Trump 2016 Or Hillary?

Simple question Hillary or Trump?

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Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen . The question is put incorrectly. Family Rockefeller or Rothschild will be in the Capitol? The rest is all a circus.

She has only accomplished getting rich in politics
....I beg to differ, funcouple. Actually she & Bill have made lots of money in speaking engagements and writing books. You might say their money in speaking engagements was politically laced, and possibly the ones hiring them and paying their enormous speaking fees might have felt they would get political favors from them, but that's YET to be proven, and YOU don't know that. You only know what the parrots of the conservative party tell you because that's their image bashing strategy. "Keep repeating something long enough and loud enough, it becomes accepted as the truth". Many voters have started seeing through this, as its ALL they've done and accomplished the past 8 years. Look what they did to each other during the GOP debates ... turned on each other like mad dogs. They don't talk about the ISSUES and how they'll resolve them because they don't have solutions to problems ... UNLESS it is cutting taxes for the wealthy and eliminating & privatizing government service programs .... its all they have. THEIR constituents are the rich ...they tell them what they want and the Republicans do it whether it makes sense or not.