Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Maybe we should go all the way back to the Garden Of Eden, Alanm, and point out events of discrimination ... gesh ... quit toying with me, man. We are in the 21st Century ... for god's sake.
I've proven my points, now find something else to "act confused over" ... BYE

I know what your point is.....your point is that Republicans are trying to steal an election by supressing votes.......right???

And my point is that left is doing the same fucking thing, Its all politics and its all corrupt
Here is where you fail to see tge gravity of the situation. Its not just a bumch of emails on a home computer, it was US government secure emails thats she failed to secure.....


But I'm sure with only your right wing thinking... you forgot all about that!... but then with the republican congress it wasn't even and issue


but you see you are oone of those mindless fucks that just listen and believe what ever the right tells you... and have no idea just what the hell is going on.... you just stick with Glen beck... let him program you how he wants
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But I'm sure with only your right wing thinking... you forgot all about that!... but then with the republican congress it wasn't even and issue

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but you see you are oone of those mindless fucks that just listen and believe what ever the right tells you... and have no idea just what the hell is going on.... you just stick with Glen beck... let him program you how he wants

All i can say is i am glad your not a judge..cause your a freakin idiot....
First of all if what you say above is true then they should have been prosecuted but just because they were not doesnt mean for the next 100 years nobody should be prosecuted for the same thing.

By your standards if somebody commits a crime and doesnt get prosecuted that crime automatically becomes un prosecutable from then on.....
What a stupid fucking way at look at things...

But you are a liberal so i guess that goes without saying.
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But I'm sure with only your right wing thinking... you forgot all about that!... but then with the republican congress it wasn't even and issue

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but you see you are oone of those mindless fucks that just listen and believe what ever the right tells you... and have no idea just what the hell is going on.... you just stick with Glen beck... let him program you how he wants

I will stick with Glenn and you stick with your socialists on the left
And my point is that left is doing the same fucking thing, Its all politics and its all corrupt
....Please show me, Alanm, WHERE the left is doing the "same fucking thing" as you say!
....I don't see the Democrats being corrected by district federal judges or the Supreme Court on voter suppression tactics and racial discriminating gerrymandering. Ever since the Tea Party showed up, the party has become totally dishonest ... no clue of ethics. Win At All Cost ... do nothing for the country ... just WIN, then cut taxes for the wealthy and shrink & privatize government services for the poor. They originally thought that having Donald Trump would be a big asset for them ... let him do the party's dirty work and then declare his actions his own ... but, its back fired on them. They're getting exactly what they deserve.
....It's totally impossible, however, to discuss a subject with you guys because it always ends up in a dick measuring contest ... "well he/she/they did it" ... "well, look what they did" ... blah, blah, blah.
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....Please show me, Alanm, WHERE the left is doing the "same fucking thing" as you say!
....I don't see the Democrats being corrected by district federal judges or the Supreme Court on voter suppression tactics and racial discriminating gerrymandering. Ever since the Tea Party showed up, the party has become totally dishonest ... no clue of ethics. Win At All Cost ... do nothing for the country ... just WIN, then cut taxes for the wealthy and shrink & privatize government services for the poor. They originally thought that having Donald Trump would be a big asset for them ... let him do the party's dirty work and then declare his actions his own ... but, its back fired on them. They're getting exactly what they deserve.
....It's totally impossible, however, to discuss a subject with you guys because it always ends up in a dick measuring contest ... "well he/she/they did it" ... "well, look what they did" ... blah, blah, blah.

I dont mean they are doing the exact same thing with the voter supression but you think the left is the clean party, no sense arguing with you about it. Thats all you guys say is we want tax cuts for the wealthy and shrink government services for the i want FAIR taxes across the board and although i do want a smaller government with less intrusion into the public sector I would much rather see us bring back jobs to this country and give the poor incentive to get off welfare and not be poor...but you guys on the left just want to keep people on welfare so the gov can help them and you can be the party that helps the poor and gets their vote.
You guys wouldn't know a twist from a lie. You do realize that even CNN is shocked at what has come out about this criminal called Hillary in the last few days?
....Really? Just what has come out, exactly, that is new? I watch & read the news 2-3 hours a day.
....All I see is more Hillary e-mail slandering which is going no where just like the Benghazi investigations, did, but Republicans have nothing positive to talk about with their own party; Hillary bashing is all they have.
....And, what I see are more and more Republican congressmen, every day, coming out and saying they're not going to support Donald Trump, like Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona did yesterday, who Trump immediately calls him "weak & ineffective".
....I don't see members of the Democratic party coming out daily to say they aren't voting for Hillary.
....We're ALL still waiting for that great Health Insurance Plan the Republicans said was coming out in late Spring; here it is approaching Fall and still no word on a Republican health plan. Heck, no one even knows what Trump's "immigration policy" is anymore ... it changes daily as his lips move. Do YOU know what it is? Maybe when he and Hillary have their debates we'll find out more details of anything Trump promises ... so far, he hasn't produced ANYTHING ... not even a efficient, detailed health statement of himself or copy of his tax returns ... he's provided NOTHING to anyone. Any ideas?
he's provided NOTHING to anyone. Any ideas?
he has stated he wants to cut taxes..... on big biz... which benefits people like himself.... who do you think is going to pay for that?

