Verified dick size


Real Person
What's the largest natural or altered dick you have seen or fucked? I mean measured not a guess. Length and Girth. I'm looking for 7-9" in girth and I'm not finding it.
Guys put a tape measure around a coke can , I’ve had 3 I’ve actually measured between 7” & 9” thick in my life and they were all a challenge but Very Pleasurable once I stretched out to fully accept them. Your right they are hard to find but definitely do exist.
Were they natural or enlarged? 3 out of how many? They wouldn't happen to be on this site by chance?
Were they natural or enlarged? 3 out of how many? They wouldn't happen to be on this site by chance?
All were natural, my first ever at 15 in high school he was white and still is the largest I ever had and it was a huge shock to loose my V to a guy that big it took a while and lots of screaming and pain to full take him, my first bbc he was right at 8” around, and another white guy we played with for a year that was 7” around
Cock size, interesting subject. Kind of depends on how it's measured. Some measure from the back of the scrotum to the tip, others measure only the penis, you know the part that might actually get in you. I call that the part that counts even though I've never been hung up on size as long as it's not a pencil dick. That's a cock about the diameter of a common led pencil. Not as big as most little fingers. My biggest was almost a ft. long from his tummy to the tip. I measured it by request of several of his Frat brothers who insisted on watching me take him on. I did well but no blue ribbon. He slowly worked it in telling me the whole time to tell him if it hurt too much. Only managed about ten and a half inches that was good they said most girls had not taken that much of his cock. He was a big white guy from Minnesota playing on the football team. Spoke with a accent i learned later was from his Norwegian ancestry. I thought i did well considering the average depth of the vagina is three to about six inches. Taking just over four inches more was a pretty good stretch for a young gal. I could take all of that guy now without pain. My hysterectomy took care of that. Uterus gone more room.
I did have i guess what you might call a altered cock years later. He too was a white guy around fifty. He'd had some type of erection problem that was corrected by surgery. A penile implant i think he called it. He said he convinced his surgeon to put in a large one. He could inflate it like blowing up a bicycle tire. When it started to go down inflate again and it was back. Had some great times with him and my guy doing the DPP thing for hours.