Wake Up, America! Wake Up! PLEASE!!

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and Of course in your gay twisted mind.....it went right over your head....you were so eager to say orange man god......inflation is and will decrease....starting to in some areas now.....economic growth is her and will stay....wages are up......companies are hiring with better wages....fast food even getting close to 20 bucks an hour......unheard of a few years ago.....took a Dem to do all that.......with the right to stop inflation they probably would have reduced wages or froze prices

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almost forgot.........after spewing your usual mouth ful of *******......go brush your teeth

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If ya donā€™t agree with a Dem your either fat or gay or both - kinda funny šŸ˜†

Projection perhaps šŸ¤”
I fail to comprehend the driveling drool of your Dem doggerel ;}
lmao, buttdload, "failing" is your common denominator. Dumb as a stone, a flip-floppin back and forth turncoat "Imma a Repthuglican Indpendunce, I whine because Dems often criticize Trump and then I praise Trump, Imma not gud with the Internet, they are tourists, she's a murdered little girl, it was stolen, can't spell Ukraine - let alone understand the situation, I'll add just add a jerk-smirk, Imma fake-Irishman, I won't read all of that information and data, Ed is a weird name, just wait til the Midturds, blah, blah ...".

You are a deflecting selfish flake, clearly having never led a team and certainly haven't done anything material to help anyone. You're online here at 4am spanking your lil toad all while ex-wifey is spooning a real man. Your only hope is to associate yourself with a mob of "fake rebels" and now many are going to jail. Just another ignorant loser. :devilish:


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Brought to you by Debacle Joe Biden:

Out of control CRIME

Out of control SOUTHERN BORDER

Out of control INFLATION

Out of control P.UTIN

Out of control COVID

Out of control SUPPLY CHAIN

Lotta out of control !!!!!

Isnā€™t a president supposed to HAVE control ???!!
If ya donā€™t agree with a Dem your either fat or gay or both - kinda funny šŸ˜†

Projection perhaps šŸ¤”
sorry you feel that way.....i was just trying to imply stupid....although both of those terms do not quite cover it they will do also for most on here......

but i want to point out....in my gratious generosity I have called no one a cocksucker.......close a couple of times

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sorry you feel that way.....i was just trying to imply stupid....although both of those terms do not quite cover it they will do also for most on here......

but i want to point out....in my gratious generosity I have called no one a cocksucker.......close a couple of times

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The master of contradictory statements - saying someone is gay kinda indicates theyā€™re a cocksucker dontcha be knowin now.
The plans of the left for over the last five years against Trump and those who have supported him is so obvious ! They constantly search for or create any small tidbit of information they can find to blow out of proportion. Democrats, RINOs and the media falsify every detail they read, hear, see or they simply manufacture another controversy. They flood America with fake and negative propaganda while twisting everything to fulfill their evil agenda. They are openly liars, who display their corruption right in front of the American people's faces without an ounce of fear or shame because their followers eat up any untruth like starving wolves.
this from the nets leading moron....the left just returning what the party of no gave to Obama for 8 years while he healed the economy and turned a great over to trump so he could destroy it like he did everything else he has done all his life.......to include stealing millions from his own family....Biden trying to repair the mess the trump virus has created



Trump toys with the mob ā€” again​

Whatā€™s the worst that could happen?

Trump toys with the mob ā€” again
Ā© Michael Stravato/For The Washington PostTrump toys with the mob ā€” again
Former president Donald Trump on Saturday night sent his strongest signal to date that he will fight his legal problems outside of a court of law. He encouraged people to engage in massive demonstrations in jurisdictions pursuing criminal investigations against him over Jan. 6 and tax-related issues. Then, minutes later, he said that if heā€™s reinstalled as president, he would consider pardoning some of the Jan. 6 Capitol rioters.

Both Trump comments were, as with many earlier ones about ongoing legal matters, carefully tailored. (Trump seemed to be reading them off a teleprompter rather than speaking extemporaneously.) The combination of the two comments, though, canā€™t help but conjure a repeat ā€” or at least the suggestive prospect of a repeat ā€” of the kind of lawlessness we saw just over a year ago.

ā€œIf these radical, vicious, racist prosecutors do anything wrong or illegal, I hope we are going to have in this country the biggest protests we have ever had in Washington, D.C., in New York, in Atlanta and elsewhere,ā€ Trump said, ā€œbecause our country and our elections are corrupt.ā€

Shortly afterward, he floated pardons for people who had acted on a previous call to action and taken it to its extreme.

ā€œIf I run and I win, we will treat those people from January 6 fairly ā€” we will treat them fairly,ā€ Trump said in a speech in Texas. ā€œAnd if it requires pardons, then we will give them pardons because they are being treated so unfairly.ā€
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