and that is the only statement he has put out on any of his propaganda speeches!
everything else is just saying what certain groups want to hear!... to get elected...
the republicans have nothing to promote... so stick with the email on Hillary!
he has stated he wants to cut taxes..... on big biz... which benefits people like himself.... who do you think is going to pay for that?

and that is the only statement he has put out on any of his propaganda speeches!
everything else is just saying what certain groups want to hear!... to get elected...
the republicans have nothing to promote... so stick with the email on Hillary!

We will see come debate time.
We will see come debate time.
....Oh I most certainly think we will, Alanm. Trump's going to go into his insults mode just as he did in the GOP debates, except this time he's dealing with a skilled debater with a lot more experience, fact, and accomplishments ... Trump will bring none of that to the debate. In fact, all he'll bring to the table are Fox News Facts (unproven accusations) and get intimidated to the point that I doubt he'll debate her more than once, claiming the debates are biased and fixed. His real knowledge of government will be about as long as his dick, which several GOPers questioned.
....Hillary will be prepared to answer his charges & insults because the GOP charges will be pretty much limited to Benghazi, e-mails, and donations to the Clinton charity. His detail knowledge of foreign relationships, health care, the Nat'l Debt, taxes, etc will all be from the top of his bleach blonde head. No one knows what'll come out of Trump's mouth, but one thing that won't come out are FACTS & PROOF. Personally, I can't wait, myself.
....Oh I most certainly think we will, Alanm. Trump's going to go into his insults mode just as he did in the GOP debates, except this time he's dealing with a skilled debater with a lot more experience, fact, and accomplishments ... Trump will bring none of that to the debate. In fact, all he'll bring to the table are Fox News Facts (unproven accusations) and get intimidated to the point that I doubt he'll debate her more than once, claiming the debates are biased and fixed. His real knowledge of government will be about as long as his dick, which several GOPers questioned.
....Hillary will be prepared to answer his charges & insults because the GOP charges will be pretty much limited to Benghazi, e-mails, and donations to the Clinton charity. His detail knowledge of foreign relationships, health care, the Nat'l Debt, taxes, etc will all be from the top of his bleach blonde head. No one knows what'll come out of Trump's mouth, but one thing that won't come out are FACTS & PROOF. Personally, I can't wait, myself.

I doubt its even worth watching....they are both pretty much useless
Trump’s history of corruption is mind-boggling. So why is Clinton supposedly the corrupt one?

In the heat of a presidential campaign, you’d think that a story about one party’s nominee giving a large contribution to a state attorney general who promptly shut down an inquiry into that nominee’s scam “university” would be enormous news. The story re-emerged last week when The Post’s David A. Fahrenthold reported that Trump paid a penalty to the IRS after his foundation made an illegal contribution to Bondi’s PAC. While the Trump organization characterizes that as a bureaucratic oversight, the basic facts are that Bondi’s office had received multiple complaints from Floridians who said they were cheated by Trump University; while they were looking into it and considering whether to join a lawsuit over Trump University filed by the attorney general of New York State, Bondi called Trump and asked him for a $25,000 donation; shortly after getting the check, Bondi’s office dropped the inquiry. ...’s-history-of-corruption.html

