******......go brush your teeth

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The plans of the left for over the last five years against Trump and those who have supported him is so obvious ! They constantly search for or create any small tidbit of information they can find to blow out of proportion. Democrats, RINOs and the media falsify every detail they read, hear, see or they simply manufacture another controversy. They flood America with fake and negative propaganda while twisting everything to fulfill their evil agenda. They are openly liars, who display their corruption right in front of the American people's faces without an ounce of fear or shame because their followers eat up any untruth like starving wolves.
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