Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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your problem is... glen beck... says not to vote for trump... so you can't do that.... and all your co-workers are supporting Hillary... and you hate the union co-workers so you won't vote for her..... face it... you are just to stupid to have a mind of your own!

Has nothing to do with Beck at all..i was not a Trump supporter long before he didnt like him. Hillary has nothing to do with my union co workers ....i expect them to vote for her after they are bombarded with the propaganda from the union news later they get all the time.

I have a mind of my own, at least i am smart enough to see these two dipshits are no good for the country its you that needs to look in the mirror and take a look at what a dumbass looks like and who is going to put Hillary in the white house.
certainly hope so... but you know why?... I vote!... you just complain!

I just dont give a fuck....when a candidate that comes along who makes sense and with whom i agree with on at least most of the issues i will vote.

Once Hillary gets elected the only thing we will have to talk about on here is how nothing changed and you guys will be crying about how the repulicans wont kiss her ass. Same as always...
Once Hillary gets elected the only thing we will have to talk about on here is how nothing changed and you guys will be crying about how the repulicans wont kiss her ass. Same as always...
now you, can't even thin of something on your own,,,, have to use someone else' words.... you are searching for someone to come in and save you from yourself... wanting someone to come finish your argument for you... lack the smarts?
now you, can't even thin of something on your own,,,, have to use someone else' words.... you are searching for someone to come in and save you from yourself... wanting someone to come finish your argument for you... lack the smarts?

Dude, what.the fuck are you talkimg about. I know its hard for you to put a coherent sentence together. Stop pounding it so much its effecting your thinking
we ALL already know that the fix was in between tthe 2 of them. This presidential race has been a mummers farce from the jump.
I actually wouldn't be surprised if the plan between HRC and Donald Trump was to destroy the GOP in the first place.
You know, Sweet, I was thinking that very thing. And the funny thing is, the GOP had so much hate for the Clintons and Obama, that they refused to see that as plain as the nose on their faces. They thought they had a "bad boy", who had raised so much doubt about Obama's birth certificate, he would destroy the Clintons; the joke was on them.
Reminds me of an old BeeGee's song ...
"I started a joke, which started the whole world crying,
Oh if I'd only seen that the joke was on meeeeeeeee!"
The GOP is only reaping the forces of KARMA and quite deservingly, too, I might add. I know its killing my *******, however, as he's always been a Republican, and he says he's not voting at all this year. First time since Kennedy.
You know, Sweet, I was thinking that very thing. And the funny thing is, the GOP had so much hate for the Clintons and Obama, that they refused to see that as plain as the nose on their faces. They thought they had a "bad boy", who had raised so much doubt about Obama's birth certificate, he would destroy the Clintons; the joke was on them.
kind of wondered the same thing... sure is trashing the gop...... but.... trump has hired some really "tacky" people who hate the Clintons... got to wonder just what is up
....Really? Just what has come out, exactly, that is new? I watch & read the news 2-3 hours a day.
....All I see is more Hillary e-mail slandering which is going no where just like the Benghazi investigations, did, but Republicans have nothing positive to talk about with their own party; Hillary bashing is all they have.
....And, what I see are more and more Republican congressmen, every day, coming out and saying they're not going to support Donald Trump, like Senator Jeff Flake of Arizona did yesterday, who Trump immediately calls him "weak & ineffective".
....I don't see members of the Democratic party coming out daily to say they aren't voting for Hillary.
....We're ALL still waiting for that great Health Insurance Plan the Republicans said was coming out in late Spring; here it is approaching Fall and still no word on a Republican health plan. Heck, no one even knows what Trump's "immigration policy" is anymore ... it changes daily as his lips move. Do YOU know what it is? Maybe when he and Hillary have their debates we'll find out more details of anything Trump promises ... so far, he hasn't produced ANYTHING ... not even a efficient, detailed health statement of himself or copy of his tax returns ... he's provided NOTHING to anyone. Any ideas?
You didn't see that Hillary was questioned again and claims she can't recall ever being trained on classified material? Or that she didn't know the C meant classified? Stop making excuses for this criminal.
claims she can't recall ever being trained on classified material? Or that she didn't know the C meant classified?
....... and that is PROOF of what? If she's lying, prove it? Same with Benghazi, and the Clinton Foundation. Let's face it, the Republicans are only pursuing Hillary because they haven't any accomplishments to point to the past 6 years ... NONE, and Trump doesn't (and never will) have any specifics to any of his platform goals ... NONE. Hell, he won't even produce a Income Tax Return because he knows it'll prove him a liar.
....Look, I don't care that much for Hillary either; my dog didn't even get in the hunt (Joe Biden), BUT ... I'll vote for Hillary because Trump's a crazy lunatic. Just wait ... you're going to see that come out in the debates. Try tuning in Wednesday night to get a "hint" of what's going to happen to Trump in the debates.
She has proven she is lying. The director of the FBI told you she lied. She has only accomplished getting rich in politics which you need to be a criminal to accomplish and she has avoided prison.
And Trump is the GOP Final Deletion protocol? I think you're becoming another one of the lemmings being led to the slaughter.