Mmmm giving donations to a state attny gen... and then investigations shut down on Trump U?... say it isn't so... politicians can't be bought?
....Oh I most certainly think we will, Alanm. Trump's going to go into his insults mode just as he did in the GOP debates, except this time he's dealing with a skilled debater with a lot more experience, fact, and accomplishments ... Trump will bring none of that to the debate. In fact, all he'll bring to the table are Fox News Facts (unproven accusations) and get intimidated to the point that I doubt he'll debate her more than once, claiming the debates are biased and fixed. His real knowledge of government will be about as long as his dick, which several GOPers questioned.
....Hillary will be prepared to answer his charges & insults because the GOP charges will be pretty much limited to Benghazi, e-mails, and donations to the Clinton charity. His detail knowledge of foreign relationships, health care, the Nat'l Debt, taxes, etc will all be from the top of his bleach blonde head. No one knows what'll come out of Trump's mouth, but one thing that won't come out are FACTS & PROOF. Personally, I can't wait, myself.
I can't wait for the debates..and for the other Tump shoe to drop. You know..where Trump is getting his ass handed to him by Hillary, and he goes off and says something INCREDIBLY calling Hillary a bitch, or telling her to STFU. But we ALL already know that the fix was in between tthe 2 of them. This presidential race has been a mummers farce from the jump.
I actually wouldn't be surprised if the plan between HRC and Donald Trump was to destroy the GOP in the first place.
I doubt its even worth watching....they are both pretty much useless
your problem is... glen beck... says not to vote for trump... so you can't do that.... and all your co-workers are supporting Hillary... and you hate the union co-workers so you won't vote for her..... face it... you are just to stupid to have a mind of your own!
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi personally solicited a political contribution from Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates.

The disclosure from Bondi's spokesman to The Associated Press in June provided additional details around the unusual circumstances of Trump's $25,000 donation to Bondi. The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities.

"She's a fine person," Trump said Monday, adding he "never spoke to her about it at all."

"Many of the attorney generals turned that case down 'cause I'll win that case in court," he said.

Trump did not directly answer a question about what he'd hoped to get from the donation, saying Bondi has "done an amazing job as the attorney general of Florida."
what another republican refusing to endorse Czar Donald?.... say it ain't so......

Donald Trump lashes out at a Republican senator who refuses to endorse him

Donald Trump lashed out at Sen. Jeff Flake on Sunday after the Republican from Arizona said he wasn't ready to vote for Trump.

"The Republican Party needs strong and committed leaders, not weak people such as @JeffFlake, if it is going to stop illegal immigration," Trump said on Twitter Sunday night.

He then tweeted an hour later: "The Great State of Arizona, where I just had a massive rally (amazing people), has a very weak and ineffective Senator, Jeff Flake. Sad!"

In an interview with Jake Tapper on CNN's "State of the Union," Flake, a vocal Trump detractor, said he "simply can't" support Trump.

"I would not vote for Hillary Clinton, and as of now, I would still not vote for Donald Trump," Flake said.

"I just know that I would like to vote for Donald Trump. It's not comfortable to not support your nominee," he added. "But given the positions he's taken, and the tone and tenor of his campaign, I simply can't."

Flake also suggested that Trump is in danger of losing Arizona to Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, a belief he's held publicly since June. Arizona has voted Republican in every election except one since 1952. Bill Clinton in 1996 was the only Democrat to carry the state in that span.

"Arizona should still be a red state. But Donald Trump, with the rhetoric that he's under and the characterizations of, you know, many of the state's population, have put the state in play," Flake said.

Arizona is more than 30 percent Hispanic, according to the latest Census data.

Independent presidential candidate, Evan McMullin, came to Sen. Flake's defense with a jab at Trump, saying the GOP nominee is "[demonstrating] his fragility" by attacking people who oppose him.

Clinton joined the fray, adding, "There's going to be no one left in Washington for Trump to work with who he hasn't insulted."

The real-estate mogul has been criticized from both sides of the aisle after doubling down on his hard-line immigration platform, which includes building a wall along the US-Mexico border.
Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi personally solicited a political contribution from Trump around the same time her office deliberated joining an investigation of alleged fraud at Trump University and its affiliates.

The disclosure from Bondi's spokesman to The Associated Press in June provided additional details around the unusual circumstances of Trump's $25,000 donation to Bondi. The money came from a Trump family foundation in apparent violation of rules surrounding political activities by charities.

"She's a fine person," Trump said Monday, adding he "never spoke to her about it at all."

"Many of the attorney generals turned that case down 'cause I'll win that case in court," he said.

Trump did not directly answer a question about what he'd hoped to get from the donation, saying Bondi has "done an amazing job as the attorney general of Florida."
And we know how stellar the track record is with Florida officials going back to Dubya screwing Gore in 2000. I'm surprised no one has brought back that issue. But we ARE talking about George W. Bush here...or Grand Emporer Cheney specifically, if we're being honest here.